When I go out to give lectures to mothers, I often ask a question: Did your child get sick before 6 months? If any mother raises her hand, I say you should spank your own butt. Your child was sick before 6 months. Basically, I don’t get sick very much.

text | Yingma

When I go out to give lectures to mothers, I often ask a question, did your child get sick before 6 months ago? If any mother raises her hand, I say you should spank yourself. Children are generally less sick before 6 months old.

Then let me ask if your child will get sick after 36 months ? Wow, many mothers raised their hands. I said that it is normal for children to get sick at 6 months old. It is normal for children to catch a cold every two months on average. But colds and illnesses for children should not be a big problem. can take care of them at home. If can get better, if you need to go to the hospital, it means that the child's immunity is still not enough.

Why are children prone to getting sick before 6 months? These reasons exist in reality

Reason 1: Innate immunity is exhausted

Children born at full term will absorb immune factors from the mother’s body in the later stages of pregnancy, immune globulin to protect Your own fragile body, and these immune components can be used for about 5 to 6 months, so by 6 months of age, the immune factors that the child brought from his mother to protect him have been exhausted.

At this time, without the protection of the mother's immune factors, the child is naturally more vulnerable to pathogens.

Reason 2: Autoimmunity has not been established

Although the child has been in this world for 6 months, his own immunity has not yet been fully established, so the immune system is in the inactive stage and is naturally more susceptible to infection. The dangers of germs.

Reason three: Children are exposed to more things

Children begin to learn to sit at 6 months, and some children can crawl at 7 months. Then children are exposed to more things, and children are more curious and want to touch everything they see. Everyone wants to see it, and there are a lot of germs on many objects. After the child touches it, he may put his fingers in his mouth to suck, which will cause the child to ingest a lot of pathogens , causing the child to get sick.

Some children can recover from illness in a few days, while some children have to go to the hospital. This is the difference between immunity and low immunity .

How to improve your child's immunity, mothers should do these 5 things

The first thing: insist on breastfeeding

The World Health Organization recommends that mothers can breastfeed until their children are two years old or even two and a half years old.

Breast milk can still provide the child with most of the nutrients he needs after 6 months, such as protein and various vitamins. In particular, breast milk also contains active immune factors, which can help the child build an immune defense line and resist bacteria and viruses.

The second thing: get vaccinated on time

The main function of various vaccines is to prevent various infectious diseases! For example, giving children the BCG vaccine can prevent various types of tuberculosis, giving children the influenza vaccine can prevent influenza, and giving children the hand, foot and mouth disease vaccine can prevent severe hand, foot and mouth disease.

The infectious diseases corresponding to these vaccines are generally more dangerous, so vaccines are developed. It is recommended that parents vaccinate their children on time. Whether it is free or paid, try to vaccinate their children.

The third thing: Pay attention to hygiene

Children grow up slowly and come into contact with more things, so they should pay attention to hygiene and disinfection of various items in the home. In addition to wiping, you can also use some methods. After diluting with disinfectant For disinfection, you can also turn on ultraviolet light to disinfect indoors when no one is around.

If the indoor environment is well maintained, children will naturally get sick less often.

The fourth thing: take your children to exercise more

Children's exercise can speed up blood circulation , which can make him absorb nutrients better and make him better physically. Therefore, children should be taught to crawl when they are 7 months old, and when they are 8 months old, Create conditions for children to crawl every month, and take them to crawl outdoors more often. Climbing can help children improve their immunity.

The fifth thing: pay attention to iron supplementation for children

Before 6 months of age, children need 0.3 mg of iron per day, and after 7 months of age, they need 10 mg of iron per day. Therefore, one of the main reasons for children to add complementary foods is that children need supplements. iron.

When we choose complementary foods for our children, we must pay attention to the fact that the higher the iron content, the better . Therefore, when choosing rice noodles for children, we should try our best to choose with higher iron content. In addition to giving children rice noodles, It is recommended that parents buy some meat puree, fish puree and liver puree for their children, so that the effect of iron supplementation on the children will be more obvious and better. If the child's iron is sufficient, can stimulate the production of lymphocytes . Enhance your child's immunity.

If you want your children to have better immunity, you must not miss any of the above five things.