Hold back, these three things "help", but will "harm" the child

2020/12/2319:50:21 baby 2215

"Keep your distance" from others, safe!

"Keep a distance" with the child, happy!

not only feels relaxed,

children also

Why should I "keep a distance" from my children?

because of

1. I can’t help but "noise" him

. The kid was reading a picture book attentively, and grandma came over to feed an apple, and grandpa urged him to drink, and then I took a sweat towel for him...

kid When painting, Bao Dad sometimes couldn't help but talk: the house is not finished yet, it would be better to add a window here...

Are these scenes familiar?

Our seemingly natural "care"

may be destroying the child's concentration!

Hold back, these three things

Playing is a child’s learning process

So, the editor of

suggests “more companionship, less interference”

he plays well

we don’t need to always “remind” and “correct”

2 I can't help but "make up his mind" for him

"brush your teeth first, then change your clothes after brushing, the toothpaste is squeezed for you."

"dark clothes are too heat-absorbing, wear this white one today. "Z3z

" If you don't eat anymore, the rice will be cold!" Are these lines of


always makes decisions for the child

, he may become disincentive, or even more rebellious

Hold back, these three things

try to trust

in non-principled things

give the child a "sense of control"

, for example, wear blue or white

z Brush your teeth or change clothes first

, let him have the final say

so you don’t need to urge four times, he will be very active

3. I always "broken" my heart

when the child runs and jumps, I chase after shouting "Slow down and be careful of wrestling"; when the

kid wants to grow watermelon seeds, I help him install the soil in the flowerpot; the

kid wants to build a house with building blocks, and I help him design the shape...

these behaviors, Do you have?

seems to always "help" the child

actually "blocks" the child from doing things

Hold back, these three things

as soon as he sees him encountering difficulties

can't wait to tell him "you should do this"

over time, his free thinking space Without

, the ability to withstand setbacks is also poor.

Therefore, smart parents occasionally have to "play stupid"

let him solve the problem by himself

or even let the child "help you"

such as "mother is going to have lunch , Can you help me wash the rice?"

Hold back, these three things

Of course, it is not for everyone to be the shopkeeper

"intimate parenting"≠1 24 hours a day around the child

keep a proper distance with the child

give him a little more free space

Be less nagging, less control, less planning

let him grow while ensuring safety!

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