According to statistics, the incidence rate of precocious puberty in children aged 6-18 in my country is about 0.43%, of which the incidence rate is 0.48% for girls and 0.38% for boys. This means that at least 530,000 children in our country have precocious puberty. Such a huge n

Many parents think that children's precocious puberty is far away from them. In fact, similar reports are common.

According to statistics, the incidence rate of precocious puberty in children aged 6-18 in my country is about 0.43%, of which the incidence rate is 0.48% for girls and 0.38% for boys. This means that at least 530,000 children in our country have precocious puberty, which is such a huge number. The data reminds us that the issue of precocious puberty cannot be ignored.

Two days ago, when I was walking in the community, I heard my neighbor say: My 9-year-old daughter is experiencing precocious puberty. This shocked me very much!

My daughter, who is nine years old this year, is much shorter than her peers. She is very anxious, so she spent 2,000 yuan to buy some health care products for her child in an exaggerated advertisement. After taking them, she did grow taller, but soon. I discovered that my daughter was showing signs that she shouldn't have at her age, such as breasts starting to develop and menstruation. After being sent to the hospital for examination, I discovered that the child was showing signs of precocious puberty, and because it was discovered too late, the best treatment had been missed. Time directly results in the child's height being difficult to exceed 150 centimeters when he or she becomes an adult.

Precocious puberty was still an unfamiliar word more than 20 years ago, but it has become common in recent years, and there are many reports showing that there are many patients with precocious puberty in our country.


What is precocious puberty?

Generally speaking, the phenomenon of adolescent sexual development in boys before the age of 9 and in girls before the age of 8 is called precocious puberty.

The current incidence of precocious puberty is gradually increasing. There are many causes of precocious puberty, which are divided into true precocious puberty and pseudo-precocious puberty according to the cause.

The so-called true precocious puberty, also known as central precocious puberty, refers to precocious puberty caused by increased secretion of gonadotropin for various reasons, such as idiopathic, central nervous system lesions, encephalitis, brain tumors, Brain trauma, , etc. can all cause it.

Due to the premature activity of the hypothalamus, the child's sexual function matures prematurely, which is called idiopathic precocious puberty. This type accounts for about 2/3 of all cases of precocious puberty.

Pseudoprecocious puberty refers to precocious puberty caused by increased levels of endogenous or exogenous sex hormones caused by various reasons. Pseudoprecocious puberty is also called peripheral precocious puberty, that is, the early appearance of the secondary sexual characteristics and in children is not a true puberty initiation controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, but is related to various endogenous or exogenous factors. It is related to abnormally elevated levels of sex hormones, often caused by gonadal tumors, adrenal gland disease , and the ingestion of exogenous sex hormones.


What harm will precocious puberty bring to children?

1. Causes psychological disorders in children. Although the reproductive organs of children with precocious puberty have begun to develop, and some children may develop secondary sexual characteristics, their psychological development is still in childhood. The imbalance between psychological development and physical development can lead to low self-esteem, reticence, and even depression. and other psychological problems.

Second, it causes inconvenience in life, especially for girls, menstruation will seriously affect their study and life.

Third, the height is affected, epiphysis is closed prematurely, physical growth ends prematurely and other factors, resulting in precocious puberty children whose adult height is lower than that of children with normal development.

Fourth: Some precocious puberty has certain causes, especially some malignant tumors, such as pineal tumor , germ cell tumor . When such diseases occur, if they cannot be treated in time, they will affect health and reduce life.


The tragedy of Chinese parents: 530,000 children suffer from precocious puberty, and the "ripening" of their children may not be soy milk and chicken

Many parents have heard that children eating certain foods can cause precocious puberty, but is this really the case?

[Fried Chicken]

Chicken contains vitamins, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids , as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and other trace elements. Eating chicken in moderation can provide the body with a variety of nutrients and help strengthen children. immunity.

From a dietary perspective, children who often eat chicken can also improve the fatigue problem caused by physical weakness . At the same time, eating more chicken can also promote children's intellectual development.

However, you should pay attention to the cooking method and food intake, especially fried chicken. Not only will it make children obese, but obesity will also affect endocrine function and have a negative impact on health.

[Soy milk]

It is rumored that soy products contain an estrogen-like substance soy isoflavones , which can cause premature puberty in children.

In fact, from a dietary perspective, estrogen soy isoflavones are not estrogen, and soy milk is phytoestrogens. The human body's absorption of phytoestrogens is limited, and under normal circumstances it will not cause precocious puberty.

Warm reminder: Parents must try not to take supplements to their children. If the children are malnourished or have developmental delays, the cause needs to be clarified and treated symptomatically under the guidance of a doctor.


Parents and friends should not ignore the five major causes of precocious puberty

[Blind supplementation]

Parents and friends who give their children too many health care products that increase appetite, improve intelligence and brain health will cause increased hormone secretion in the body, which can easily lead to precocious puberty.

[Environmental pollution]

In recent years, with the development of the economy, industrial pollution in our country has become more serious, and food contains a large amount of pesticides and hormones. These residues will affect physiological functions through the skin or after being eaten directly, so this is also a cause A major cause of precocious puberty in children.

[Improvement of nutrition]

Nowadays, family living conditions are getting better and better. Many parents and friends will blindly improve their children, which has caused overnutrition and accelerated the growth and development of children. As a result, there are more and more mature patients.

[Foods containing hormones]

Many fruits and meats, especially off-season vegetables and fruits, contain hormones. Excessive consumption will lead to precocious puberty in children.

Conclusion: When you find signs of precocious puberty in your child, you must not take it lightly. You must take your child to a regular hospital as soon as possible for timely intervention and treatment.