After the child enters the kindergarten, the most worrying question for parents is: What should I do if my child is beaten by other children in the kindergarten? Is it more appropriate to teach children to "fight violence with violence" or to let them ask their teachers for help?

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After the child enters the kindergarten, the most worrying question for parents is: What should I do if my child is beaten by other children in the kindergarten? Is it more appropriate to teach children to "fight violence with violence" or to let them ask their teachers for help? Or is it just the parents venting their anger on their children’s behalf?

Whether it is calling back or blindly asking the teacher for help, it may not be the best way. It is difficult to solve the problem from the root. On the contrary, it may cause injury to the child and even affect the child's future social development.

I remember that my daughter was beaten by a child in her first year of kindergarten. After the child hit her, she pushed her and bruised her leg. After the beating, my daughter would just sit there and cry.

Later, my child told me this when I got home. After hearing this, I was relatively calm and did not say to go directly to the teacher or the other parent to make a fuss, but I also did not let this incident "happen in vain." In later kindergarten life, although the child would have conflicts with other children, he was never bullied again and became very good at protecting himself.

After the child enters the kindergarten, the most worrying question for parents is: What should I do if my child is beaten by other children in the kindergarten? Is it more appropriate to teach children to

My child was beaten by a child in kindergarten. What should I do? Share this "self-conservative rule"

Once a child is hit, parents must first find out whether the child was really hit or just "touched hard". Some children can't tell the difference between touching and hitting when they first enter the kindergarten. Maybe someone accidentally touches them and they feel like they are being hit, and they cry and tell their parents. If the child is really beaten, then parents can learn from the following experience.

Step one: Restore the scene of the incident.

After learning that my daughter was beaten, I patiently guided her to describe the scene of the beating:

The first time my daughter was beaten by a child was because the teacher organized them to line up and play throwing. During the ball game, my daughter moved slowly, and a boy at the back urged her to hurry up. My daughter said there was no rush, but the boy hit her on the back, then pushed her forward, causing her to lose her balance and fall. Knocked on my leg.

After the child enters the kindergarten, the most worrying question for parents is: What should I do if my child is beaten by other children in the kindergarten? Is it more appropriate to teach children to

Step 2: Take the child to see the problem according to the situation and teach the child the solution.

First ask the child, "Did the boy behind you hit you and push you on purpose, or did he just want to push you to make you go faster?" Daughter Answered me: "I don't know. Because there are many children waiting to play behind me."

So I told my daughter at that time: In the future, if you meet other children who behave in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, such as a boy patting your back or pushing you forward. If you later learn that the boy accidentally pushed you down, and it happens occasionally, then you can accept the other person's apology and remind the other person to be careful next time and not do this again.

But if the other person hits you intentionally, then pushes you, and does this often, then you must resist. tell the other person loudly that I don’t like your behavior . If the other person doesn’t change, tell the teacher quickly and ask for the teacher’s help. You should also tell your parents when you get home, and your parents will communicate with the teacher to come up with a solution.

After the child enters the kindergarten, the most worrying question for parents is: What should I do if my child is beaten by other children in the kindergarten? Is it more appropriate to teach children to

Step 3: Identify the dangers around you and take precautions in advance

There are always a few children in kindergarten who like to hit people and bully other children for no reason. Such children who like to hit people are "hidden dangers" in kindergartens. , if there are such children in kindergarten, parents must first teach their children to stay away from such hitting children; second, if they are bullied, they must teach their children to resist and protect themselves. How does

resist and protect itself?

  • First: When you find that the other person wants to hit you, you amplify your voice to scare the other person and attract the attention of other children and teachers;
  • Second: Shock is useless, and you can't beat the other person. If the other person is still unreasonable and wants to hit you, then teach your children Find the right opportunity to quickly run to the teacher or adult, tell the situation, and communicate with the parents when you get home;
  • Third: The child has been beaten. After the parents understand the situation, they need to communicate with the teacher and the other parent to express that they value the child. Being beaten.

After the child enters the kindergarten, the most worrying question for parents is: What should I do if my child is beaten by other children in the kindergarten? Is it more appropriate to teach children to

At the same time, when children are hit by children in kindergarten, parents should avoid 3 educational methods

It is often heard that parents teach their children that "if someone hits you, hit them back." But in fact, many children's spanking is not really "beating", but a kind of fun; some children have a fragile personality and cry when others touch them; some children are more aggressive and like to hit and fight. No matter what kind of "hitting" it is, parents should try to avoid the following three education methods:

Type 1: If someone hits you, hit him back.

"If someone hits you, hit him back. Let him know that you are not easy to bully." Although this approach will make the child look "not easy to mess with", once they encounter someone who is stronger and more powerful than the child, the child will easily suffer a loss and incur long-term revenge if he cannot win.

After the child enters the kindergarten, the most worrying question for parents is: What should I do if my child is beaten by other children in the kindergarten? Is it more appropriate to teach children to

The second method is to tell the child that it's okay and ask the child to be "magnanimous"

"It's okay. If he hits you, just stay away and don't argue with him." Although this approach can prevent children from being beaten, it will also make them "cowardly" in character, causing them to be looked down upon and ridiculed by others, making them prone to being bullied and becoming the target of school bullying in the future.

The third type: Parents stand up for their children

"When someone hits you, come back and tell your mother, and she will help you beat him." Children call their parents at every turn, and parents find trouble with teachers and schools at every turn. This approach can easily lead to children being too dependent on them, and can also lead to children being "isolated" by teachers and classmates at school. After all, everyone is afraid of getting into such "trouble".

After the child enters the kindergarten, the most worrying question for parents is: What should I do if my child is beaten by other children in the kindergarten? Is it more appropriate to teach children to

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