My children were on summer vacation. I emptied the refrigerator and cooked these dishes. I went downstairs to take a look and then turned around and left. Didn’t you want to eat them? Children are the key protection targets of every family. They carry the unlimited expectations o

My kids were on summer vacation. I emptied the refrigerator and cooked these dishes. I went downstairs to take a look and then left. Didn’t you want to eat?

Children are the key objects of protection in every family. They carry the unlimited expectations of their parents. Everything at home is centered on the children. For example, what the children like to eat and do will depend on them. His every move affects the whole family. human heart. No, it's summer vacation now, and I want to cook something delicious for my children to replenish their bodies and supplement their nutrition.

I happened to buy a fish yesterday and put it in the refrigerator. I also have some pork fan bones that can be made into soup. Plus the vegetables from the garden and some fruits, it should be enough to eat. I am too lazy to buy vegetables today. Unexpectedly, I emptied the refrigerator, cooked a meal, and asked my child to go downstairs to eat. He went downstairs, took one look, and turned away, saying he didn’t want to eat. I thought it was pretty good. Why didn’t he want to eat? Please help me. , why do children not like to eat? Children nowadays are really difficult to take care of. If you have any children’s favorite food, leave me a message and I can help me solve the problem. Let’s take a look at the dishes I cook.

The first dish: [Braised Wild Rice in Oil]

The wild rice this season is called wheat wild rice. It is fresher and more tender than the autumn wild rice, and the price is a bit more expensive. It has a crisp and tender texture, a fresh and sweet taste, and is rich in nutrients. It is my favorite of a dish. Wild rice is grown by oneself. No pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used. Once planted, it grows naturally. It is a truly healthy vegetable.

Making braised wild rice is very simple. You need to pay attention to blanch the water, because the wild rice contains oxalic acid, which will affect the absorption of nutrients. After blanching, cut into hob cubes and set aside. Heat the oil in a pan, add the wild rice and stir-fry evenly. Add salt, light soy sauce, and dark soy sauce and stir-fry evenly. Finally, add chopped green onion and chicken essence to add freshness and aroma, and serve.

The second dish: [Meat and Bones Carrot Soup]

I bought a large fan bone the day before yesterday. It weighed more than 3 pounds. I saw it was too much and couldn’t finish it in one day, so I divided it into two and put half in the refrigerator. I froze it in, took it out today, defrosted it and made soup. When I buy meat in summer, I usually buy fan bones, because the tops of the fan bones are all lean meat and there is no fat. There is no greasy feeling after making the soup, and it tastes particularly delicious.

To make this kind of soup, as long as you have enough time, I usually wash the fan bones, add salt and marinate for a while. After the flavor is absorbed, add green onions, ginger slices and cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam, then add radish and cook. After it boils, transfer it to the stewing pot and simmer it until it becomes soft and tender, then take it out of the pot. It should be noted that the radish should be cut larger. If you cut it smaller, add it later.

The third dish: [Steamed Eggplant]

Eggplant is also grown at home. It is very fresh and tender. Eating eggplant has many benefits for the body. For example, the weather is hot now, and children are prone to prickly heat. Eating eggplant can clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain. alleviates symptoms. Eggplant absorbs oil, so I usually eat it steamed, which makes it lighter.

Wash the eggplant, remove the head and tail, cut into strips, and steam them in a pot. Prepare the minced garlic, chopped green onion, light soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar, put them into a small bowl, then pour hot oil over them, stir evenly, and the sauce will be ready. Eat it with dipping, it is so fragrant.

The fourth dish: [Braised white fish]

In the small river next to my house, fishermen often come to fish. When I see white fish, I will buy it. Although white fish has many bones, its meat quality is special. It's tender and has a particularly delicious texture. It tastes so good in a braised dish. I thought, my kids will eat the belly of the fish, and we can eat the back of the fish.

The operation steps of braised fish are a little more complicated. First clean the fish, add white wine and salt to marinate it to taste, then preheat the wok, add cooking oil, sprinkle with salt, then put in the dried fish and fry until When both sides are golden brown, add onion, ginger, cooking wine, light soy sauce and water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer until the water dries up, then take it out of the pot.

The fifth dish: [raw cut mango]

This is a fruit that children like, but it is overripe and cannot be cut into pieces. No wonder the child has no appetite. This may be the reason why the child does not want to eat it.

The above are the dishes that my children eat after the holidays. Friends, please help me find out why my children don’t want to eat them? What kind of food does your child like to eat? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share it with Aixi. My cooking skills are limited, so please give me your advice.

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#summer growth plan# #family food award#