1. When you get older, you can’t stand the danger and just want to be pampered. Any relationship that makes me feel tired will not be maintained actively. 2. There are too many things that go against your wishes, and too few things that come true, and the most beautiful things of

1. When you get older, you can’t withstand violence and just want to be pampered. Any relationship that makes me feel tired will not be maintained actively.

2. There are too many things that go against your expectations, and too few things that come true, and the most beautiful things often come to light when you don’t have any expectations.

3. If an umbrella does not belong to me, I would rather walk in the rain; if the heart does not belong to me, I will not keep it; if it does not belong to me, I will not ask for it; if it is not given to me sincerely, I will not care about it.

4. Later I realized that it is not age that makes people grow up, but the regrets in life that cannot be taken away or thrown away.

5. The way to be happy is actually very simple. Gradually learn to expect less. Then, everything you get will turn into small surprises, filling those empty regrets.

6. The right position in life is neither close to money nor close to power, but close to the soul; true happiness is neither wealth nor having everything right, but a clear conscience.

7. When you know a lot of true and false things, there won’t be so much bitterness. You become more and more silent and don’t want to speak anymore.

8. Many people are not withdrawn, but socialize in a principled and selective manner. You can talk a lot to the person you like, but not a word to other people.

9. There is still a long, long road ahead, and we have to walk it alone. You have to rely on yourself and your own abilities to complete it, rather than relying on others. —— Hayao Miyazaki " Spirited Away "

10. You can scold me as much as you want, but don't touch my bottom line, otherwise you will regret it extremely. After all, everyone cannot resist when they are angry. of.

11. Everything that happens to you, whether beautiful or ugly, is a gift. If you can have faith and patience, time will give you the beauty you want.

12. Don’t think that you have lost everything. Don’t be frustrated by this little thing. There is more than one way to success. Start over and do it again. In fact, there are still many opportunities, as long as we can grasp them well.

13. The so-called kindness is not how good you are to others, but that in your eyes all the faults of others can be corrected!

14. Life is very tiring. If you are not tired now, you will be even more tired in the future. Life is very bitter. If it is not bitter now, it will be more bitter in the future. Only when you are tired can you be free. Only when you have experienced bitterness can you realize sweetness.

15. Nothing is more satisfying in life than loving the snow but being afraid of the cold. One pack of instant noodles is too little and two packs are too big. The rubber band that ties your hair with two circles is too loose and three circles is too tight. I like long hair but short hair is popular. I like you. , but you don’t know.

16. Not everyone is willing to bear your negative energy, and not everyone is willing to listen to your anxiety. Only someone who truly loves you will empathize with your situation.

17. If you don’t want to live a life, don’t wrong yourself; if you don’t want a relationship, don’t live with it. Don't force yourself.

18. Time has passed, and several years have passed by. When I look back at those ridiculous years, I feel grateful for the last resort choice, because I began to understand that "people who can't be together" are actually "wrong people" .

9. Life always leaves us bruised and bruised, but please believe that the suffering you suffer today, the losses you suffer, the responsibilities you bear, the sins you bear, and the pain you endure will all turn into light in the end and illuminate your way.

20. Just think about how to get rich if you have nothing to do. Don’t always be sad in the emotional world. Money in the palm of your hand will always be more secure than a heart that cannot be grasped.

21. Because you are too enthusiastic, you always feel that others are too indifferent to you; because you love someone too much, you feel that others do not love you anymore if they neglect you. Focus more on yourself and you will reduce a lot of pretentious emotions.