Guiguzi said in Zonghengshu that learning to show weakness is not about admitting defeat, but learning to keep a low profile. Because no one likes a arrogant rooster, and those who are always aloof will not win the hearts of the people. Knowing how to show weakness is also a form

Guiguzi said in Zonghengshu that learning to show weakness is not about admitting defeat, but learning to keep a low profile.

Because no one likes a arrogant cock, those who are always aloof will not win the hearts of the people.

Knowing how to show weakness is also a form of humility. When it is time to show silence, there is no lofty talk, no boasting about wealth, only low-key and calm.

Being able to offer a warm opponent in time when others need help the most is also the survival wisdom of showing weakness, which can help you gain success faster.

In the process of dealing with others, showing one's weak side can paralyze competitors and give oneself a chance to breathe and develop.

If the situation is not favorable to you, you must learn to hide your strong strength to avoid being jealous and calculated by others. You must give people an illusion of weakness, so that you can protect yourself and wait for opportunities.

There are also people who always like to be in the limelight and like to be recognized, so that they can feel a sense of accomplishment. This does not win the favor of others. Sometimes, being too sharp can hurt the people around you.

In the process of competition, you must be good at choosing content that shows weakness:

For example, successful people talk more about their failure experiences and real troubles in front of others;

People with certain professional skills can talk about their ignorance of other fields. .

In the process of getting along with others, in order to create a good interpersonal environment, we must use weakness appropriately. Only by knowing how to show weakness at the right time can we accumulate strength and finally turn weakness into strength.

Showing weakness is a kind of survival wisdom and a means to achieve success. Showing weakness will not lower your status.

A strong person will be respected if he shows weakness, giving people the impression of being humble, kind, broad-minded and approachable.