It is said that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their children. However, a baby less than half a month old was "murdered" by his biological father three times in a row in inhumane ways just because he was "intersex."

2024/05/1619:50:33 baby 1959

Is the birth of intersex people itself a "mistake"?

It is said that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their children. However, a baby less than half a month old, , was "murdered" by his biological father three times in a row in inhumane ways, just because he was "intersex." After

was arrested, the baby's father Zhang Fei (pseudonym) said that he was actually very conflicted in his heart. He wanted his child to die but also wanted his child to survive.

On the one hand, he is worried that his son will not be able to hold his head up in front of others when he grows up; on the other hand, he knows that his poor family cannot afford the cost of his son's surgery.

In the end, he chose to kill the child. He not only wanted to end his own pain, but also couldn't bear the child's suffering..

Some people are born "intersex" and they have no choice. But there are also people who passively become "intersex people". They clearly do nothing, but are equally disgusted and rejected by their biological parents.

It is said that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their children. However, a baby less than half a month old was

1. Intersex people who are artificially "created"

These tragedies actually come from a kind of drug, which also deeply reflects the traditional concept of favoring boys over girls in some people's hearts. The Sixth Floor of Obstetrics and Gynecology once shared a real case:

A patient has been married for many years and has not become pregnant. The strange thing is that after examination, it was found that all physical indicators were normal, and the possibility of infertility was very small. Therefore, the doctor suggested that she bring her partner to the hospital for a checkup, saying that it might also be a problem with the man.

Unexpectedly, the patient said: "My husband is not a man at all, he will menstruate! Every once in a while, he will bleed from the lower part, exactly like his aunt. Later, I checked a lot of information on the Internet, and I became suspicious. My mother-in-law took the Zhuantai Pill when she was pregnant with him, and later she gave birth to him as a boy.”

The doctor thought it was ridiculous, but in fact this kind of thing is not uncommon.

Some parents have a strong preference for boys over girls and will take Zhuantai pills during pregnancy. This causes the private parts of the fetus that were originally female to grow into male private parts, but do not have the fertility of men.

It is said that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their children. However, a baby less than half a month old was

This little transmutation pill has turned many babies with normal gender into intersex people because of their parents’ selfish desires.

"Zhuantai pill", also known as "fetus-changing medicine", is a "magic medicine" that claims to be able to change the gender of the fetus in the belly of pregnant women. So what are the results after using it?

  • According to media reports, a woman in Henan took a transfer pill bought by her mother-in-law when she was 5 months pregnant, and eventually gave birth to a baby whose gender was indistinguishable;
  • A doctor in Lianyungang, Jiangsu treated a 4-year-old baby For patients with intersex babies, it was learned that the mother of the baby had taken transfer drugs when she was pregnant.

It is said that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their children. However, a baby less than half a month old was

2. Can the so-called "transformation pill" really reverse gender?

Zhuantai pills, Zhuantai pills...can they really turn girls into boys and reverse their gender as they are said to do? In fact, as long as you think about it, you will know that this is impossible.

Some Zhuantai pills are just ordinary vitamin sugar pills, which have no effect on the human body. But some Zhuantai Pills can change a person's destiny.

The so-called Zhuantai pill containing active ingredients, is actually a murderous drug containing a large amount of androgen . Excessive amounts of male hormones taken by women during pregnancy will directly increase the risk of miscarriage. Even if there is no miscarriage, it can easily cause the fetus to have hermaphroditism and become an intersex person.

Scientifically speaking, the gender of the fetus is determined the moment the sperm and egg combine, and it is determined by the sperm.

It is said that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their children. However, a baby less than half a month old was

If the fetus itself is a girl, it will naturally grow ovaries, uterus , and vagina.Although the use of large amounts of male hormones will cause girls to grow male-like reproductive organs, they only look like boys and are actually still girls.. Therefore, this is just a selfish and vicious behavior and an extremely irresponsible manifestation.

There are literature reports that from 1994 to 2016, Fuyang People's Hospital treated a total of 43 patients with XX androgen excess dysplasia, 36 of whom had mothers who had taken androgen drugs in early pregnancy.

Let’s not say that there is no difference between having a boy and a girl. Just speaking from a probability perspective, having a boy or a girl is not something that can be determined by a small pill, but is a matter of absolute probability.

In the process of sperm formation, germ cell meiosis determines the probability of forming sperm carrying X chromosome and Y chromosome are both 50%. In short, the probability of having a boy or a girl is 50%.

It is said that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their children. However, a baby less than half a month old was

3. Is the existence of intersex people a "mistake"?

In the eyes of some people, intersex people are "neither male nor female"... Their birth seems to be a "mistake".

In medicine, intersex people can be divided into true hermaphrodites and pseudohermaphrodites.

The gonadal genitalia and sexual characteristics of true hermaphrodites have the characteristics of both sexes. The external genitalia can be female, male or a mixture of the two.

Intersex people with pseudohermaphroditism have testicular tissue, sex chromosomes are XY, but the sex chromatin is negative, and they develop female internal and external reproductive organs to varying degrees.

There are many reasons for hermaphroditism, including chromosomal sex abnormalities, gender abnormalities, adrenal disease or pituitary gland tumors, external genital abnormalities, natural and social environment, and the mother taking a large amount of male hormones during pregnancy.

It is said that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their children. However, a baby less than half a month old was

Is the existence of intersex people a "mistake"? This is a false proposition, no one should not exist .

Relevant statistics show that the ratio of normal gender people to intersex people is 4500:1, which is actually quite a lot. However, we are all human beings, and there is no fundamental difference. Respecting the choice of transgender people to choose gender or remain bisexual is what we have to do when dealing with intersex people.

For people born with intersex, is there any way to reduce the probability of birth?

  • Close relatives should not get married. Otherwise, it is very likely to cause abnormal differentiation of sex chromosomes and cause fetal hermaphroditism;
  • Carry out premarital examinations to achieve good health and good health;
  • Scientific prenatal examinations will help avoid many genetic diseases and fetal malformations;
  • Many postpartum diseases Observe . After the baby is born, pay more attention to the development changes of the baby's external genitalia, and seek medical examination promptly if any abnormalities are found.

It is said that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their children. However, a baby less than half a month old was

Respecting others is also respecting yourself, loving others is also loving yourself. In this world, we are all the most special and the most ordinary. For intersex people, we should give more understanding, tolerance and support, and should not be prejudiced, let alone discriminate or ridicule.

It is said that tigers are poisonous and cannot eat their children. However, a baby less than half a month old was



[1] "Is the existence of intersex people a mistake? 》.Vista Kantianxia.2016-06-21

[2]《Take the "transfer drug" in order to have a boy and give birth to an intersex person... This case is chilling! 》 . Endocrinology Channel of the Medical Industry. 2020-08-06

[3] "I have both a uterus and ovaries, as well as testicles and a penis... | Monologues of an intersex person" . Eleventh Clinic. 2022-01 -04

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