1. Fish will be easily cooked to death in warm water, and drizzle will easily wet clothes, because these seemingly harmless things can easily make people lose their vigilance. 2. Two things are very important: accept the "differences" between others and ourselves and protect the

1. Fish will be easily cooked to death in warm water, and drizzle will easily wet clothes, because these seemingly harmless things can easily make people lose their vigilance.

2. Two things are very important: accepting the "differences" between others and ourselves and protecting the "differences" between ourselves and others.

3. There will always be times like this in your life, when your heart is in chaos, but in the eyes of others, you are just a little quieter than usual, and no one will find it strange. This kind of war is destined to be fought alone.

4. You must give yourself a sense of security. If money can give you a sense of security, then work hard to make money. If being loved can give you a sense of security, then strive to become a person worthy of being loved.

5. Put on passionate makeup, meet the person you like, and have the dream you long for. Try to make every day happy and meaningful, not for others, only for yourself.

6. No matter how uncomfortable I feel, when someone asks me, the only thing that comes out of my mouth is "It's okay." Some words don’t need to be said, some people don’t need to wait, some things don’t need to be done, some tears don’t need to be shed, and some feelings don’t need to be forced.

7. Don’t lose yourself in order to please anyone. People who really like you will like everything about you. People who understand you will naturally know your original appearance.

8. Seeing the world clearly does not make the world a better place. But it may allow you to change yourself for the better after seeing clearly what kind of world this is.

9. Please remember that no matter when, you need to give yourself a clear bottom line, because many times some people will wear away your bottom line little by little. When you have no bottom line, you will be completely eliminated by others. control.

10. Life is so long. Whether it is work or love, marriage or life, you should treat yourself better and live a more precious life, so that you can live up to your future life.

11. You have to work hard and know that there are still many good things in life. Learn to take care of your body and dry your hair before going to bed. Don’t work too hard and don’t get into trouble. Everyone has to encounter some difficult things to grow up. .

12. You have to be a calm adult. Don't be emotional, don't miss secretly, don't look back, and live your own other life. You have to be obedient. Not all fish will live in the same sea. . —— Haruki Murakami

13. The world is crowded with people. Please give your life more confidence and take care of yourself. You have to force yourself to be excellent and better than your past self.

14. Life is not new every day. Maybe the people and things you meet are repeated, but stability is rarer than anything else.

15. A person is blessed if he lives for one day. Life is only a few decades long, don’t leave yourself more regrets. When the sun rises over the East China Sea and sets over the Western Mountains, there will be a day of sorrow and a day of joy. If you don't get into trouble, you will be comfortable and your heart will be at ease.

16. Keep your distance from troublesome things and bad people. Time is precious and my energy is limited.

17. When I need you, you are not absent, but you don’t care. So when you need me, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't care. ——Liu Tong

18. No one cares about what you have lost, and no one cares about your unhappiness. The world will not stop moving forward for anyone. Cry when you are sad, sleep when you are tired, and can’t vent your anger. Just go eat and drink. The more no one loves you, the more you have to love yourself.

19. Treat frustrations, difficulties and sufferings like privacy. Because no one can deal with them on your behalf except for the most conversational topics. ——qiuwei

20. IQ determines your lower limit, and EQ determines your upper limit. The degree to which you make people comfortable with your words can determine the height you can reach.

21. Don’t be afraid of offending others. Anyone with principles will respect him. Times have changed, and good old guys are no longer popular. Having a temper is also a true temperament. Even if you swallow the words on your lips, it is mature, but speaking out what should be said is a kind of responsibility.