I don’t know if you have ever heard Impulsive Punishment sung by Daolang. This song was released when I was in sixth grade. At that time, we were still young and ignorant, and Daolang's hoarse singing voice made us intoxicated. Maybe you will laugh at how I, a little kid in sixth

I don’t know if you have ever heard Impulsive Punishment sung by Daolang . This song was released when I was in sixth grade. At that time, we were still young and ignorant, and Daolang's hoarse singing voice made us intoxicated. Maybe you will laugh at how I, a little kid in sixth grade, can be so sentimental. In fact, I don’t know whether I was born precocious or because I read too many novels. At that time, Daolang’s Song seemed to me an extremely wonderful novel, which fascinated me. At that time, I was in sixth grade and had to study in the evening every day, but I secretly made an appointment with a few friends to sit on the ground in the playground and have a pleasant conversation. At that time, it happened to be the season when magnolia flowers were blooming. With the faint fragrance of magnolia flowers, listening to Daolang's song, I felt extremely happy because she was by my side. That was my most ignorant and innocent first love, and I didn’t know if it was considered love, but it was the happiest time in my life.

Because her grades were unsatisfactory when she was in primary school, the two places were naturally separated. From then on, although the distance between the two schools was only a few kilometers, we never met until we graduated from high school. Until some time ago, I went home to do some work and accidentally got her contact information when I was helping out at home. We still had a pleasant chat, but I was no longer the one beside her because she got married at the end of the year. Everything was just right. When I contacted him, the other party was getting ready to get married. There's nothing to say, I can't say it was a trick of fate, but it was indeed the happiest and most memorable time in my life. People are most afraid of suddenly understanding a song, and they are most afraid of suddenly understanding it. Because understanding it also means that we have lost