After working so hard for in vitro fertilization and going through both physical and psychological hardships, I finally got the prize. I was overjoyed and carefully protected the little life in my belly. However, when I was fully anticipating the arrival of the baby, the pregnanc

worked hard to do test tube , and experienced double physical and psychological hardships. Finally, the lottery was announced. I was ecstatic and carefully protected the little life in my belly.

When I went for B ultrasound , I saw fetal bud fetal heartbeat on the checklist, and felt that all the pain was worth it. However, when I was fully anticipating the arrival of the baby, the pregnancy stopped. This devastating blow is really heartbreaking!

What is fetal arrest?

Embryonic arrest refers to the death of the embryo. usually occurs more frequently before 12 weeks. B-ultrasound examination shows: The fetal bud or fetal shape in the gestational sac is incomplete, there is no fetal heartbeat, or the gestational sac is withered, etc.

has fetal heart rate and . Why does the fetus stop?

1, HCG value is not high enough: is pregnant, the fetal heartbeat and fetal buds appear, but the villi are not strong, and when the fetus continues to grow, it is still easy to cause fetal arrest.

2. The uterine artery blood flow supply is very poor: If the fetal heart rate appears, HCG can reach about 100,000, but if the uterine artery blood flow supply is very poor, it is easy for fetal arrest.

3. Poor quality of embryos : There is a problem with the chromosomes of both spouses or one of the spouses, and there will be problems in forming new embryos. In this way, the embryos will not develop well and the embryos will die.

4. Environmental factors: is exposed to harmful substances, radiation, some chemicals or high temperatures, etc.

5. Abnormal immune function: If the mother contains antinuclear antibody and anticardiolipin antibody , it will also lead to fetal arrest in early pregnancy.

6. Endocrine abnormalities: Luteal insufficiency (LPD), elevated prolactin (PRL), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disease , etc. are important endocrine factors that cause embryonic termination.

How long does it take to see the fetal heart rate in IVF ?

For normal intrauterine pregnancy, the intrauterine fetal bud and fetal heart tube pulsation can be seen in general B-ultrasound examination at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy.

If there is still no fetal bud and fetal heart rate after seven weeks of pregnancy, the pregnant mother should consider the possibility that the embryo has stopped developing and should go to the hospital to check the condition of the fetus in time.

In vitro fertilization transplantation, the fetal heartbeat will be seen 4-5 weeks after the transplantation. Because of the development of the embryo, the fetal sac is formed on the 30th to 40th day of pregnancy, the fetal bud is formed on the 40th to 50th day of pregnancy, and the fetal heart is formed on the 50th to 60th day of pregnancy.

html If you do a B-ultrasound examination at about 140 days, you can see that the fetal bud is 0.5-1 cm in size and shaped like a small seahorse.

What are the symptoms of fetal termination?

①Lower abdominal pain and heavy bleeding.

② Early pregnancy reaction is weakened: no more nausea and vomiting.

③Some people have no symptoms and are found through B-ultrasound examination.

What tests should be done after fetal termination?

If it is the first fetal termination, it is often a small probability event, so there is no need to undergo examination, and there is no need to be nervous. If the pregnancy is repeated (≥2 times), both couples need further examination.

Male examination items:

① Chromosome examination;

② Sperm DNA fragmentation examination.

female examination items:

① six sex hormone tests;

② four eugenics and postnatal care tests;

③ immune antibody test;

④ antigen system test.

(Note: The specific examination varies from person to person, and the examination prescribed by the hospital shall prevail.)

How soon can a second transplant be performed after fetal termination?

After the expectant mother adjusts and cooperates with the treatment of the reproductive doctor, she can usually prepare for the next transplant in 3-6 months.

The specific time needs to be determined based on the physical condition of the expectant mother, especially the intrauterine environment, endometrium thickness, etc., so as to maximize the success rate of the expectant mother's next transplant operation.

( Note: The purpose of articles is to provide general health information, cannot replace any personal medical diagnosis and treatment. )