Do something to be proud of and meet a better version of yourself. 1. Cherish your time. Personal time is very important to her. There are 24 hours in a day. She needs to think carefully about what goals she wants to accomplish within this time. You gave your time to the TV serie

Do something to be proud of and meet a better version of yourself.

1. Cherish your time.

Personal time is very important to her. There are 24 hours in a day. She needs to think carefully about what goals she wants to accomplish within this time. You gave your time to the TV series and gained a little happiness and a little helplessness afterwards. If you spend time on short videos, there is a high probability that you will gain nothing. You give time to books, and after a while, you have some thoughts.

If you want to know the value of your time, it is more straightforward to use your current income, divide it by the number of days in a month, 30 days, and then divide it by 24 hours. This is your current hourly value.

If you have an idea, you can record your current hourly value and wait three months or six months to see if there is any difference, whether it has increased or decreased.

hopes that everyone can create more brilliant achievements and more dazzling achievements as much as possible in the time they have.

2. Learn to focus.

Focus is the basis for your efficient work and effective learning, and it is also the foundation for you to build your own competitiveness.

sorts according to priority. Pick one thing from what you want to do and what you want to do at a time, and then complete it.

American writer Og Mandino has a famous saying: "Only those who do one thing at a time will be ahead of the world."

only does one thing at a time, don't scratch at both ends, and end up losing both ends.

Don’t be that person who is busy every day but never gets anything done. The busier you are, the more you need to calm down and do something.

You can stay away from some social software appropriately. When you read information, watch videos, and watch variety shows for a certain period of time, be careful and look away from your mobile phone. You can turn off your data, you can not set message reminders, or you can put your phone in another room and focus on your current work.

You can prepare a desk for yourself at home. Don’t sit there when you have nothing to do. When you are reading or dealing with things, sit in front of the desk, and then ensure that your attention is very concentrated at this time, abandon external interference, and focus The things you need to do and the books you need to read are also very efficient.

3. Choose who you want to spend time with.

Time is your very precious commodity, realize this as early as possible.

Be sensible and choose your friends and lovers wisely, they are the people who spend time with you. The kind of people you choose to associate with, the kind of people you choose to make friends with, and the kind of people you choose to form a family with have a huge relative impact. This is also a kind of responsibility for one's own life.

No matter what kind of industry you choose to be friends with, I hope you make good use of it. Spend more time with people who bring you happiness, opportunities, and thinking. Also when they are in trouble, remember to help them.

If you often make you unhappy when you get along with someone, you should think carefully about it. This is actually a waste of your time and emotions.

Think carefully about people who often suppress you when you get along with them. If you get along with them for a long time, they will doubt yourself and bury your self-confidence.

Think carefully about people who often bring you "negative emotions" when you get along with them. This point is more related to complaints. If you have had similar experiences, your friends’ complaints will also affect your emotions.

4. Understand yourself better.

Improve your understanding of yourself, your appearance, your height and appearance, your own personality, specialties, your own abilities, your own obvious shortcomings, and your own strengths. In every aspect.

uses these aspects to seek changes and knows the direction of its own changes.

If you have obvious shortcomings, try to improve them.

When you feel you are fat, try to exercise. When you feel you have no money, work hard to make money and save money.

When you feel that you still need to improve in terms of dressing, read more about dressing and find a style that suits you.

When you feel that your communication skills are still lacking, you should either practice or speak carefully, speak less and do more.

Some things will never change if you don’t reflect on them or start.

5. The ability to improve yourself.

improves its abilities in all aspects and makes itself capable enough to solve most problems.

In fact, a person has already started when he was in school. Work hard to get into a good university and accumulate your own education and cultural level.

Accumulate your own abilities and skills. learns from work, practices, synthesizes, and improves.

accumulate their own experience. has gained experience from all aspects of life, from his own experience, other people's experiences, home furnishing, cooking, organization, social activities, gatherings, exchanges, travel, etc.

develop your own social network. Interpersonal communication is a link that many people cannot live without. From work, life, and introductions from your friends, expand your contacts and form your own network. Pave the way for your future opportunities.

Lay a good foundation for your own health. Don’t ignore this, and don’t neglect your health “because you are young”. You can invest in your own study, but don't forget to invest in your own health. This is also one of the most cost-effective businesses.

accumulate their own economic strength. has had the awareness of saving money since he was in school. When he works, he accumulates, makes money, saves money and manages money. If you want the economy to be more relaxed, you can do it step by step.

6. Keep doing one thing.

The power of persistence is very powerful. You can persist in doing a small thing, or you can persist in doing things to improve yourself. In short, you have to start and persist, and you will gain something.

can be said to be very common reading, reading good books, and reading all kinds of books. Everyone should study hard. Reading will help us learn a lot, become more knowledgeable, and improve our inner temperament. In short, we must read more and read good books.

This can be a very ordinary exercise. Keep running, keep doing aerobics, , stick to it for three months, stick to it for six months, and your body will give you the answer.

can be any skill you want to learn. Don't be afraid of difficulties. There will always be a beginning. Keep learning. After a year, look back and see that you can be so good.

Don't just envy others, why not insist on doing one thing yourself so that you can also catch up with the poetry and distance you want to achieve. Give yourself the ability to live the life you want.

Your efforts, your persistence, and time can be seen. Similarly, if you never start or you give up halfway, time can also be seen.

hopes that we can all find that thing that makes us insist on doing it, persist in it for a long time, and then gain a better self.

No matter in life or at work, it is difficult for us to get everything going our way, but we can do everything we do. A positive attitude is a guarantee of success. Do everything carefully, meticulously and with all your heart, so that we can harvest surprises and grow ourselves.

The above is today’s sharing. If you find it useful, remember to wave your little hands and give it a like.