Recommended by the top ten regular confinement nanny training companies in the country, Beijing Fuguibao professional confinement nanny training institution would like to share with you: Mothers cannot be in a hurry to change milk powder for their babies! Let’s talk about the pro

Recommended by the top ten formal confinement nanny training companies in the country, Beijing Fuguibao professional confinement nanny training institution shares with you:

Mothers can’t be in a hurry when changing milk powder for their babies! Let’s talk about the problems of changing milk

During the process of eating milk powder, has your baby experienced any abnormal conditions such as excessive heat, constipation, indigestion, etc.? The survey found that many novice mothers will nervously think that "the wrong milk powder has been selected" when the baby experiences some discomfort when feeding formula milk powder to their babies, and changing the milk powder can solve the problem. But are babies’ occasional discomforts caused by milk powder? Can blindly changing breast milk really solve the problem? Experts remind: Mothers should not be in a hurry when changing milk for their babies!

Mothers’ experience of breastfeeding

Because the baby got angry Constipation, she changed milk Because she was busy with work after her maternity leave and could not guarantee the amount of breastfeeding every day, Xiaojun’s mother, under the advice of the doctor, started from 4 Start adding formula milk to your baby from 1 month old. The little one ate happily at first, but after a few days of drinking, the mother found that the baby's stools were a bit dry, and not as regular as when she drank pure breast milk. Sometimes she only had a bowel movement every two or three days, and every time she had a bowel movement, it was very dry. Painful and sometimes crying. Xiaojun's mother was very anxious. Sister Tao told her that this was a typical symptom of getting angry and that she should quickly change her baby's milk powder. Xiaojun's mother didn't dare to be careless. After drinking the can, she immediately bought another brand of milk powder. Because the baby had indigestion, she had to switch to milk. Nannan weighed 8 pounds and 3 taels when she was born. This strong baby made the whole family love her very much. Nan Nan's mother's breast milk was also very good, and she didn't start adding formula milk until she was 8 months old. At first, the little guy had a good appetite every day. Although sometimes there are milk flaps in the stool, the mother thinks it is bearable. There may be a conversion period from to , so she doesn't pay too much attention. But after a period of time, the grandmother who was responsible for taking care of Nannan every day said that the baby would sometimes feel bloated after drinking milk, and his food intake had dropped significantly recently. Many mothers in the community said that the milk powder may be difficult to digest and they should consider switching to milk powder. But Nan Nan's mother had checked a lot of information before and knew that she couldn't change her baby's milk easily. She persisted for a few weeks. Finally, she couldn't stand the repeated bombardment from her family, so she decided to try changing her baby's milk. Because the baby had severe eczema, she changed milk Xiaomi began to develop eczema soon after birth, and the symptoms became more and more serious. The doctor diagnosed a cow's milk protein allergy and suggested that Mi's mother first switch her baby to a deeply hydrolyzed formula to treat the allergy, and then switch to a moderately hydrolyzed formula after the eczema improves. Xiaomi’s mother did as the doctor ordered. After switching to a moderately hydrolyzed formula, her mother found that Xiaomi's eczema did not reappear, but Xiaomi didn't seem to like the taste of the new milk powder, and her stools turned green, sometimes only once every two days. Mimi is very confused whether she should switch back to her previous milk powder, but she is afraid that the eczema will come back again!

Recommended by the top ten regular confinement nanny training companies in the country. Beijing Fuguibao professional confinement nanny training institution shares with you:

Is the baby's discomfort really caused by the milk powder?

The biggest headache for many new mothers is often not how to help their babies get rid of uncomfortable symptoms, but how to judge whether some of the baby's "abnormal conditions" are normal. In fact, many medical staff regard the baby's defecation situation as a "barometer" of health, and recommend that mothers judge the health status of the baby by the color, frequency, shape, taste, etc. of the baby's defecation. If the poop is black, white, or red, or there are bubbles or transparent mucus in the poop, mothers need to be more vigilant. Although mothers may be nervous when they discover an abnormality in their baby, if they do not understand the problem and rush to the doctor, not only will it not be helpful to the baby's health, but they may also be "unhelpful" and delay the opportunity to respond.
This kind of problem is especially prominent when mothers change milk for their babies. Sometimes I hear mothers around me tell about the "tortuous" experience of hastily changing milk for babies because their babies are angry, constipated, indigestion or allergies. I really want to He said that the mother changed the milk randomly, and the milk powder was very innocent!

Breast milk exchange is risky, mothers need to be cautious

Why do many pediatric experts not recommend changing milk for babies easily? Because babies are in the initial stage of development and their various body functions, including the digestive system, are not yet fully developed, they are particularly sensitive to changes in food and have difficulty adapting to it, especially important foods such as milk powder that they are exposed to every day. Blindly changing milk is very harmful. When babies have some abnormal conditions after eating milk powder, and mothers panic, they often regard changing milk as the only option to solve the problem. It seems that these problems are definitely caused by milk powder. As long as the mother changes the milk powder, A formula-fed baby's symptoms can be relieved immediately. But more often than not, blindly changing milk for the baby not only fails to solve the original problem, but may also bring more health risks. What are the symptoms of "milk-changing discomfort" in babies? Experts said that diarrhea is the most common and most serious symptom for babies after changing milk. Not only does it affect the baby's normal growth and development, it may also cause malnutrition, multivitamin deficiency, extra-digestive tract infection and other complications . Another negative consequence that may be caused by the discomfort of changing milk is allergies, which generally occur when mothers replace the originally hypoallergenic moderately hydrolyzed protein formula with ordinary formula milk powder that has no allergy prevention effect. Allergies mainly manifest as itchy skin, rashes, etc. Mothers should pay special attention to the fact that once the baby's allergic constitution is triggered. In other words, once a baby develops allergic symptoms, he may be troubled by more allergic diseases as he grows up. In addition, babies who do not like to breastfeed, vomit, constipate, cry, etc. are also possible consequences of mothers blindly changing breast milk.

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Scientific tips for changing milk

Although we recommend that mothers not change milk for their babies at will, in some extreme cases What should mothers pay attention to when they have to change milk for their babies? 1. All mothers should consult a doctor before changing breast milk. Professional medical staff will judge whether the baby needs to change milk based on the baby's physical condition. At the same time, during the process of changing milk, they will give scientific guidance on the time, method, precautions, etc. of changing milk. 2. It is most taboo to change milk too frequently. New mothers should have this basic awareness: babies are not suitable for frequent milk changes. Because when exposed to new foods, the baby's digestive system needs some time to adapt. Frequent milk changes will not only put an excessive burden on the baby's gastrointestinal tract, but can also easily lead to a decrease in the baby's appetite and make it difficult for the baby to adapt. 3. There are methods for scientific milk replacement. When changing milk for babies, the most common method currently is "mixing old and new milk", that is, first adding new milk powder appropriately to the original milk powder. It is best to start with a small amount and increase slowly. If the baby has no adverse reactions, then speed up appropriately. Until the complete switch to the new milk powder. 4. Avoid changing milk at the source. Instead of changing milk for the baby when the baby is unwell, mothers should choose the most suitable milk powder based on the baby's physical characteristics from the beginning. For example, for some babies born by cesarean section , if mothers can understand early that babies born by cesarean section are more likely to have allergies than babies born vaginally, they should choose exclusive breastfeeding first. If breast milk is insufficient, you can choose a hypoallergenic, moderately hydrolyzed protein formula on the advice of your doctor.