In hot weather, between 38 and 40 degrees Celsius, you will be sweating after a little exercise. It’s been a long time since I’ve coded words. I knew I couldn’t write anything profound, so I didn’t force myself to do it. Writing just for the sake of writing was destined to be emp

In hot weather, between 38-40 degrees, you will sweat even if you move a little bit. It’s been a long time since I’ve coded words. I knew I couldn’t write anything profound, so I didn’t force myself to do it. Writing just for the sake of writing was destined to be empty. Do whatever you want and express your feelings to have true feelings.

So I feel life, observe life, read about people, and in the torrent of life, see how people survive in the smoke and dust! I rode a battery scooter through the traffic-filled road. The vehicles were galloping and the delivery riders were driving in a hurry. The first ray of morning sun in the east shines on the breakfast stall. When parents prepare breakfast for their children, the milkman has delivered fresh milk to their doorsteps. When the couple selling vegetables push cart after cart, arranging the fresh vegetables neatly, the hot steamed buns next door are also freshly baked, and the fried dough sticks are also golden, boss! Here are six fried dough sticks! Two buns! Come on, take it! Everyone's face was covered with sweat and their clothes were soaked with sweat. But they raised smiles at the corners of their mouths and warmly greeted the people eating breakfast, among whom migrant workers accounted for a large part. Their dark skin was their unified color, and a large water glass was standard for everyone. They hurriedly After eating breakfast, I walked with heavy steps towards the construction site and towards life...

I am also one of them, living hard at the bottom. Live a humble life, just to live! Maybe we shouldn’t pursue the meaning of life? I think living itself is meaning. No matter how humble your life is, as long as your heart is towards the sun, it will be illuminated by the sun. If you can't influence the judgment of the world, just ignore it and live your life how you want. If you try to change yourself based on other people's expectations and other people's judgment standards, is this still you? We should not live in the eyes of others, we should live in our own hearts, follow ourselves, and live out ourselves. This is the real self and the real vitality.

Using this as a guide, I was temporarily put out of my misery. I put my heart on the bright moon. I often stand on the rooftop of the quiet building, looking at the lights of thousands of houses, looking up at the bright moon in the starry sky, and embracing the breeze. I strolled along the bridge to watch the sunset, explore the secluded spots in the forest, and listen to the chirping of cicadas. The summer heat is unbearable. Get up early to kiss the coolness of the morning breeze, accompany the singing of birds, and welcome the rising sun with its brilliant rays. Everything is so beautiful, this great beauty of nature, this world of things, and thousands of scenes, it does not stay away from me because of my humbleness, it never rejects anyone, it is precisely because people ignore it, just because it is around everyone , too natural and too selfless. Perhaps because of this, people take it for granted and do not really appreciate its beauty! This is not a regret for the beauty of everything, but a common regret for those who missed it.

With my eyes gazing at the beauty of the heaven and earth, my ears hearing the sounds of heaven emitted by all things, I followed my heart's direction, felt at ease, and in a quiet place, I started reading again. Love words, like reading, indulge in books, and never tire of it. In fact, I am ashamed to say that this hobby has not brought any material changes to my life, but it has indeed changed my thinking, given me a different cognitive breadth, changed my inherent way of thinking, and inspired a lot. When encountering hardships and misfortunes in life, you are never knocked down. These spiritual powers and ideological guidance are given by reading. Maybe everyone has self-healing , self-examination methods, no matter what method is used, people are constantly healing themselves while moving forward. After keeping your head down for a long time, please look up occasionally and look at the stars and the moon in the vast sky. Listen to the chirping of birds and insects, walk with beauty, forget the unsatisfactory life, find peace of mind, and see the beautiful scenery and beauty. This is the true meaning of life. These insights are all thanks to reading.

The real life is still embarrassing, and life has not changed much, but fortunately, there is hope in the heart, and the steps forward have not stopped. In the brave advancement, the result may have been predetermined, but the process is still beautiful. As Luo Ailuolan said: "There is only one true heroism in this world, and that is to still love the law after recognizing the truth about it."

Come on! People fighting for their lives!