Mingming is in the second grade, he is smart and cute, and he is a sweet boy that everyone loves, but sometimes there are beatings at school, and the parents of the children who are beaten always come to complain, which gives Mingming's mother a headache. Mingming came to ask me

Mingming is in the second grade. He is smart and cute, and he is a sweet boy that everyone loves. However, sometimes there are beatings at school, and the parents of the children who are beaten always come to complain, which gives Mingming's mother a headache.

Mingming came to ask me for advice. I asked in detail about the specific circumstances of the child's beating. My mother said that she recently hit a little girl because the little girl had conflicts with Mingming before and she was dissatisfied with the little girl. caused conflict.

I asked about the child's living situation at home. It turns out that my father is a very traditional man and likes his children to be stable. Whenever the child happily expresses his happiness at home, his father always says: "Don't show your teeth and claws. Be honest."

As soon as I heard this, I understood the reason why children sometimes hit others.

is obviously a very obedient boy. He listens to his parents at home and teachers at school. He always follows the standards of a good boy in the eyes of adults. He restrains his emotions in front of adults and does not show or express them. All the joy, anger, sorrow and joy are buried in my heart.

But children are children after all, and their emotions need to be vented. Keeping them depressed will affect their health. Fortunately, he is obviously a very smart child. Although the method is not right, it is beneficial to the child's physical and mental health. He uses beatings to release various emotions in his heart, express his dissatisfaction with others, and express his inner joy and indignation.

After all, children still don't know how to express their emotions in a reasonable way.

Only then did Mingming realize that there is a reason behind every behavior of a child, and parents need to be aware of it and guide it.

I told Mingming’s mother that from now on, your task is to teach your children to express their happiness and dissatisfaction. Hitting is the wrong way to express themselves. Guide your children to express them in an appropriate way.

The best way to express it is:

1. Name the emotion and tell the other person how you feel.

For example, if you just did this, I feel very much in my heart, I am very angry, I am very unhappy, I am very disappointed, etc., or I am very happy, let the other party know my current mood, you can even express it this way to your parents, both parties Continue to communicate and eventually resolve the conflict.

2, when you are in a bad mood, you can exercise, sing, box, and yell loudly.

3, you can also tell your parents and friends and let everyone give you advice.

In short, everyone is unhappy sometimes, but don't use extreme means, don't keep it in your heart, and vent it out in appropriate ways.