Yes, reality is never the embodiment of inspirational stories. There is no easy word in the adult world. Everyone is working hard to live, and everyone is gritting their teeth and persevering.

"Can I cry?"

"Should I hide the collapse?"

These questions have become the last struggle before the emotional explosion.

How can a person not collapse?

Zhang Ailing said:

"In this bizarre world, no one can live a smooth life."

Yes, reality has never been the embodiment of inspirational stories

How can we talk about the word "easy"?

There is no such thing as easy in the adult world. Everyone is working hard to live, and everyone is gritting their teeth and persevering.

You can taste all kinds of tastes by yourself and bear all kinds of sufferings by yourself. Thousands of people suffer in different ways, but their suffering is not the same.

From the day we grow up, we can only choose to rely on ourselves.

There is no retreat in life. Everyone is constantly working hard and collapses indirectly.

Those unspeakable hardships in life are pretentious to speak out, but hard to swallow when swallowed.

No one feels the same way as you. Everyone is busy on their own, so everyone chooses to endure it silently. People who have suffered greatly have already put their lives into silent mode.

Hemingway said in the book " The Old Man and the Sea":

"A person can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated."

Although we will experience collapses again and again, self-healing will eventually make us stronger.

You have to believe that no matter how bad life is, you can heal yourself. Life is so difficult that you will always break down and cry late at night. In the long road of life, no one will collapse and heal at the same time.

Many times, it is not the big things that make us collapse, but the small things that happen in daily life.

The pitiful balance on the mobile phone, the unpaid rent next month, and the monthly repayments of Huabei and credit cards all seem to be reminders of the ruthlessness and cruelty of life.

There is a sentence in " Strange Stories about ":

"The life of a dung beetle is to look up at the stars and lower its head to roll dung."

When I was a child, I always felt that when I grow up, I can have super powers and change the world.

After experiencing the beatings of life, I realized that fairy tales are always fairy tales. Who in the adult world has never collapsed?

Just like what is said in "The Shawshank Redemption":

"Everyone is his own God. If you give up on yourself, who else will save you?"

Along the way, maybe we have been bruised and bruised, but Optimism and love are eternal painkillers.

Adult meltdown, always late at night!

Everyone has experienced it, questioning their reason for living again and again at night.

The hustle and bustle of the day and the bright sunshine make you forget your inner loneliness for a time. However, at night, everything calms down and you begin to have to face the truest self.

Until late at night, you still don't want to fall asleep because you want to escape and escape from the pressure of life that has brought you during the day. You can't find a reason to drive you to move on.

However, you fall asleep after all, and face the next day's life.

All those confusions and collapses will be slowly left behind by you as the law of time never stops.

Because you know very well that life is tiring, but you still need to continue.

No matter how difficult life is, you must finish it bravely.

Because everyone lives not only for themselves.

You have family members who love you and a family that belongs to you. Don’t always make excuses for yourself to escape. Reality will never sympathize with the weak who escape.

There is a line in the American TV series "This Is Us":

"You have to learn how to turn the sour lemon that life gives you into a cup of sweet lemon juice."

After a crash, you will still encounter a crash, only Only if we are not afraid of it can we have the strength to move forward.

Life is hard, but it will pass.

Mr. Yang Jiang once said:

Everyone will have a particularly difficult time, the embarrassment of life, the frustration of work, and the hesitation of love all day long.

If you get through it, your life will suddenly become brighter.

won’t survive, and time will teach you how to make peace with them, so you don’t have to be afraid.

When the sun rises and the moon sets, there is always dawn.