1. From stranger to stranger, there is no story between you and me. 2. Do you also have some regrets? 3. You said it would be better if I were a woman. I hope so too. 4. I hope you have a happy life, and I hope your relationship will never go well. 5. The sad thing is that I alwa

1. From stranger to stranger, there is no story between you and me.

2. Do you also have some regrets?

3. You said it would be better if I were a woman. I hope that too.

4. I hope you have a happy life, and I also hope that your relationship will never go well.

5. The sad part is that I always regret. With you...

6, don’t use up the remaining good feelings I have for you

7, Faye Wong Write down a sentence when getting divorced: "I'm okay, please take care."

8. Maybe I miss you more than I want to see you, more than I want you

9 , these two years, the two luckiest things for me. One is that time has finally exhausted my love for you; the other is that one day a long, long time ago, I met you.

10. Later I found out that you are nothing more than that.

11. I am lucky enough to meet you. I will forget you for the rest of my life.

12. I will return you to the sea of ​​human beings. You will return happiness and sleep to me, please.

13. If I am young and have achievements, I will not feel inferior. , then I will look at you generously, and I will bravely hold your hand and follow you forever

14. Since it is wishful thinking, you have to be willing to admit defeat, so hello, goodbye

15. If you had said what you should say well that day Say

16, you are still the surprise that I have been waiting for

17, Auntie, don’t close the stall, your street is the only one with delicious food

18, it seems that I have been giving up on you and seems to have been waiting for you.

19. I wish you happiness.

20. You see, there are many people in this world who are in love, and we are just one of them.

21. I still can’t control my unforgettable feelings for you, but I have no longer expected anything about you...

22 , If I could do it all over again, I would never let myself like you

23. I only liked you, but forgot that we were not suitable.

24. I can’t control my unforgettable feelings for you, but I have no expectations for anything about you!

25. About us. Do you regret it?

26. If nothing else happens, we will never see each other again in this life.

27. Not disturbing is my last tenderness.

28. In the past, she always asked me if I missed her. I hesitated and didn’t know how to answer. Now I want to say loudly that I miss you.

29. Possessiveness is a common problem among girls. I can’t change it.

30, It was obviously you who provoked me first, but in the end it was my own

31 that I couldn’t let go of. Mountains, rivers and seas are vast in this world, and the stars and rivers are gone.

32. My next love for you can only end with my lips and teeth, hidden in the years.

33. Thank you for the warmth and light you brought to me in the endless cold night. I miss you...

34. I hope that we can't see each other. Time shines brightly

35. I hope there will be a second meeting

36. In fact, I am not waiting for you to like me, I am just waiting for myself not to like you

37. If there is an if, I will not be timid anymore. By the way, I still like you

38. You stay with me for a while and I will miss you all my life.

39. I have become very good. Do you want to get to know me again and then like me?

40. All mountains and seas can be leveled. The only thing that cannot be leveled is our human hearts. Just