☻Hello everyone, I am Tomato Mom, a senior nanny! Breastfeeding is good for children, but I don’t know if parents have discovered that it takes more energy and time to breastfeed a child than to feed a child drinking milk powder. To put it simply, a mother will be more tired when

Hello everyone, I am Tomato Mom, a senior nanny!

Breastfeeding is good for children, but I don’t know if parents have discovered that breastfeeding requires more energy and time than feeding children with milk powder. To put it simply, mothers will be more tired when breastfeeding their children. I know this feeling very well.


My cousin and I had children almost at the same time. My son was 12 days older than her daughter. My children were breastfed , while her daughter drank milk powder since she was a child. Born as a "mother without milk".

Originally I thought I had an advantage and sympathized with her a little bit, but I didn’t expect that since breastfeeding my child, I felt like a duck with its wings clipped. In addition to taking care of the child, eating was a problem. But she enjoys her leisure time every day. After feeding her children, she has plenty of time to rest and have fun.

My son is a baby with high needs. Sometimes I have a hard time coaxing him to sleep. I want to prepare lunch quickly. As soon as I put water in the pot, I hear him starting to cry in the room. I am afraid. He fell out of bed and ran over to see him.

My son was crying with his eyes closed. He seemed quite sleepy. When he lay contentedly in my arms and sucked milk, he soon began to breathe evenly again, and I fell asleep again.

If the child is like this during the day, he is relatively lucky, but what about at night? When the child was seven or eight months old, I didn't know whether it was because he didn't have enough breast milk or he didn't eat enough complementary food during the day. The child would wake up seven or eight times at night, and would fall asleep again after eating a few mouthfuls each time. , I woke up again after a while. I had big dark circles under my eyes almost every day.

My cousin started going out when the child was eight months old. The first thing she said when she saw me was: "Oh my god, why are you so haggard? Hurry up and wean your child!" Her daughter feeds milk powder once before going to bed, and once in the middle, and then sleeps until When the day comes, occasionally sleeps through the night, is like an angel baby.


Why is it more difficult to raise a breastfed child? He falls asleep as soon as he is fed and wakes up as soon as he is put away . Is he being naughty on purpose? I tell mothers, no, we don’t want to wrongly accuse the baby, and he doesn’t want to do this.

ⒶThe reason why the baby falls asleep as soon as he is fed is because he is very tired.

The same is true for us adults. If we are tired, we want to lie down and squint for a while. In 10 minutes, we may be able to regain our strength.

Breastfeeding for a child is very energy-consuming. It obviously takes more energy for the child to eat breast milk than drink milk powder. When the child is tired from feeding and takes a short rest, we mistakenly think that he is asleep. The mother wakes up just after putting the child down. In fact, the child is not asleep at all. It is not that the child is naughty, but we have misunderstood the child.

ⒷI feel more at ease in my mother’s arms, so I can fall asleep quickly.

Children have this habit of sleeping peacefully in their mother's arms and waking up as soon as their mother leaves. A child has a natural sense of dependence on his mother. When his mother is next to him, he feels warm and safe, so he sleeps soundly. When his mother leaves, he wakes up at the slightest movement.

So in the future, mothers should stop blaming their babies. It is not because they are naughty, but because the baby is really comfortable and safe in the mother's arms.


However, if the baby always sleeps after drinking breast milk and wakes up after a while, the mother is really suffering, and neither the mother nor the child can rest well.We cannot let our children develop the bad habit of breastfeeding while sleeping . Not to mention the hard work of the mother, it is also detrimental to the healthy growth of the child.

If the baby is over six months old, complementary foods should be added appropriately.

After the baby is six months old, complementary foods should be added appropriately, such as millet pumpkin porridge, egg custard , baby-specific thin noodles, rice cereal, etc. Children like to eat them very much.

Children's swallowing and digestion abilities are limited. Therefore, the complementary foods prepared by mothers for their babies should be mainly soft , easy to digest and absorb foods, from fine to coarse, from less to more, from one to more This way, the baby can gradually adapt to complementary feeding.

Children can eat some complementary foods. If they are well-nourished, they will no longer pester their mothers to breastfeed.

Before the baby goes to bed at night, the mother should make sure that the baby is full and develop good eating habits.

Many children who are fed milk powder are very obedient and go to bed when they are full. However, many children who are good at breastfeeding fail to form good eating habits. As soon as the child cries, they think the child is hungry and start feeding the child. The child stops eating after a few mouthfuls and becomes hungry again after a while.

Children who drink milk powder are obedient because they eat milk very regularly and will not breastfeed at any time just because the child is crying. Therefore, it is best for breastfed children to develop good habits, such as regular feeding, quantitative feeding, and adequate feeding (of course, babies within 3 months must still be fed on demand), so that the baby can develop a healthy It is a habit to eat a full meal before going to bed. Don't fall asleep after eating a little. Eat a full meal while you are awake, and then let your child sleep.

The baby drinks milk during the day. As the child grows older, we should gradually lengthen the time interval between feeding him and try to stop feeding him at night after he is 8 months old.

When the baby wakes up at night, the mother should observe first and don't rush to let the baby feed.

Sleeping with breast milk is a very bad habit. If a child is used to sleeping with breast milk, it will have a negative impact on health, such as tooth development, intestinal indigestion, etc.

Therefore, try to coax your baby to sleep as much as possible, and gradually train your baby to fall asleep on his own.

When the baby wakes up in the middle of the night, we also need to estimate whether the baby is hungry or just woke up. Don't develop the habit of feeding the baby as soon as he wakes up. We observe the baby, pat and coax him. If If he is not hungry, let him fall asleep again.

It is indeed very hard for the mother to have a baby breastfeed. For the sake of our own health and the baby's growth and development, we must also cultivate good living habits in our children.

✿Slogan: Learning may not necessarily allow parents to cultivate excellent children, but without learning, parents will not be able to cultivate excellent children. I hope every mother can become a learning mother!

We cannot let our children develop the bad habit of breastfeeding while sleeping . Not to mention the hard work of the mother, it is also detrimental to the healthy growth of the child.

If the baby is over six months old, complementary foods should be added appropriately.

After the baby is six months old, complementary foods should be added appropriately, such as millet pumpkin porridge, egg custard , baby-specific thin noodles, rice cereal, etc. Children like to eat them very much.

Children's swallowing and digestion abilities are limited. Therefore, the complementary foods prepared by mothers for their babies should be mainly soft , easy to digest and absorb foods, from fine to coarse, from less to more, from one to more This way, the baby can gradually adapt to complementary feeding.

Children can eat some complementary foods. If they are well-nourished, they will no longer pester their mothers to breastfeed.

Before the baby goes to bed at night, the mother should make sure that the baby is full and develop good eating habits.

Many children who are fed milk powder are very obedient and go to bed when they are full. However, many children who are good at breastfeeding fail to form good eating habits. As soon as the child cries, they think the child is hungry and start feeding the child. The child stops eating after a few mouthfuls and becomes hungry again after a while.

Children who drink milk powder are obedient because they eat milk very regularly and will not breastfeed at any time just because the child is crying. Therefore, it is best for breastfed children to develop good habits, such as regular feeding, quantitative feeding, and adequate feeding (of course, babies within 3 months must still be fed on demand), so that the baby can develop a healthy It is a habit to eat a full meal before going to bed. Don't fall asleep after eating a little. Eat a full meal while you are awake, and then let your child sleep.

The baby drinks milk during the day. As the child grows older, we should gradually lengthen the time interval between feeding him and try to stop feeding him at night after he is 8 months old.

When the baby wakes up at night, the mother should observe first and don't rush to let the baby feed.

Sleeping with breast milk is a very bad habit. If a child is used to sleeping with breast milk, it will have a negative impact on health, such as tooth development, intestinal indigestion, etc.

Therefore, try to coax your baby to sleep as much as possible, and gradually train your baby to fall asleep on his own.

When the baby wakes up in the middle of the night, we also need to estimate whether the baby is hungry or just woke up. Don't develop the habit of feeding the baby as soon as he wakes up. We observe the baby, pat and coax him. If If he is not hungry, let him fall asleep again.

It is indeed very hard for the mother to have a baby breastfeed. For the sake of our own health and the baby's growth and development, we must also cultivate good living habits in our children.

✿Slogan: Learning may not necessarily allow parents to cultivate excellent children, but without learning, parents will not be able to cultivate excellent children. I hope every mother can become a learning mother!