Only with hard work can we have spirit, and only with spirit can we have dignity. Spirit is the foundation of a person's life, the foundation of a nation's strength, and the foundation of a country's survival. There are three treasures in the sky: sun, moon and stars. The earth h

Only hard work can lead to spirit,

Only spirit can have dignity. The

spirit is the foundation of a person's life, the

is the foundation of a nation's strength, and the

is the foundation of a country's survival.

There are three treasures in the sky: sun, moon and stars.

The earth has three treasures: water, fire and earth.

People have three treasures: essence, energy and spirit.

There are three treasures for success: time, location, and harmony.

There are three treasures in a family: harmony, mutual love, and warmth.

There are three treasures in the human heart: truth, kindness, and tolerance.

has three treasures in dealing with things: seriousness, responsibility and responsibility.

Happiness has three treasures: smile more, be content, and be grateful.

There are three treasures of health: cleanliness, ability to eat, and ability to sleep.

has three treasures: harmony is the most precious; kindness is the foundation; sincerity is the first.

If you have enough energy, you won’t think about lust.

If you don’t have enough energy, you won’t think about food.

If you don’t have enough energy, you won’t want to sleep.

Cherish your energy and preserve your essence to nourish your mind. Think less and have fewer desires, and don’t worry about your mind.

Eat only half-full food without any flavor, and don’t drink more than three-thirds of wine too often.

Every joke is made fun of, always with joy and no anger.

Don’t worry if the weather turns cold and deceitful, let me live happily for a hundred years.

Living is victory, making money is just a game.

Health is the goal, and happiness is the true meaning.

The mentality of a person when he is happy is worth millions!