A piece of dusty glass becomes as clean as new with a touch of the past; a confused mind becomes clear with a touch of the past. In a blink of an eye, a realm is created—no investment is required to obtain it. Erase vulgarity and reflect taste; erase indifference, and it becomes

A piece of dusty glass, with a touch of the past, becomes as smooth as new; with a touch of the past, a confused mind becomes clear and clear. In a blink of an eye, a realm is created—no investment is required to obtain it.

Erase vulgarity and reflect taste; erase indifference, and it will become passion; erase the slavishness and let elegance shine; erase hesitation, and even the weakest person will become persistent. There are so many things that need to be erased from a person's body.

Some people often dislike someone, are often worried that they don’t have as much money as others, often compare their wives to others’ wives, and often complain about everything but others and are miserable. They really need to erase the personal grudges and desires accumulated in their cerebral cortex!

If you understand this truth, you will be able to "smile away all grudges when we meet"; you will be "unjustly rich and noble, and I will be in the clouds"; you will be "selfless in your heart and the world will be broad"; you will gain self-cultivation and embody virtues and wisdom, live out the joy of life and the quality of life.

If you don’t erase it well, you won’t be able to break through and improve. A scholar came to Zen Master Nan Yin to inquire about Zen with the worry of making no progress in his studies for many years. After listening to his story, Nan Yin quietly picked up the teapot and made tea for him. The tea has already overflowed from the cup, but Nan Yin hasn't stopped yet. "Master, don't fall!" the scholar said anxiously upon seeing this. At this time, Nan Yin said to the scholar: "Your mind is like this cup. If you don't empty it, how can you put something new in it?" The scholar realized. Zen machine is like drinking. In just one touch, it gives life the space to make a difference, and it improves it by more than one level!

If an official does not erase his bigotry, he will not be able to improve his governance level; if a businessman does not erase his outdated business ideas, he will not be able to come up with new strategies to seize the market; if a scholar does not let go of his past achievements, then his talents will be exhausted. The day is not far away. A person who is unwilling to erase can only stay in one place and die of old age.

In the blink of an eye, he was already lightly armed, fully displaying the wisdom of assessing the situation and the courage to sacrifice the small for the greater. It was the decision of Liu and Deng's army to blow up their own baggage in order to escape the enemy's pursuit on the way to the Dabie Mountains . When the "wolf pack" of the West swarmed in with GATT and WTO, we suddenly felt unprecedented competitive pressure and burden. Suddenly we felt that many self-righteous things in the past had to be thrown away quickly, otherwise, just cheer up. He is ten thousand feet tall, and he has no ability to run and compete with the "wolf pack", let alone go out into the world.

If you dare to erase, you will achieve creation and transcendence. In an instant, Kepler broke away from the shackles of classical mechanics and established a scientific theory of celestial mechanics with non-positive circular poles; Heisenberg broke away from the popular decision-making philosophy in the 19th century and proposed the famous " Unpredictability" Quasi-principle "; Einstein challenged the great success of Newtonian mechanics and established the theory of relativity; Mao Zedong smashed thousands of years of feudal shackles and made the prostrate Chinese people stand up; Deng Xiaoping criticized " "Two Whatevers" has led the Chinese people on the road to prosperity. Although not everyone can be as earth-shattering as these great men, but as long as we adjust our posture in time, from emancipating our minds to unifying our minds, we can keep pace with the times, defeat strong opponents, and make great achievements!

In fact, the so-called erasure means negation. Without negation, there is no affirmation and no development. In just one stroke, it provides strong traction for moving forward.

In one touch, it embodies great wisdom - the opportunity given to people and the transformation of society. But this wisdom is often ignored. Especially modern people. Nowadays, if many people want to obtain happiness in life, they really do not need to "seek", but should be good at "erasing" and lighten their mind and body.