I recently read several books about adolescent psychology, and through many cases I discovered a social problem - children who are dissatisfied, resentful, and resentful towards their parents are not because the children feel that their parents' economic conditions are not good.

I have recently read several books about adolescent psychology, and through many cases I have discovered a social problem - children who are dissatisfied, resentful, and resentful towards their parents are not because the children feel that their parents' financial conditions are not good, but because their parents have not allowed them to let them go. Children receive correct and adequate love, but parents are not truthful enough to their children, and parents are not responsible enough! (I also had resentment towards my parents for a while. I felt that they were not as rich as other parents, and they didn’t dare to blatantly express their thoughts even though they had nice clothes and delicious food. Only when I grew up did I realize that what I wanted was not what I wanted. Money is neither delicious food nor beautiful clothes. What I want is the love of my parents. They used their parents’ experience to educate me at that time. They were reserved and did not like to express themselves, and even created an illusion that they would try their best to satisfy me. In fact, Their abilities are limited and some things really can’t satisfy their children, but I don’t understand. So it’s not that my parents didn’t have money, but that they had neither money nor many spiritual things to give to their children at that time. Of course, I don’t mean to say so much. Let us complain about our parents. I want to tell everyone that we must be high-cognition parents!)

On the surface, children and parents are arguing that you didn’t buy me this and didn’t let me learn that. You blame your parents for not providing them with more material and good educational conditions, but as long as you dig into the environment in which they grew up, you will find that it is the irresponsibility of the parents that makes the child unable to let go throughout his life!

Some parents have an affair during marriage, some parents are addicted to alcohol and tobacco, some parents are extremely lazy, some parents run away from trouble and do not take responsibility, and some parents break the rules! Some parents use quarrels and fights to deal with problems in life. Children have seen these family phenomena since they were young! It's just that he is still a child and has little strength. He doesn't dare to quarrel or argue. He can only watch his parents doing wrong things one after another! When such children grow up, they will either grow far away from themselves and become stronger, or they will fall into the abyss with them!

The children were brought into this world by you. You brought them forcibly without any notice or discussion! No matter how hard it is, no matter how difficult it is, you all have to take responsibility! You can't find any excuse to escape! If you feel aggrieved, miserable, and difficult, and you want your children to always understand your difficulties and take care of your emotions, then please do not bring your children into this world. This is the most basic quality of an adult!

In fact, the cost of raising children is not as big as we think, and it is not a question of rich or poor, but a question of responsibility and love! Although the cost of raising children is not high, the costs required are very hard-core: it requires parents’ awareness and companionship, it requires parents’ extreme patience, it requires parents’ ability to learn for life, it requires parents’ physical and mental health, and it requires the power of parents’ role models!

Highly aware parents will give their children positive energy! (Four basic bottom lines for high-cognition parents: 1. Don’t complain to your children, 2. Don’t speak ill of your spouse, 3. Don’t impose your unfulfilled wishes on your children, 4. Don’t ask your children to be grateful)

If you feel that your child is “incompetent”, don’t Blame your children and others, check yourself first, you don’t have to make excuses! You are the culprit!