At the beginning of the essay "The Silent Majority", I wrote: Around me, there are many people with a personality like mine. They say nothing in public, but in private they are full of witty remarks.

wrote at the beginning of the essay " the silent majority ": Around me, there are many people with a personality like mine. They say nothing in public, but in private they are full of witty remarks. In other words, say anything to those you can trust, and say nothing to those you can't trust. "

Just a few simple words have touched the hearts of many people. Your silence has its own power. People who are taciturn in life tend to be more mature. On the contrary, those who keep talking are often more mature. They are all a bit naive.

Nietzsche said: "If there is a miracle in this world, it is just another name for hard work. The most difficult stage in life is not that no one understands you, but that you don’t understand yourself. "

If there is a synonym for miracles, it is the word hard work. Only by hard work, hard work, hard work, and hard work can we create a strong heart and build a strong self.

Then, even in life Even in the most difficult stage of life, you can also strengthen your self-confidence and know which direction you should move forward in life.

Confucius said: "A gentleman wants to be slow in words, but quick in action." "That is to say, a person should act more and talk less. When you know how to be silent, many seemingly difficult problems may be solved.

People who are in an advantageous position do not know that they are taking advantage, so they often They mistake advantages for abilities and talents, and feel that their success is achieved through personal efforts. Therefore, they will laugh at those who are in difficult situations and think that the reason why they are not doing well is because they are lazy or because they don’t work hard. , so you deserve it.

Walk with your head high and your chest high, and speak confidently, not too quietly. The way you walk can also affect your confidence. If you hold your head high, your posture will shape your confidence. Be confident and improve your self-confidence. Truly strong people will not fail, but every failure will become a stepping stone to their success.

They will turn every lesson into nutrition and continue to nourish the future. One day, when we find that the past experience has been integrated into the bone marrow, we can become better.

Don't say that you have many friends, try borrowing money. Don't say that you have many relatives, try it in the hospital. You have to learn to handle things calmly, distinguish right from wrong, and grow well no matter what happens, whether you are happy, sad or on the verge of collapse.

The more a person likes to show off his abilities, the less capable he is. The more powerful people are, the more they hide themselves; the more excellent people are, the more low-key they are. Canoe wrote in " Stars in the Deep Sea ": "There is no such thing as empathy in the world." The thing is, unless the needle pricks someone else, they won’t know how painful it is. ”

There is no empathy in this world. You can only know whether you are warm or cold. Don’t complain casually to everyone. Sometimes what you say is what is in your heart, and what others hear is a joke. No one has an easier life than anyone else. Some people are shouting, while others are taciturn.

If you complain, don't say it easily. After all, whether you complain or not, you have to do things yourself, and you have to pay for the hardships in life. Don't complain to others easily. Don't show weakness to others easily. No one wants to listen to you about the bad things in life.

When you talk to someone, 80% of people will treat it as a joke; the remaining 20% ​​will be indifferent. . Some people may even tell your privacy and pain to others as a joke. Speaking is also a skill. A wise person always speaks wisely, but a brainless person often speaks without restraint.

The so-called: knowledge. Those who don't speak, those who speak don't know. In this life, chattering is not a good thing. Rather than talking too much and making people noisy, it is better to be silent at the right time. Words hurt people more than a knife. A knife hurts externally, but words hurt internally. Knife wounds can be healed, but the damage of words may last a lifetime.

Don't judge other people's lives. You don't know what they have gone through. Keep your mouth shut and don't gossip.Not saying sarcastic words is a sign of respect for others and a reflection of one's own self-cultivation.

A kind word warms people's hearts, but a bad word chills people's hearts. Don't talk to people who don't understand you, don't say harsh words to people close to you, and don't deliberately expose people's shortcomings. It is about knowing how to advance and retreat in words and deeds, knowing that silence is golden, and revealing a sense of strength and wisdom between hardness and softness. This is the truly wise move.

The ancients said: "The spirit is leisurely and calm, the wisdom is profound and courageous. This horoscope is the ability to do great things." Too much talk will lead to mistakes. Often those who shout loudly and show off everywhere have no real talent and knowledge, and they never estimate own strength. After all, a person's ability does not depend on how much he says, but how much he does.

Shouting will not improve yourself. If you don't do it right, it will be self-defeating. Only by knowing how to be silent can you calm your heart and face everything with the best attitude. A truly calm person rarely talks.

After experiencing more things, people become calmer and less talkative. There are some taciturn people around us. Although they don't talk much, they do things very steadily. The ancients said: "Noble people speak late", which does not mean that noble people speak late. It means that when encountering something, a high-level person always thinks first and then speaks.

Every today you waste is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday once hoped for. Every present that you are tired of is a past that you will never be able to go back to even if you want to. We come to this world to become a better version of ourselves, not to be a better version of others.

When you can understand something, it means you have grown up; when you can see something clearly, it means you are enlightened; when you can see through something, it means you are rational; when When you can see through something, it means you are mature.

Youth is a book that cannot be closed once it is opened, life is a road that cannot be turned back once it is started, and love is a bet that cannot be taken back once it is thrown out. In a ruthless world, everyone comes and goes, no one will always be by your side, no one will always be caring and considerate to you, it is better to learn to love yourself well and live up to the rest of your life.

No matter what, life must continue to move forward. Sometimes hurt and failure are not necessarily a bad thing, it will make you better. The same is true for loneliness and loss. Everything will turn out to be a good thing in the end, as long as you can get to the end.

When pain comes, don’t always ask: “Why me?” Because you haven’t asked this question when happiness comes! You can't wait for others to arrange your life, you have to fight and fight for it yourself. Regardless of whether the result is happy or sad, the consolation is that you have lived a life in this world in vain.

Life is never easy, and there is no permanent stability. Difficulties and ups and downs will always come one after another, in the past, present, and future. But what you need is to keep working hard and stay calm, because those difficult days will eventually leave you.

Many friends have many paths. Those who should act must continue to act, and those who should communicate with each other must be sincere. Just know who is real and who is fake. Don't be too serious and don't say it out loud, otherwise your sharp edges will make you angry. It’s a hard life.

When looking at people, don’t use your eyes to see. It’s easy to misunderstand. Don’t use your ears to listen, because it may be a lie. As long as you use time and feel it with your heart, it can't be true or false.

In this life, sometimes we are triumphant and sometimes we are struggling, but no matter what, we should keep a peaceful heart and face it all calmly. Only in this way can we avoid loss and pain when the situation changes suddenly, and can we face the ups and downs of life with a smile.

Life has ups and downs, and the circumstances are different. When we meet again, some people are in the mountains and some are in the troughs. All that can be described is trivial and daily life. Real loneliness is difficult to talk about.

No one has the patience to listen to you tell your story, because everyone has something to say; no one likes to hear you complain about life, because everyone has their own pain.

Have a broad heart and you will be healthy for a lifetime. Have a tolerant heart and you will be happy for a lifetime.With a kind heart, you will have no regrets for the rest of your life. Have a compassionate heart and you will be safe for a lifetime. Have a childhood heart and you will be young all your life.

If a person wants to be happy, he cannot be too smart or too stupid. If he is too smart, he will be on guard. If he is too stupid, he will be manipulated. It is rare to be confused. This state between smart and stupid is called wisdom.

Kafka said that the heart is a house with two bedrooms, one for happiness and one for pain. People cannot laugh too loud, otherwise they will wake up the pain next door.

People always wake up and re-recognize their own strength and tenacity only after suffering a serious blow. Therefore, no matter what hardships you are experiencing, don’t just complain that God is unfair, or even never get back up. There are no obstacles in life that cannot be overcome, only people who cannot overcome them. .

The more you reject, the more you get. Being a human being means enduring hardships and being picky to enjoy happiness. Maybe, you can get it, learn to refuse, and live without entanglement.

We always like to use "let nature take its course" to deal with the thorns and bumps on the road of life. We rarely admit that true letting nature take its course is actually not forcing it after doing our best, rather than inaction with both hands.

Close your eyes and tell yourself quietly. We cannot control what others think; we cannot force others to do what they do. The only thing you can do is to do your own thing with all your heart, follow your own path, live a good life according to your own principles. Even if someone treats you badly, time will not treat you badly, and life will never treat you badly.

The shortness of life is like the dewdrops in the morning, which cannot bear the sunshine; the curve of life is so winding and winding that there is no end in sight. Time flies, time is like a song, I slowly see clearly the warmth and coldness of the world, slowly begin to understand life, slowly begin to doubt life, and simplify the complex. Space is boundless, how big is the universe, where do we come from and where will we go when we die?

Maturity is not about a person's heart getting older, it is about still smiling despite tears. Those who leave most quickly are always the most beautiful scenery; those who are hurt the most are always the most true feelings. Pick up your mood and keep walking. If you miss the flowers, you will get rain. If you miss the rain, you will encounter a rainbow.

There is no need to panic or show off in life. Just do things down-to-earth and be a simple person, and you will have your own sunny day. The world is ups and downs, and experience is also life. I hope you can cultivate a strong heart and become a better version of yourself!

If nothing happens, we don’t know who is near or far; if we don’t taste people, we don’t know who is rich and who is weak; if we don’t have enough profit, we don’t know who gathers and who disperses; if we don’t have poverty, we don’t know who is cold and who is warm; if we don’t test the water, we don’t know which is deep or shallow. ; If we don’t interact with each other, we don’t know who is good and who is bad.

People's hearts are relative, exchange truth for truth; feelings are mutual, warm your heart with your heart; look at people with your eyes, and your eyes will wander; feel with your heart, that is the truth. Time is a good thing. It lets us know that time passes and the best things are left to the last. It also helps us learn to know ourselves well and how to behave ourselves better.

Life is just like this, one porridge, one meal, one bed, one husband and one wife for a lifetime, one laughs and cries, one sings, one gets together, one breaks up, one loses, one loses, one gains, one panics, one succeeds, one loses, one becomes famous, one young, one old Autumn frost, one opens and one closes one's life.

Life is like a dandelion, seemingly free, but unable to control yourself. Some things are not that you don’t care, but what can you do if you care. Life is short and life is difficult. What we pursue throughout our lives is peace of mind.

The best state of a person is that his eyes are full of stories, but his face is not frosty, he doesn't envy anyone, he doesn't laugh at anyone, and he doesn't rely on anyone. Just work hard quietly, feed the big picture, and live the way you like.

Your hobbies and lifestyle are all to please yourself. When you know how to please yourself, your life will naturally have taste. Although life may not be satisfactory everywhere, as long as you grasp the strength of your heart, ordinary days can also become the poetry and distance of your dreams.

There is no choice without regrets, only oneself without regrets. What's the point of living if you are at the mercy of fate. There is no need to be successful, as long as you can release your power in your own environment.

Life is not a road in vain, every step counts. Destiny has already marked the price for what you have. If it is a bird, since it yearns for the blue sky, it should practice flying in the sky; if it is a fish, if it yearns for the sea, it should practice swimming in the water.

The more experience you have, the easier it is to see away. There is no need to fight for things that do not belong to you, and there is no need to fight for things that belong to you. People who care about themselves will never leave; people who don't care about themselves will always leave.

Let everything take its course, God has its own arrangements. Human life is actually very short. Instead of being exhausted physically and mentally due to longing, it is better to live a good life in contentment. I wanted it before because I didn’t understand it, but later I didn’t need it because I understood it.

The world is like a book, pages are turned over. People should look forward and avoid reading old accounts. The most important state of life is to grasp the present moment, because all the future is accumulated from the present moment.

Yesterday cannot be recalled, tomorrow is uncertain, but what can be grasped is today. Instead of being trapped by expectations that cannot be fulfilled, it is better to change yourself first and live out your own home court. When you let go of these so-called expectations and learn to rely on yourself, you will naturally not have so many complaints in your heart.

Many people’s WeChat signature is not to think about the past and not to be afraid of the future.

Not thinking about the past is just a personal state of mind, which generally has no substantial impact on the future; but there are not many people who are truly fearless of the future and can do so sincerely. After all, feeling fearless about the future and having the ability to be fearless about the future are completely different things.

Every moment in the future will become the future present. Living in the present requires various material supports, just like the basic necessities of life for us to survive in the world. Only with real abilities can we gain a real basis for survival. Real needs cannot be solved just by thinking about it. This world is not so idealistic..

Not being afraid of the future has many similarities with having a sense of security, and it also has a lot to do with personality. For example, some people are naturally tall and carefree, with nothing and no knowledge of anything, but they still have fun every day. , so unplanned, others may be worried about him, but they are still living well and have not starved to death.

Why is this? This is a commonplace question. Survival and life are two completely different concepts. Some people have no requirements for the quality of life at all. They only need to be stuttering . Why don’t they have a place to live? They are not orphans. If not, they can live on subsistence allowances. ! Such people are often looked down upon by others, but they also have merit.

Of course, this is not to promote contentment, nor is it today’s theme. How can we not be afraid of the future? Many people are particularly insecure, so they save money crazily, thinking that if they have enough money, they will not panic. Most people are ordinary people and have never been particularly wealthy.

I am not sure if I have enough money to really stop panicking, but through interviews with various celebrities, it seems that having enough money does not necessarily make anyone feel secure about the future. Even if you don't worry about money, you may worry about other things. Life is always so tiring.

Therefore, if you only rely on material accumulation, no matter how much you accumulate, there is indeed no guarantee. After all, no one is sure which will come first tomorrow or the accident!

Many materials, even if they are wealth now, will not be so in the future. No one is sure. Just like all kinds of speculators that have become popular in stages, such as school district housing, once a policy is introduced, it is no longer the same in an instant; another example is that one shop has been passed down for many years to support three generations, but now it has become three generations to support one shop.

This society has long pressed the fast forward button. The speed of social development and evolution is getting faster and faster. The only constant is change itself. Therefore, all the future supports assumed now will not necessarily remain the same in the future. But No matter what era, ability and courage are always the same.

Real talents are the mainstay of society in any era, so there is nothing to fear. Even if you are not a talented person, you have enough courage and desire to fight. After all, a fighting life is fearless and takes pleasure in suffering.

Therefore, everyone, especially in this era of accelerated development, needs to make continuous improvement of themselves a top priority and implement it. As long as an individual is serious enough, relatively practical, pays attention to advancing with the times, and has no bad habits, there is no problem at least ensuring an above-average life.

Ability is only one aspect, mental attributes are also very important. You must not lose your upward energy at all times, and you must have dreams for the future. After all, life will indeed become dilapidated because of the lack of dreams.

Going up is not only the pursuit of a certain goal, but also a hopeful attitude towards life. People will indeed be overjoyed because they have achieved positive progress, and everyone will be sincerely gratified by this.

In addition to moving forward, people also need to be full of fighting courage, have the belief that they will win and conquer, and strive for it endlessly. There is nothing to be afraid of.

In this life, if you strive to keep doing positive things and continuously improve your abilities and resources, and at the same time, have enough courage to deal with all kinds of unexpected changes, you are already a hero among ordinary people. Although my life was not spectacular, it was exciting enough, at least I never flinched. Only talent and courage can illuminate the rough road.

All existence in the world is constantly changing, and all existence will eventually disappear. But we are often attached to something or someone, and we deliberately let it develop according to our own wishes. We force the impermanent nature to become eternal. In fact, it is we who ignorantly endow the infinite power within us to the illusion. This is the direct cause of our pain and discomfort.

The stuck point is that we still believe that everything outside has enough power. The stuck point is that we are still willing to believe that the limiting beliefs in our minds can have the effect of change. The stuck point is that we only know that we cannot To change the world of illusions, only by going directly to our own minds and changing our perspectives can we see the magical power of our own minds spread out in everything in the world.

This will eventually pass, no matter it seems good or bad, it is our persistence that tightly binds us, and it is we who still believe in those negative thoughts in our minds. Once we are attached to those thoughts, we will immediately access the body's emotions, making us feel uneasy, anxious, and panicked.

At this time, we are not trying to complain, but to change our physical feelings or our external circumstances. What we should do is to calm down, see those limiting beliefs and our own persistence, and we must be able to accept everything that happens and return to the present.

When we choose not to identify with those thoughts, they can no longer restrict our freedom. When we no longer identify with those emotions, they will no longer have an effect on us.

Although on the surface it doesn't seem to have changed much, in fact our perspective has long been transformed from unity to unity. We are no longer divided. If we stand on the overall level, we will be stable.

During a period when we are at a loss, it is better to stop, absorb the power given to illusion, listen to the inner voice, start from the heart, and create everything from the heart.

We are creating all the time. For example, if you want to read an article at this moment, then this article will appear in front of you. You see, what a great creator you are. Every moment in our lives is worthy of cheering for ourselves and worthy of rewards for ourselves. In fact, we ourselves are the whole world.

As the saying goes, if you speak too much, you will lose. If your words are not enough for your brain, it will easily cause trouble in your life. Mature and rational people know how to be cautious in their words and deeds in interpersonal relationships, and will not make some misleading actions.

When dealing with others, you must pay attention to your words and deeds, so that you can manage your interpersonal relationships well. As the saying goes, a kind word warms three winters, and a bad word makes six months cold. If you don't know the size of your words, you will be easily plotted by others.

In interpersonal relationships, you may be a carefree person, but you must also be defensive. Don't say these words easily. When you are not prepared, you will be easily plotted by villains.

Don’t gossip about people behind their backs. In life, you will find people who like to gossip about other people, and there is no factual basis for it. Moreover, hearsay words are spread and it is easy to find the source. Then, you will Bring trouble to your life.

People who gossip about people behind their backs are often considered to be unreliable by others. Such people, if they do not know how to control their words and deeds, are easily plotted by others.

Reliable people avoid talking about these gossips, because they are just other people's lives and have nothing to do with you. Stay away from unreliable people and rumors so that you can have a quiet life.

A reliable and down-to-earth person spends all his time managing himself instead of talking about insignificant rumors. Discussing right and wrong is just a villain's behavior, and if the parties know about it, it is easy to get into trouble.

Use language that belittles others. In this world, everyone has advantages. At any time, you should learn to discover the advantages of others instead of blindly looking at other people's shortcomings.

On the road of life, only those who know how to learn and improve themselves will have more happiness. Among them, remember to blindly expose other people's shortcomings, because this can easily make people feel disgusted, and they may even think that you are arrogant and not a friend worth keeping company with.

always habitually put down others and promote themselves, then such people are often more conceited, and it will be difficult for them to achieve great achievements in the long run.

If you are a river, then you should go to the vast sea. If you are an eagle, you should not be limited to the same field, you should pursue a larger world.

understands the principle of humility and is good at learning the advantages of others. When you constantly summarize and improve yourself, then you can become an excellent person.

Don't associate with villains or people who talk about people's rights and wrongs, so that your life will be quieter and you will have the energy to find some materials that are more conducive to your development. To become an excellent person, you must control your words and deeds and avoid getting into trouble.

Life should be like eyes as calm as autumn water, and heart as white as pear blossoms; no matter how hot and cold the world is, I can deal with it calmly; in the face of fame and wealth, I can be calm and calm; even if the world is complicated, I can be calm and the moon is clear; this kind of life is life. The true meaning of.

If you can't do it in life, you haven't seen through human nature, you haven't looked at the harshness of the world, and you haven't looked down on fame and fortune; you are tired of this, both physically and mentally; Zhuangzi discussed it in " Xiaoyaoyou ", " Human World " and other articles Get rid of all external constraints and pursue the wisdom of a free state in the spiritual world.

see through human nature, keep a cold eye on the world, and learn to adapt. Zhuangzi said in "The Human World": "Those who take care of their own thoughts will not easily express sorrow and joy in front of them. Knowing that there is nothing they can do and being at peace with them as if they were fate is the ultimate virtue." What he said is true.

A person who pays attention to self-cultivation can easily be affected by sorrow and joy. He understands that the world is difficult, but he has no choice but to be content with the status quo and follow nature. This is the highest state of moral cultivation.

In this world, people are bustling for profit, and fighting for fame. If you see through these mentality, you will be balanced, stay calm, and face all the rights and wrongs in the world calmly. As Zhuangzi said, although there is nothing you can do, you can be smooth. Of course, this is a kind of cultivation.

As long as people do not touch interests, they are all good people. In this article, I will tell you, what is human nature and desire? Don't be embarrassed to look at it. If you are embarrassed to look at it, then save it first and look at it secretly when no one is around.

As for couples, no one can see their true nature until they get divorced. Brother, if you don’t touch money, you can’t see their faces. Your children won’t be sick, and you won’t see your filial sons. You won’t be strangers to each other, and you won’t be able to see your closeness. As long as you don’t Everyone is a good person when it comes to profit.

tells you very seriously, don’t think that the person you miss will also miss you. Life tells you that there is nothing wrong with you. Reality tells you that if you don’t have money, even your closest relatives will look down on you. Don’t think that you can’t let it go. People will also be unable to let you go.

A fish will die without water, but water will be clearer without a fish. The so-called life is just endless lies, a human heart that cannot be seen through, and endless ups and downs. When you can do it, , anything will work, nothing will work when you can’t do it, so you must be able to do it, and you have to do it even if you can’t, this is the reality. Come on, tomorrow will be better!

Faces come from the heart. Whether a person is happy or not can be known by looking at his face. Happiness is a feeling we have. Whether we are happy every day will appear on a person's face. Because happiness and contentment come from the heart and cannot be faked.

A person who lives a happy life will raise the corners of his mouth every day, have a kind facial expression, and speak in a cheerful tone. He will not be sarcastic or make others sound harsh or uncomfortable. People who are not living a satisfactory life will generally not have a happy facial expression, and even if they smile, they will look tired. And he doesn't talk much, and he is generally cold to others and not very enthusiastic.

A person who lives a happy life will be positive in his dealings with others. He will generally not be too aggressive in doing things. He will correctly understand the difficulties in life and will not blame others. People who are unsatisfactory in life generally prefer to complain and blame others when they encounter troubles, rather than actively trying to solve problems.

A person who lives a happy life generally has beautiful dreams for the future, has clear goals for life, and has a plan to realize his dreams step by step. People who live unsatisfactory lives generally have no clear plans for the future and themselves. They only focus on the immediate gains and losses and do not set lofty ideals for themselves.

People who live a happy life are generally confident people. You will have confidence in yourself, be full of expectations for life, and be full of hope for the future. Therefore, you will be positive and progressive every day. People who live an unsatisfactory life have no confidence in themselves, no expectations for the future, and no passion for life. They either look dejected or muddle along every day.

Happiness is achieved through struggle and hard work. Live happily every day, have confidence in yourself, be full of hope for life, and be full of beautiful dreams for the future. Your aura will also increase and your luck will get better and better.

Therefore, if you want to have a happy life, you must first have a good attitude and a positive attitude towards life. In this way, you will radiate a good life from the inside out, and your appearance will get better and better. How can a person who is frowning all day have good luck?

all say that a person's best condition will attract the best luck. Therefore, if you make yourself happy every day and improve your appearance, your life will naturally get better and better, and you will be happy every day.

In this life, if a person understands tolerance, everything will be right. For example, letting go of unworthy people and things can point to value and meaning, and ignore all interference and influence; forgive one's youthful mistakes, be able to change, and make timely adjustments. , be willing to admit and forgive, and integrate and promote appropriately; admit one's own mediocrity, do not insist on high value and extraordinary charm, but have other expectations and determination.

The importance of life is not that it is wonderful because of its value, but that everything is just right and wonderful. Because of the harmony and tacit understanding, everything shows the proper order and direction.

In life, tolerance is an open-minded state of mind, and understanding is a broad wisdom. Even when encountering things, you are still considerate and considerate. You don't care about the balance between loss and possession, but pay more attention to your own integrity and dignity.

When life is not only helped by luck, but also nourished by other things, life will eventually be extraordinary and extraordinary, and may even transcend ordinary and simple, reaching romance and perfection.

It is the last word to rely on yourself in life. The mountains will fall if you rely on them, and you can run if you rely on everyone. Only relying on yourself is the most reliable. No matter when and under what circumstances, we must rely on ourselves. On the road of life, we must straighten our spine, stride forward, work hard, and create our own brilliance. Only then will our lives have a happy and beautiful tomorrow!

The real strong person is yourself. Even if you don't have that person in your life, he will always be with you and be your support.We are unique individuals in society. We never rely on, never look for, and always rely on ourselves. We can't rely on anyone. We have to go our own way and have our own lives to live. If we don't work hard, who can we rely on? The road is made by walking, and the career is built by fighting for it.

Only by working hard and forging ahead can we get the life we ​​want. When we encounter difficulties in life, we must move forward vigorously. We cannot slack off and must have the courage to move forward. The road of life is never smooth sailing.

We will also encounter various difficulties in life, but we rely on ourselves to control our own luck. No matter ups and downs, or stumbling, if you get over it, your life will usher in the dawn!

In the face of difficulties, no one can be relied on but oneself. When a person works hard in society, it is not always smooth sailing. He will encounter various difficulties and problems. Need someone to help us, parents, siblings, friends? Or lovers? Our parents are old and cannot help us. We still need to take care of it. Brothers and sisters each have a family and start a career, have their own affairs, and have their own difficulties, and they can't help you. What is the concept of

having friends? You have power, money, and many friends; when you have no money, no power, and are in trouble, even your relatives and friends will look down on you, and they will disappear before you even ask them for help. Not replying to WeChat shows how snobbish people are.

The same goes for lovers. If you have money and power, they will treat you like treasure; if you have no money and power, they will treat you like grass. When disaster approaches, we are faster and farther away from you. In the real society and the cruel people's hearts, we can only lament that only when we become stronger can we have the ability to face all the people and things in society.

The cruelty of society means that you have to rely more on yourself. When you are down once, hit the wall everywhere, and have no way out, you realize that asking others is a luxury, and placing your hopes on others is all in vain. It can only disappoint you and make you sad when you see through the warmth and coldness of life.

We finally realized the truth that no one can be relied upon in life. We can only rely on ourselves. This is the last word. When you learn to use your own strength to change your destiny, fight, and struggle in the face of difficulties, your efforts will definitely be rewarded and you will definitely "turn over."

must make itself stronger and rely on itself. We finally understand that people must change themselves all the time, make themselves stronger, let themselves have their own place in society, make their lives more flexible, and become truly strong without looking at other people's faces. .

Rely on yourself, walk your own path, and do your own thing well. Even if one day I fall down, I am not afraid of losing. The road of life is full of ups and downs, but I am confident that even if I have to do it again, I will not hesitate. . Keep moving forward, life will never stop, and the struggle will not stop.

I don’t care for anything else, just to live a good and prosperous life, and I am not afraid of being looked down upon by others. If you want to walk with your back straight, you still have to rely on yourself. We have experienced blank stares and despair, and we understand better the warmth and coldness of human relationships and the cruelty of life. You have to rely on yourself to work hard and create your own world. Because you have strength, you are not afraid of being looked down upon by others.

In this life, if a person understands "tolerance", everything will be right. Let go of unworthy people and things. In life, unworthy people and things have nothing to do with the value of your life. If you ignore them, it will be more appropriate and stable. If you pay attention to them, you will inevitably feel sad and regretful.

Among the crowd, there are too many vulgar individuals, full of our search and appeal for wonderful things. Regarding these people and things, our most appropriate attitude is to learn to let go, to be able to forget, to dare to let go, and it is best to keep a distance. Safety and decency.

It is best to give up and stay away from people who affect your happiness and happiness. It is not bad, but unworthy; it is best to alienate and let go of people who affect your value and significance. It is not bad, but unworthy.

It is best to ignore and be indifferent to those who influence your pursuit of luck and opportunities. It is not bad, but it delays your quality steps. It is best to turn around and forget. All unworthy people and things should become part of your life. Passers-by, don’t remember them, let alone take them to heart.

When you let go, no matter how big a thing is, it no longer matters. When you give up, many regrets will turn into value. The moment you let go, you will have infinite possibilities and opportunities. It is not that you automatically let go of the wonderful things in the world, but that you still have the luck to embrace happiness, just because you still have room to understand.

People and things that are not worth it must be accurately recognized before we are willing to give up. All scenery and stories that are not worth it will be based on our deep understanding.

Forgive yourself for your youthful mistakes. In this life, the person you should forgive the most is yourself. Don’t make things difficult for yourself. When the time is right, you must learn to let go and let go, so that you can be the happiest and happiest.

When people are young, they are bound to make mistakes and make mistakes in their growth. Therefore, whoever can recognize and understand themselves can grasp the greater value and luck of life. This is not too difficult. It requires maturity in the journey, and more It requires growing up through experience. Everything is not accidental, but growth and quality achieved step by step.

When confusion strikes, when there is no future, what people should know most is not who is more worthy of reliance and sustenance, but to find their own problems and mistakes, make accurate changes and adjustments, and reject any confusion and haziness. It is best to be direct Pointing to the distant goal, there are no stagnations or detours in the middle. The goal is clear, the path is firm, and there are no twists and turns.

When people reach a certain age, everyone should forgive themselves for the mistakes they made when they were young, including the definition of life, value attribution, lifestyle, etc., and they should make appropriate changes and adjustments. Even if they are still unwilling, they should still let go and understand, rather than admit defeat. Instead of showing weakness, we accept the helplessness and cruelty of life, and the regret and paleness of reality.

Only when you are young and frivolous can you be fearless. Even if you are injured and fail, you still have hope in your heart. When you are older and quieter, you will be cautious and conscientious, with less restlessness and madness. You should be careful and uneasy in everything you do, and you are not afraid of missing out. What, it's not a regret for losing something, but a proper consideration of everything to ensure complete control and control.

admits that his abilities are mediocre, and admitting defeat does not mean giving in, but objective evaluation and definition. He can find the right value and direction of life based on the actual situation, no longer confused in life, but choose and start differently, which is more accurate and also More value, more meaning, and more warmth.

Everyone's qualifications are different. Some are brilliant, some are ordinary, some are prominent, and some are simple. We should all accept reality instead of confronting reality. Everything happens in real life and does not exist apart from reality.

When we are unable to control our destiny, the best attitude is to learn to accept our own simplicity and mediocrity, and we should try to admit our own mediocrity and helplessness. This is objective, more rational, and more intelligent. It also shows a person's attitude toward life. rationality and decency in life.

It is difficult for people who are too emotional to have a sense of happiness. It is not that they are too sentimental and are not good enough, but that emotional people will always have their weaknesses and shortcomings taken advantage of, and they will become sad if they are not careful. This is a fact and cannot be ignored.

's own abilities are mediocre and destined to fail to be top-notch and outstanding. Therefore, in many things, we should let go and let go instead of comparing and jealousy, let alone argue with others and focus on unnecessary vanity.

Keeping a calm mind, accepting the ordinary, making progress while being content, always appreciating oneself, being confident in life, and pursuing dreams actively and optimistically may be more conducive to maintaining and possessing happiness.

In this life, life is not easy, work is not easy, and life is not easy. No matter what, you must cherish yourself, treat yourself well, and live for yourself. You should live every day of your life in a lively and enjoyable way, without compromising or making do, let alone wronging yourself.

You must know that no one is perfect. No matter how well a person does, he will inevitably be criticized by others. Don't worry too much and just live your life as you please.Physical and mental health is the most important thing in a person's life. Only by loving your body and taking good care of yourself can you live a hopeful life.

As a human being, you should not live life in a haphazard manner. You should spend the money you earn. Only when you spend it is it valuable. Don’t waste your time or cope with life. Strive to be a kind person, stick to the bottom line of kindness, and always remember: be kind, be tolerant, be a good person, and act virtuously.

If you have time to study more and have energy to do more, don't waste your time and energy on calculating others or on right and wrong. People live just to make themselves feel comfortable and happy. It is really not worth it to feel sad about people and things for no reason.

Life is like drinking water. You know whether you are warm or cold, and you feel your own joys and sorrows. Why should you care about what others say, think, or think? Just have a clear conscience. Home is the warmest haven in the world. It is also very important to keep your home and manage your marriage well.

People often say that it is easier to fall in love than to stay together. If you want to maintain a good marriage, in addition to shouldering the responsibilities and burdens of starting a family together, you must also respect each other and treat each other honestly. Life is a long road, no matter how hard it is, how tired it is, how painful it is, if you have a home to return to, and if you have people who love and support you and will stay with you until you grow old, you are happy and even more lucky.

As long as people are alive, they will face various problems, various blows and various dissatisfactions in work, life and relationships every day, and we must be good at finding ways to deal with them. Soldiers will come to block you, water will come and earth will cover you, there is no mountain of flames that you can't overcome, you are iron-clad, and you have troubles like running water. Apart from life and death, what else can't you overcome?

The stronger and more optimistic a person is, the calmer and more calm he will live. You must always believe that everything will pass and everything will be the best arrangement. You must know that time is never merciful and time is fleeting. Instead of being sentimental and melancholy, it is better to seize every moment to live your life seriously and try your best to protect your happiness.

As for those things that are still out of reach even if you stretch your hands and tiptoe, why not just let them go. What is yours is yours after all, so why force it if it is not yours. No matter how well others live, it has nothing to do with you. Don't envy anyone, don't envy anyone, follow your own path, see your own scenery, and live your own life seriously. This is very good.

encourage each other!

author; Qingmiao