How does the relationship between sex and love transform? Sex is a physiological function, and love is spiritual comfort. Enjoying sexual pleasure comes from inner experience. It can give people warmth and embrace the beautiful world.

How is the relationship between sex and love transformed?

Sex is a physiological function, and love is a spiritual comfort.

Enjoying sexual pleasure comes from inner experience.

Sex is the physical force, love is the inner energy.

stimulates hormonal impulses and feels happy and sexual bliss. The performance of

gives people warmth and embraces the beautiful world.

Good and happy times are also accompanied by sexual happiness.

Sex is holy because of love, and love is more beautiful because of sex.

Men love from sex, and the more sex they have, the more they love;

The more they think about it, the more energetic they become, and they want it more and more every night.

Women are born with love, and the more they love, the stronger their sex will be.

Women are emotional geniuses, and they understand when it comes to sex.

Men need sexual companionship when they are lonely;

Women enjoy sex when they are warm and happy;

With love and sex, marriage is a perfect family;

With love but no sex, it will not work soon;

Without love and sex, live together;

None Love without sex is worse than life or death.

Marriage cannot be separated from sex, and family cannot be separated from communication.

Four topics that couples can never lack:

Communication/economy/emotions/sex life

I hope our lives can be filled with communication, feelings, finances, and sexual happiness [Compare Heart]