Regarding the issue of babies peeing, two factions have emerged. One is the old faction, which advocates doing it as early as possible; the other is the young faction, who advocates doing it later, or even after kindergarten.

Regarding the issue of babies peeing, two factions have emerged. One is the old faction, which advocates doing it as early as possible; the other is the young faction, who advocates doing it later, or even after kindergarten. So when is the right time to pee? I have read a lot of information about this, but everyone has different opinions, but I think there will always be a best solution. Let’s talk about my opinions below.

To figure out when is the right time to pee, we must first figure out why we pee and what are the harms of peeing.

After integrating the information and my own understanding, I think the purpose of peeing should be to let the baby get out of diapers as soon as possible to avoid the adverse consequences of wearing diapers, such as allergies and loss of urinary control ability. , red buttocks, especially for boys, due to long-term high temperature of the testicles, which will also affect the reproductive function. It should be noted that peeing cannot cultivate the baby's urinating habit, let alone develop regular urination. Because the baby's urination pattern is controlled by force, and the baby's urethral sphincter and anal sphincter are only fully developed at the age of 3. This is a physiological basis and cannot be changed artificially. So what's the harm in peeing? The main reason for peeing is to worry about the baby's spinal curvature and anal prolapse.

After figuring out the underlying logic, we can solve this problem.

The baby's spine can usually stand upright when it can sit independently, so it is possible to urinate at this time. In fact, this mainly tests the observation and judgment ability of the person caring for the doll. Because the baby urinates in a regular pattern or with signals, such as when he wakes up, or suddenly stops moving, accompanied by straining or humming, etc. As long as we grasp these signals, we can basically urinate in time. But we must pay attention not to urinate all the time. If you don't urinate, stop immediately to avoid prolapse of the anus if you urinate for a long time, or lay the root of hemorrhoids . Also, it is best to do this process of finding a pattern in the summer. It is not cold after peeing and is easy to clean up. The weather is hot and it is not suitable to wear diapers. In addition, as the baby grows older, when she needs to defecate, she must be trained to adapt to the bathroom and toilet bowl.

In order to grasp the time when the baby urinates early and more accurately, we can tell him every time the baby urinates: "Baby, what you just did was peeing (or pooping), you are awesome, you can I peed and raked myself. It would be great if you could tell me before doing it again next time! "Baby can understand 80% of what adults say at eight or nine months old. We often strengthen it like this, and gradually she will will tell you so that we can take timely measures to complete the work.

In addition, it should be noted that the baby has an anal desire period between 1 and 3 years old. The baby will feel pleasure from defecation. If we criticize him or accuse her at this time, she will be shy and dare not speak out or cause psychological shadow. So we need to encourage, understand and praise more.

Well, that’s the end of today’s content. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.