As soon as I get home from school and let my children read, they will doze off while holding the book. Or I just flip through a few pages, say I’m done, and hurriedly ask for my phone to read. Lingling said that her child's behavior when he came home every day made her anxious. C

As soon as I get home from school and let my children read, they will doze off while holding the books. Or I just flip through a few pages, say I’m done, and hurriedly ask for my phone to read.

Lingling said that the behavior of her child when she comes home every day makes her anxious. Can this child be saved? I am addicted to my mobile phone every day and am unwilling to study. If you study well, you can also play on your mobile phone. The problem is that you are addicted to your mobile phone, playing games and watching videos, but you just don’t care about studying.

Nowadays, technology is developed and electronic products are popular. Looking at it, babies ranging from 99 to one or two years old like to watch on their mobile phones. The reason is that the content on the mobile phone is too attractive, so I am addicted to the mobile phone.

Adults play with mobile phones in a moderate way and know what they should and should not do at what time. I also check my mobile phone in my spare time, or only when I need it in my life at work.

For students and children, it is obviously harmful to children to think about looking at their mobile phones, watching videos, and playing games all day long, forgetting what their main task is.

Therefore, many people say that mobile phones have ruined children. Is there something wrong with the phone?

As a product of the times, mobile phones have provided too many conveniences to our lives. Now people can use their mobile phones to scan QR codes to pay, have mobile video chats, mobile cloud travel, learn new knowledge on their mobile phones, etc.

Mobile phones have too many uses, so children will be addicted to mobile phones and cannot extricate themselves. So what are they looking for in their mobile phones?

A friend’s child is over three years old. We were having a dinner party, and the child was very noisy. My friend calmly took out his mobile phone, opened the video and showed it to the child. The child immediately calmed down, and then watched the video on the mobile phone seriously.

A mother said that the first thing her children do when they come back every day is to take their mother’s mobile phone. What they do is watch funny videos on the phone or watch a live broadcast. The grandmother of

’s child’s classmate said that her children cannot eat if they don’t look at their mobile phones. Every time when eating, the video on the mobile phone is turned on and played, and the child can only eat while watching the video.

Are these children so dependent on their mobile phones?

I think it is largely caused by the habits of our parents. When children are noisy, watching videos on mobile phones is a magic weapon to calm them down. Over time, the children think that the mobile phone is quite good, so if they want to look at the phone in the future, they will have to fiddle with it first. If the parents can't resist, they will show the phone. The child's goal is achieved.

So why are primary school students addicted to mobile phones? Do you like to play mobile games and watch videos?

1. Sense of value and achievement

Today’s children and primary school students are all talking about glory of the king and eating chicken. Not only are the topics of conversation about mobile games, but they are also skillful in playing games on their mobile phones.

Why? Because in the virtual world, children can easily gain a sense of value and accomplishment by cooperating with peers and completing game tasks. This allows children to feel powerful in the game and recognized by their peers in the game.

Then children will naturally like to play mobile games and have a group of like-minded online partners.

2. Novelty mentality

There are all kinds of new things on the mobile phone, attracting children. Not to mention children, we adults also turn on our phones from time to time every day. We can’t help but read gossip news, various videos and novels on our phones.

Children are more curious about the things inside mobile phones. The virtual world has too many attractions for us.

3. Children are too bored in life

Children have not found their own points of interest in real life and feel that there is nothing to do, so they learn to pick up their mobile phones, watch short videos, play games, and be busy in the virtual world It's overwhelming.

4. Escape from reality

Children’s learning pressure is too great, coupled with parents’ criticism and nagging, as well as teachers’ teachings and everyone’s reasoning, so in order for children to escape reality, mobile phones have become the best escape space.

5. Homework on mobile phones

Many homeworks assigned by teachers now need to be completed on mobile phones, such as reading check-ins and reciting, which need to be completed on mobile phones.

The child will inevitably use the mobile phone, but after completing the homework required by the teacher, the child does not put down the mobile phone immediately, but continues to play with the mobile phone. If parents do not monitor in real time, children will become addicted to mobile phones and have a great time playing.

Then it is obviously impossible for us not to let our children use mobile phones, so what should we do? How to let children use mobile phones appropriately without becoming addicted?

1. Communicate more with children

The reason why children love to play with mobile phones is that they are bored, have no points of interest in life, and don’t know what to do. As parents, we should spend more time with our children, communicate with them.

helps children find things they like to do and are less dependent on electronic products, especially mobile phones.

2. Parent-child reading

It is largely not the child’s fault that they don’t like reading. Our survey data shows that if parents love reading, their children will love reading. If children love to watch mobile phones, then parents must also love to watch mobile phones.

This is what we often call precepts and deeds. Parents require their children to love reading, so from now on, you should pick up books first and set an example for your children. Instead of parents holding their mobile phones to read, they tell their children to read a book. So will children read books willingly?

3. Learn time management and use mobile phones effectively

Children can play with their mobile phones while studying. If the more we prevent children from playing with mobile phones and the children's curiosity cannot be satisfied, then the children will find ways to play with mobile phones.

Everyone knows that many schools rent mobile phones for students to watch. Parents do not allow them to watch at home, but children still watch outside. Instead of letting your children look at their phones secretly, it is better to openly let them look at their phones at home to satisfy their curiosity and make them less dependent on their phones.

Moreover, sometimes the homework assigned by the teacher needs to be completed on the mobile phone. Let your children play with mobile phones. After studying, you can let your children play with mobile phones, but at this time we, as parents, need to guide our children in time management.

What should be done at any time? You can just look at your phone and do everything you need to do. When looking at mobile phones, limit the time at a time, and let the children put down the mobile phones when the time is up. This will develop good habits, have a spirit of contract, and slowly exercise children's self-discipline.

Mobile phones are not more powerful than tigers, and mobile phones will not destroy children. In this era, people cannot live without mobile phones. Scan QR codes when you go out and pay for things with your mobile phone. If your child learns new knowledge, it will be available on his mobile phone, making it easier to learn.

Therefore, as parents, it is okay for children to watch mobile phones, but they must be restrained, and we must guide children on what content they should watch, so that children can study hard and make progress every day.