oops! Why are you still doing your homework? I don’t want to mention it, but the teacher said that the exam will take two days, so I need to do more homework. But you said you were going to move crabs in the first two days. Just wait and finish it in one go. Remember to take tool

Oops! Why are you still doing your homework?

I don’t want to mention it. The teacher said that the exam will take two days, so I need to do more homework. But you said you were going to move crabs in the first two days. Just wait and finish it in one go.

Remember to take tools. Murakami’s friend said that there are many ditches.

Let's go, walk through a path, through the woods, and finally arrive at the place where crabs grow. I just found a crab that is so big, and a voice shouted! I was late, and when I woke up, it turned out that I was dreaming. Why did I dream about moving crabs when I was a child?

hurriedly ran to the factory. Following this dream, I remembered the friends who used to move crabs and catch fish together. We also had complaints from parents and teachers saying that they had damaged other people's crops. It was so fun to think about that time.

Now, apart from being busy at work every day, I am just thinking about being so relaxed and busy, and working hard for daily necessities such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. I don’t know when is the best time to start.

Sometimes when I go out for a walk, I will recall my childhood. There were no toys and no delicious food, but full of happiness.

Authentic earth crabs

The feeling of childhood

Do you have it?

Pictures 1 and 2 are from the Internet, invading and deleting