Life is full of gains and losses every day. If you only see losses, then life is gray; if you only see gains, then life is red. Your life will be colorful only when you both see gains and understand that in order to gain you have to work and bear losses.

Life is full of gains and losses every day. If you only see losses, then life is gray; if you only see gains, then life is red. Your life will be colorful only when you both see gains and understand that in order to gain you have to work and bear losses.

Make your world bigger, and your worries will naturally become smaller.

Life is made up of countless little things. How you view these little things depends on your world view. If your world is big, then these little things are insignificant. If your world is small, then every little thing can become the straw that breaks your heart.

There is dust in the eyes and the three realms are narrow, but in the heart there is nothing and the width of the bed is wide.

Right and wrong in life depend on your perspective on the problem. If your heart is small, all small things will become big. When you have a big heart, the troubles that bother you will disappear. If you are often troubled by the little things in life, it means your heart is too small. Only by enlarging your world can your heart be like the ocean and tolerate all things.

The human heart can be big or small. When it is big, it can accommodate all things. When it is small, not even a grain of rice can fit into it. A narrow mind will lead to many troubles; a broad mind will lead to abundant wisdom.

What determines the size of your heart is your experience

After you have seen the vast sea, you will not be amazed by the small ditch in front of you. When you look up at the stars in the universe, you won't worry about trivial things. Because these things are insignificant compared to your vision, and they are not worth spending time sighing and grieving.

As big as the heart is, so is the stage. Knowledge can increase wisdom, and vision can allow you to overlook all things and look proudly at the sky.

Hai Xin and Mingliang are good friends. They grew up together and studied together. When I went to college, I went to the same school and studied the same major. They are truly inseparable good friends in life and a good partner in study. After graduating from college, Mingliang chose to seek development in Beijing, more than 2,000 miles away from home. Hai Xin was influenced by her family and decided to return to a small city not far from home to develop. Since then, the fate of the two people has undergone great changes. After

arrived in Beijing, he found that Beijing was full of talents and the competition was fierce. There are graduates from famous universities everywhere, and master's degree students are also everywhere. Ordinary undergraduates like him have no advantage. Finding a job was met with obstacles, and the only place to live was the cheapest bed. Although work and life were difficult, he also saw many opportunities. Beijing is full of Fortune 500 companies, high-tech companies, and foreign-funded companies, which means there is broad room for development.

How high you can achieve depends on how good your competitors are.

He decided to be down-to-earth, step by step, starting with small things. Work and continue learning at the same time. Leaving school does not mean the end of learning. This social university needs to learn more knowledge. Because of his humility in asking for advice, his hard work and persistence in studying, he made great progress in less than two years. The job position and salary have been improved, and the important thing is that he already possesses the core competitiveness of the industry. It went up very quickly step by step. I also got the opportunity to study under the government, and I have made greater progress in my business, and my future prospects are bright.

After Hai Xin returned to a small city, she quickly found a job. The typical job was less work, not much money, and close to home. Stay home, work comfortably, and live a stress-free life. I go to work every day, watch TV shows after get off work, and party and party with my friends on weekends. Life is a joy. Time passed by unconsciously, and people became lazy and unwilling to make progress. After working for a period of time, I begin to feel dissatisfied with my job, and I tend to complain easily, complaining about low wages, boring life, and monotonous life. In this way, day by day, I lived my life into the most disgusting form.

People cannot be too comfortable. If they live too comfortably for too long, they will either become lazy and decadent. Either scrape the bones and heal, or start over painfully.

Don't tell the frog in the well about the vastness of the sea

Never tell the frog in the well about the splendor of the outside world, because they can't understand it. In their world, a dry well is paradise on earth.

There is a frog living in an abandoned well. It jumps around in the well when it is happy, swims up and down in the water when it is hot, and lives a carefree life. One day, the frog met a giant turtle from the East China Sea by the well. The frog showed off to the turtle and said, "Look, how happy I am living here! When I'm happy, I jump around the well railing for a while, and when I'm tired, I go back to the brick hole in the well wall to rest. Sometimes I soak my body in the In the water, only the head and mouth are exposed, or you can happily walk in the soft mud. I occupy this well alone and feel free in the water. Why don't you come and visit the well? "

The turtle listened to the frog! After a long talk, I really wanted to go in and have a look. But before its left foot was fully inserted, its right foot got caught on the well railing. It had no choice but to take a few steps back and asked the frog: "Have you ever seen the sea? The sea is vast, more than a thousand miles; and the sea is more than a thousand feet deep. In ancient times, there were floods nine out of ten years, but the sea water did not increase much. "There have been droughts in seven out of eight years, and the sea water has not decreased because of this. It can be seen that the sea is not affected by droughts and floods. Living in the vast sea is really happy!"

The well frog listened to the turtle's words. After talking, he stayed there in surprise, only then did he realize that there is such a big world outside the well. It was surprised and ashamed, feeling that its knowledge was too small.

How big your vision is, how big is the sky of success.

Everyone actually lives in a well, but everyone's conditions are different, but the same thing is that everyone at the bottom of the well can only stand from their own perspective and see the floating clouds floating above the well and the A sky with the same diameter as the well. The success or failure of life actually depends on your knowledge and thinking.

Only when you go out to see the world can you see the bigger sky and feel the broader world. If you are limited to your own paradise, sooner or later you will fall into the cage of fixed thinking.

People should not just walk with their heads down, but also look up at the sky.

The bigger the world, the fewer worries

The more short-sighted and uninformed a person is in life, the more worries he will have; the more knowledgeable a person is, the less worries he will have.

Life is a process of constantly breaking through. When you are at the bottom, you will be entangled in trivial things. As you climb up, you leave these worries behind. When you are at the top, you tend to ignore the little things at the bottom. Because you have jumped out of the original world.

There are a few words like this. When I was on the first floor, people outside scolded me. I was very angry and annoyed when I heard it. When I got to the 10th floor, the people below were scolding me. I heard them vaguely and basically couldn't hear them clearly, so I didn't care. When I got to the 100th floor, someone was scolding me below. I couldn't hear any sound. I only felt them waving to me. I responded to them with a smile. Because at this time my eyes stayed on the scenery in front of me. The scenery I saw was beyond their imagination. They and I had become a parallel universe.

As far as the vision is, so far is the thought, and as far as the thought is, the achievement can be as high as possible.

People should look far away. After passing the mountain, their horizons will be broadened. As long as a person doesn't see others being kind or wise, he has no tolerance for others.

The more you look up at the sky, the more your vision will become broader.

After the epidemic, go around more and you will find the difference in the world.