Our true selves are more powerful and capable than we think. Of all of the Creator’s creation, humans are the only ones with the ability to see the invisible, imagine the unbelievable and do the impossible. Most of the time, we fail to realize that our true selves are stronger an

Our true selves are more powerful and capable than we think

Of all of the Creator’s creation, humans are the only ones with the ability to see the invisible, imagine the unbelievable and do the impossible. Most of the time, we fail to realize that our true selves are stronger and more capable than we think. If you are going through one of these stages in your life and looking at your destiny in life quotes, then you have arrived at the right destination.

God has given us the power to overcome all the problems in life. The relationship between karma, destiny and suffering is not always understandable through intellectual analysis, but once we experience it, no one knows better than us that overwhelming positive change is bound to follow. Learning the philosophy of changing your destiny begins with realizing that in any given situation, we are not alone. An invisible force called Universal Consciousness within each human body is always with us and provides us with all the power we need to change our lives. With this realization, you will begin to see a completely different life. Most of life's problems seem to be a problem when we feel we have to solve them ourselves. Whether it’s financial, health, or relationship issues, we’re not sure how to face it or bounce back. But what you need to know is that you are never alone; you are always connected to the power that changes your destiny, and this power is present, everywhere, and in everyone.