Causes of diarrhea in children? What are the commonly used medicines at home? How to quickly restore health with diet therapy?

Many people know that when diarrhea occurs, the loss of water and nutrients will be faster, and it is easy to cause weight loss in children.

Long-term occurrence of diarrhea, will directly affect the growth and development of the child.

Reduces the child’s immunity and makes it easy to get sick .

Besides going to the hospital for children with diarrhea, how should the diet be regulated?

Can I drink milk for diarrhea?

Do I need to fast for diarrhea?

What is the cause of frequent diarrhea?

Is diet therapy really effective?

What are the commonly used family medicines for diarrhea? How to choose?

1. What is diarrhea?

Diarrhea is what we often call diarrhea.

refers to the changes in the frequency of defecation and the texture of feces in children, the characteristics of feces become thinner, and the frequency of defecation changes from less to more.

2. What are the common causes of diarrhea?

Why are some children prone to diarrhea?

1. Get cold

Some children use the wind in autumn and winter or air conditioning in summer.

When changes seasons , sometimes the temperature difference between morning and evening is relatively large.

Parents should add clothes to the baby in time. When sleeping at night, cover the baby's with a quilt, especially the belly .

2. Diarrhea caused by eating injuries due to unregulated diet

A. In the debate on "Huangdi Neijing·Suwen", it said: " eats your own food, the spleen and stomach hurt" , which means If you eat too much food and cannot digest it, the spleen and stomach will be injured.

Then we have an old saying: "If you want children to be three-point hungry and cold".

means that in the hope that parents usually pay attention to regulating their children's diet, should not make children gluttonous or overeating.

B. Unclean diet and unclean eating can cause

3. Children's weak spleen and stomach can also easily cause diarrhea.

III. Clinical manifestations of diarrhea

1. acute diarrhea

is caused by rapid onset of food poisoning or more rapid course of the disease.

Acute diarrhea often has abdominal pain, especially infectious diarrhea is more obvious; the diarrhea pain of small bowel disease is often around the umbilicus, and the relief of abdominal pain after the stool is not obvious;

The pain of colon disease is mostly in the lower abdomen.Pain after going to the toilet can often be relieved.

2, Chronic diarrhea

Weakness of the spleen and stomach, slow onset, long course of disease, more common indigestion, malabsorption, neurological disorders, etc.

Diarrhea caused by indigestion, sometimes bloating, hiccups, unpleasant smell, fart, stool is more smelly, stool occasionally contains undigested food.

4. How to diet for diarrhea?

One common point that all diarrhea needs to pay attention to

During diarrhea, water electrolytes, minerals, vitamin B family , vitamin C will be taken away in large quantities, leading to lack of nutrition in the body, and other diseases in severe cases.

So children with diarrhea, the most closely related to it is diet, and the diet of children with diarrhea should be adjusted appropriately to help relieve the condition.

How should we diet in our daily life?

1. You can choose easy-to-digest foods and do not force children to eat.

1. Some low-fat soft foods: rice soup, noodle soup, rice, millet porridge, lotus root noodles, noodles, noodles, etc.

2. A small amount of easily digestible protein such as: tofu, chicken breast, skinless chicken thigh, fish, eggs, etc.

3. Soft and rotten vegetable leaves, peeled fruit

2. Pay attention to the following 10 points when eating:

1. Avoid foods that are not easy to digest

12spanstrong, for example, strong3 spanstrong All kinds of fatty meat , pork belly, fried food

Don’t eat too much even lean meat.

2. Do not choose this food for children, such as various sausages, ham sausage, luncheon meat , bacon, bacon, etc.

3. Don't choose high-fat foods for the time being

Don't eat all kinds of sweets, cakes, drinks, sugared foods, thick sugar water, sugary sweets, etc., which are easy to cause bloating.

Special cream, in addition to high sugar, it is also high in fat.

5. Do not eat cold food

6. Do not high-fiber foods :

For example: various coarse grains, high-fiber vegetables, these beans with skins, wowtou, oat bread

High-fiber vegetables: celery, leeks, bamboo shoots, magnolia slices, enoki mushroom, fungus, daylily, etc.;

various fruits with skins,For example, Apple.

7. Eat less soy beans with skins, red beans , mung beans, etc.

8. These gas-producing foods, such as milk or soy milk, depend on the child's specific situation to drink less or not to drink.

9. Temporarily , eat less nuts , such as peanuts, melon seeds, walnuts, , pistachio, etc.

10, add a small amount of water in time

strong3span Drink plain water , it is easy to vomit when drinking it all at once.

3. Food preparation

Choose some easy-to-digest methods, such as steaming, boiling, and stewing the . Don't use this method of frying and roasting .

is made relatively thin, soft and hot.

Four) Establish good eating habits for children

regular Regularly quantify, do not overeating and drinking, and do not force eating, guide when eating, and children chew and swallow slowly .

V). Dietary recommendation

1. Steamed apple puree

applespan ;

Fresh apple fruits are rich in dietary fiber Eat with the skin to prevent constipation.

2, fried rice porridge

Material: 50 grams of japonica rice.


Japonica rice is put into an iron pan and fry until it has a fragrance. Add an appropriate amount of water and cook the soup.

Efficacy: invigorate the spleen and stomach, help digestion.

is suitable for people with diarrhea with food stagnation and poor appetite.

3, yam

a, yam mud

can add some oil consumption, it does not contain fat (p

yam, yam and egg diarrhea) p1p

Material: 500 grams of yam, 2 eggs.

Method: mash the yam and add appropriate amount of water. When boiling on low heat for about 2 minutes, add 2 egg yolks and boil again.

Efficacy: invigorating the spleen, dispelling cold and dampness.

is suitable for patients with diarrhea due to spleen deficiency. Warm clothes on an empty stomach in divided doses within one day.

c, yam red date porridge

millet 100g, yam 80g, red dates 3-5. Same as porridge. 2 times a day.

4. lotus seed lily porridge

lotus seed to invigorate the spleen and stop diarrhea

5. lentil millet porridge

(span 13span

)80g millet, 100g japonica rice. Cook the porridge until the beans are rotten and the rice is ready. Take it sooner or later.

6. Millet chestnut paste

5 chestnuts, 50g millet, cooked chestnuts to invigorate the spleen and relieve diarrhea, and millet to invigorate the spleen and stomach.

5. Questions and Answers

Why not drink milk during diarrhea?

Do not drink milk during diarrhea, because milk contains lactose, and when diarrhea, the intestines cannot secrete enough . The intestinal enzyme will break down lactose, which will stimulate the breakdown of lactose. , Thereby aggravating the symptoms of diarrhea and even causing flatulence.

2. Do I need to fast when I have diarrhea?

Some people dare not eat anything in order to reduce the frequency of diarrhea. This is undesirable.

Regardless of the cause of diarrhea, although the digestive function of physical strength is reduced, it is recognized to digest and absorb some nutrients. Therefore, people with diarrhea do not need to fast. They can use salted rice soup or feed fresh vegetable juice to replenish minerals. Substances drink vitamins.

3 , diarrhea-related drugs

_spanspan _span13 lactic acid bacillus, span13span _span13 _spanspan _span13 Bifidobacterium, _spanspan13 _span _span 13

The live bacteria preparation , which is beneficial to the human body, can help the intestinal flora to restore the normal ecological balance.

Note: This kind of medicine is a live bacteria preparation. Do not take in hot water.

Oral rehydration salts , drugs used to treat acute diarrhea dehydration, can be bought in hospitals and pharmacopoeias.

gastrointestinal pills : fundamentally solve children's indigestion , anorexia, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting and other problems and complications

Huoxiang Zhengqi Water: Summer Heat and cold diarrhea.

Xingpi Yanger Granules : spleen deficiency diarrhea caused by children.

Ding Guier's umbilical paste: mainly for children with diarrhea caused by cold and food injury .

ginger paste navel: cold diarrhea, abdominal pain, ginger as a seasoning at home.

Ding Ding wants to take everyone to "eat" to be healthy

Let the children grow up sturdily, and the middle-aged and elderly stay away from chronic diseases!

⭐️ My goal is to bring more fate to be a doctor for myself and my family " cures disease ",Keep people out of the hospital!

If you have any questions, I look forward to your message. #生命交渡人#

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