"Milk flakes" are made of milk? Are children sure to eat? Netizen: I can’t wait to slap myself

2020/01/0100:10:07 baby 1184

People's living standards are improving day by day, especially the quality of food has also been greatly improved, such as milk, milk was actually the most common drink in Western countries at the earliest, but now it has become almost all households in China. The most common kind of drink, especially if there are elderly and children in the house, milk is even more an indispensable thing, and everyone knows that milk is very good for the body, not surprisingly very calcium, and at the same time it contains The protein nutrition contained is also very rich, especially for some elderly and children's bone development also has a certain protective and strengthening effect.

But nowadays there are many types of these milk or dairy products on the market, especially the newly launched one in the past few years called milk flakes, which is a snack that many children like very much because they sell these. When milk flakes are used, the label nets are all dairy products, so some parents will think that if the child drinks milk and you, it is better to take a milk flake, which is not only nutritious but also the child likes it very much. The most important thing is this Snacks are also very healthy. They are basically bought for children as long as they want them. So those "milk flakes" on the market are really made of milk? Are children sure to eat? Netizen: I can’t wait to slap myself!

You mean milk flakes, are they dairy products? Then we might as well first understand its ingredients. Although milk flakes are called dairy products, they are actually a snack at the same time, and milk flakes are made of milk products with different formulas, especially to increase milk. The taste and flavor of the flakes will add a lot of chemical food additives, so for children, milk flakes are not a pure dairy product at all, and it is not recommended to use them for a long time. In fact, consider it as a Just look at normal snacks. Everyone knows that snacks can’t be eaten by children, so the milk flakes are the same.

Many people will say that the taste of this milk flake is actually very heavy, and it has a strong milk flavor. Isn’t this actually a milk flake extracted from the nutrients in milk? In fact, it’s not that the milk flakes have a heavy milk flavor. In fact, when the milk flakes are configured, the chemical food additives added to it have a very important effect, so the flavor will be very heavy and the taste Much better than drinking milk directly. But in fact, its nutrition is less than one-tenth of milk.

And the reason why everyone thinks that milk flakes taste better than milk, first is because it contains a lot of food additives, and the second is because there is a lot of saccharin in milk flakes, who like to eat sugar Everyone knows that sugar is calm. If you eat it directly, it can be said to be annoying you. The daily intake of sugar in the human body is actually very limited. If the milk tablet is used too much every day, it will actually be the opposite. It will cause some physical burdens to children or the elderly who are growing up. Over time, excessive intake of this kind of saccharin will directly lead to fire or tooth decay, which is very harmful to the growth of children.

So the milk flakes we usually eat are actually snacks. Don’t treat it as a milk-like nutrient. You often buy it for your children. If you want your child to supplement calcium, it’s actually the most straightforward and easiest The best way is to drink milk. Drinking some milk every day is the most direct way to supplement calcium. And it can be said to be beneficial to the child's body without any harm. After reading this article, many netizens said, “I don’t know if I don’t know. I slap myself at the truth, and I will never let my children eat these milk flakes.

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