The most glorious day in a person's life is not the day when he or she achieves success, but the day when the challenge to life emerges from lamentation and despair, and the day when one bravely moves towards will. ——Flaubert What does despair feel like? Is it the accumulation of

The most glorious day in a person's life is not the day when he or she achieves success, but the day when the challenge of life arises from lamentation and despair, and the day when one bravely moves towards will.


What is the feeling of despair? Is it the accumulation of disappointment after hope? Is it the desolation after the disaster? Or is it the reluctance or reluctance in the second before breathing stops? Despair is like a virus, it will slowly eat away at your soul until you are left with numbness, mental breakdown, and collapse.

God sometimes likes to play this kind of joke on you. When you are full of hope, it is actually just the beginning of despair. In the process of waiting for the final verdict of fate, you are suffering, but there is nothing you can do.

When a new dawn seems to be coming, you find that it is just a reflection of despair. You feel that you have no interest in life, so you give up the struggle. As everyone knows, when you have given up even despair, there is hope around the corner.

Short story:

Xiaoxin has been very desperate recently. He feels that he can no longer hold on. Just last week, Xiaoxin went to the hospital and got back a terminal illness notice. Although the doctor told him that as long as he cooperated with the treatment, he might have different results, Xiaoxin knew that these were just words of comfort from the doctor. The light faded from his life little by little, Xiaoxin's world collapsed, 's thinking became slow, and he was like a walking corpse every day. Xiao Xin didn't know how long he could live. When he thought of the word death, Tan Xin became despair.

Why is it me? Xiao Xin couldn't accept it at all. Didn't he just faint suddenly? How could he become terminally ill? He couldn't figure it out. But now, he doesn't even have the strength to resent. Fear and despair drained his strength bit by bit, and he even found it difficult to even breathe. Will reach its limit in the next second?

The comfort from family and friends was of no use. He felt that no one could understand his current mood. Even in the face of their kind comfort, Xiaoxin felt that they were mocking him. Xiao Xin, who used to be optimistic and gentle, has a bad temper and gets angry easily.

He no longer cares whether his attitude hurts the people who care about him, he just wants to vent. Xiaoxin refuses to go to the hospital for treatment. Since it can’t be cured, why bother yourself? After experiencing the suffering of countless sleepless nights, Xiao Xin even thought that he might as well end his own life. Living like this would be more painful than death. Why not seek relief? Yes, that's it.

On a stormy night, Xiaoxin climbed up to the rooftop. The wind hurt his face, and heavy raindrops hit him. Xiao Xin stood by the rooftop and looked down. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen clearly. Jump down and you will be completely liberated. Just after he took one step out, a thought suddenly came to Xiao Xin's mind, Aren't you just afraid of death? If you are not afraid of death, what else can cause you pain? As soon as the idea of ​​ appeared, it grew crazily, and my mind was constantly filled with this sentence. Xiao Xin took back his feet and burst into tears with laughter. He felt that he was completely relieved.

Xiaoxin has become that optimistic young man again. Isn’t it because he is sick? Just take advantage of your time in the hospital to have a good rest. Xiaoxin actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment and his condition was under control. The doctor told him that the latest medical research results had come out and his terminal illness was not incurable.

There are some obstacles. It sticks deeply in your heart and tortures you day and night, but you can only face it alone. Once you have crossed over, you will be reborn. Others cannot help you. Only when you yourself are completely awakened can you be reborn. Birth, old age, illness and death are determined by God, but the other half of your destiny is actually in your own hands. When you take control of yourself and take the initiative, you can redefine your destiny, and the god of death will retreat.

Everyone may fall into despair, and the ending will be different, but you have the right to choose. Whether to give up in despair or challenge despair is up to you. So when despair comes, you need to master the method of defeating it:

1. Accept reality instead of escaping from reality.

Accept reality instead of escaping from it. When something happens, whether it is unexpected or beyond your ability to endure, you must learn to accept it. Only when you fully accept this fact can you take further countermeasures.

2. Vent your emotions in an appropriate way

Find an appropriate way to vent your emotions. Talk to someone you trust, or find an empty place to cry. When you are unable to adjust your emotions, you can seek help from a psychologist. Remember, you must not keep things in your heart to prevent mental breakdown.

3. Treat life with a normal heart

Maintain an optimistic attitude in ordinary life and learn to calm your mind. In this way, when disaster strikes, you can face challenges and overcome difficulties without fear or retreat.

In fact, there are no desperate situations in life. There are only desperate people in the situation. The power to overcome the despair of life lies precisely in life itself. This spirit is the success factor of all outstanding people. Don't be downcast, even if you lose everything, you still have a future. If your own faith is still standing, no one in this world can make you fall.