Maybe, or maybe not, it is normal to have a selfish side in human nature. Regarding human nature, the intersection of good and evil is the truth, but believing that human nature is inherently evil will make your life easier.

The most common saying I have heard is: You should never underestimate human nature, and never believe in human nature. Is human nature so shoddy? It is a mask of kindness, a shell that contains selfishness, hypocrisy, desire, weakness, and unbearability.

Maybe, or maybe not, it is normal to have a selfish side in human nature. Regarding human nature, the intersection of good and evil is the truth, but believing that human nature is inherently evil will make your life easy.

There are no outright good people, and there are no heinous bad people. I have always said that no matter how kind a person is, there is a selfish and hypocritical side, and no matter how vicious a person is, there is also a kind part.

01. Most of the relationships between people are for convenience.

I have heard a very sad sentence before, but it is reality: "If you have no use value, no one will be willing to get close to you.".

Of course, this is not all, but it is the majority. Especially after we enter the society, all kinds of relationships are more or less mixed with interests, and there is no such thing as a completely pure relationship.

Whether we are entering a circle or wanting to make better friends, it all depends on our own available value.

agrees very much with these two sentences; "If you bloom, butterflies will come."

"When you are good enough, the whole world will be happy with you."

This is reality, this is benefit. Most relationships between people are based on benefit.

Even if we make friends, everyone hopes to exchange of equal value and pay for each other.

02. There are so many people who hate you and are jealous of you, and most of them are acquaintances.

There was a popular saying before: "I hope you live well, but I don't want you to live better than me." It's very true. It touched the hearts of many people.

Whether it is relatives, friends, or partners, there are many people who would hate to see you good, because it is natural to want to live a good life, because everyone loves face, and no one is willing to admit defeat under comparison. The thought of living a better life than the people around you will increase day by day.

Of course, there are brothers and sisters. They say they are brothers and sisters, but they are just as cold and hypocritical as to make you feel chilled.

This phenomenon is real and sad, but it is an unavoidable reality. Therefore, we can help you choose true friendship. There is no intention of comparison, only the tendency to help.

Those who don’t give up hanging out with you when you are down, and who don’t envy you when you are proud, are the ones who really need to spend time to keep.

Powerful relatives, hypocritical friends, hypocritical colleagues, hypocritical siblings, once they see that you are doing better than him, they will lose their inner balance and become jealous, and jealousy makes people ugly.

03. The only person in this world who can help you climb out of the trough is yourself, and the only one you can rely on is yourself.

Ji Xianlin wrote in "The Crossing of Sadness and Joy": "On the road of life, everyone is A lonely traveler. There are thousands of situations in the world, joys and sorrows, ups and downs, and no one else can help except to overcome them."

Yes! Others are helpless, and the most they can give is comfort, and this comfort may not come from the heart.

Exposing your weaknesses to others is equivalent to leaving yourself vulnerable to harm, because you don’t know whether you will get sympathy or ridicule.

Lu Xun said: "There is no absolute empathy in the world, and the sufferings between people are not the same.".

You are in agony and your heart is pierced by thousands of arrows, it is only your business.

So the only one who can pull you out of the trough is yourself. Only by figuring it out yourself can you find a way out.

The only person you can rely on is yourself. You can rely on your friends. Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. Relying on your children is totally unreliable. Relying on your friends is a dead end.

Relying on yourself is the greatest confidence, and you can also gain the greatest freedom. You will not be controlled or restricted, you will not be coy, and you will not be manipulated by others.

04. There is no absolute good or absolute evil. Regarding human nature, the intertwining of good and evil is the truth, but believing that human nature is inherently evil will make your life easier.

Experts have previously investigated patients with depression and found that most of them They are all kind-hearted, and then they think that human nature is also very kind, but what they get in return is endless disappointment.

Nothing is eternal. Don't have too high expectations for others, and you won't face too many disappointments.

Likewise, take nothing for granted, including parents, partners, friends, and children. Accept the fact that one day they will leave you, and accept the possibility of loneliness.

Expressing gratitude for their appearance and letting go of their departure is the beginning of a person's true maturity, accepting the fact that everyone can only accompany you for a certain distance, and accepting that a person has to face the current situation of the world alone.

Parents will leave, friends will become estranged, children will get married and have children and have their own bright futures, and partners may not get along as well as they used to.

Maybe you may not be able to earn their gratitude after working hard all your life. Maybe in the most difficult time of life, you still have to face it all alone.

Don’t be a good person. If you show too much kindness, you may not get the same return. There are many people who bite you back. As long as you do something bad, all the previous achievements will be completely negated.

I believe that human nature is inherently evil, and only when kindness comes back can we discover the beauty of the world.

People are originally separate and independent individuals. It is fate and some kind of uninterruptible connection that brings people together, and they have a not-so-brief trip and beautiful memories.

Thank you to everyone who appears in our lives, no matter good or evil, they will make us grow. There are no absolutes in the world, and the same is true for human nature.