How should we ordinary people face the lingering inner conflict and anxiety in our lives? Today we will explore the possibility of getting out of mental difficulties. Do you often face this situation?

How should we ordinary people face the lingering internal friction and anxiety in our lives?

Today we will discuss the possibility of getting out of mental difficulties. Do you often face this situation?

  • In life: When encountering troubles, changes and difficulties, I often feel powerless and at a loss;
  • At work: I periodically fall into a period of burnout. Although I work hard, I have neither a sense of accomplishment nor happiness;
  • In interpersonal relationships: I often feel frustrated because of other people’s In one sentence, you doubt yourself and fall into self-denial
  • ...

Perhaps, what you lack is not ability, nor method, nor determination, but an important recognition - self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy is not a nihilistic concept, nor is it some kind of talent, but an important ability that can be effectively improved through the right methods.

Zhanlu Reading and best-selling author and well-known storyteller Zhang Kai jointly launched the book course "How to Improve Self-Efficacy".

In the course, the speaker will combine his extensive reading experience and continuous entrepreneurial journey, combined with the life confusions reported by 10 million listeners, to refine a private book list - "Wizards" and "Intrinsic Motivation" "Insight", "Twelve Laws of Life", "The Trap of Confidence", "Fogg Behavior Model", "Resilient Thinking" and "Crossing the Impossible" will give you a set of systematic methods to explore psychological energy and keep running forward to help you You become who you want to be.


There is a kind of game called "Soul Game"

There is a very special type of game in the game circle, and players collectively call it "Soul Game". The main purpose of general games is to make people relax and enjoy themselves, but Soul-based games only bring one word to people - "difficult".

players have probably summarized a set of characteristics of Souls-based games, such as dark beauty, unclear goals, etc., but the core is still difficult, inhumanely difficult.

is in an extremely huge open world. There is no mini map, no task list, no skill tips, and no clear guidance. You have to explore and collect in this world. Then suddenly you encounter a big boss. He has terrifying combat power and will have no mercy on you as a novice. He will kill you instantly with one blow before you can figure out the situation.

You have to experience death over and over again, failure over and over again, and finally in despair, you will find out the weakness of the boss, defeat it in one fell swoop, and gain an unprecedented pleasure. But what greets you next is a more powerful boss, more deaths and failures.

Anyone who plays games knows that such a setting is extremely unfriendly to novice players. But even this kind of game has a large number of loyal players.

The originator of "soul-based games" Hidetaka Miyazaki 's latest "Arden's Ring" sold 12 million units in 3 months after it was launched.

The reason why so many people are obsessed with "Souls games" is that the world set in this game is very similar to the real world.

Human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. Everyone's darkest moments can only be overcome by themselves. But people with a sense of faith are more likely to be reborn again and again and inspire stronger black vitality. There is a huge pleasure in facing success after countless failures.

The source of this pleasure is everyone's self-efficacy. Simply put, when we encounter a problem, what comes to our mind is "I can do it" or "I can't do it".

Self-efficacy is not a nihilistic concept, nor is it some kind of talent, but an ability that can be effectively improved through the right methods.

If you also want to be a person who can conquer the "soul game" and enjoy the pleasure of bottoming out, then I believe that this single course "How to Improve Self-Efficacy" can help you.


There is a kind of life called "crazy life"

Most of us are ordinary people. We avoid suffering and suffering, and try to make ourselves happy and comfortable as much as possible. This is a universal outlook on life.

But what’s interesting is that there is another type of people who choose another life model.

For example, the famous drama director Wang Chaoge is both the architectural planner of the project " Only Henan Drama Fantasy City " and the chief performance director of this project. Combining drama and situations is her specialty.

She once said on the show that she was often so anxious that her body became stiff. When she woke up almost every night, she would be surrounded by a huge sense of uncertainty and disillusionment. She thought everything was doomed and was too scared to fall asleep. When she faces a work that she is dissatisfied with and doesn't know how to make it better, she can't help crying. As the saying goes, "If you don't go crazy, you won't survive." If there is a kind of life called Buddhist style, then her model may be "crazy style".

She participated in directing the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. In addition, in China's cultural tourism industry, she also has two famous work series: the live performances of the Impression series of "Impression Liu Sanjie" and "Impression Lijiang", and the " meets Pingyao " and " meets Dunhuang ". See you again series" situational experience drama.

There is a saying that describes her very well: "There is a kind of person who is like an auspicious animal. Wherever he goes, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant."

Failure in "Soul Game" is not called failure, it is called exploration before success. This kind of failure process not only did not reduce self-efficacy, but also greatly improved self-efficacy. Maybe many of us who seem to be very powerful are also players of the "soul game".

The more meat you can eat, the more painful the beating you can get. The reason why I say this is not to guide everyone to live such a self-abuse life. Of course, lying down in the Buddhist style is also a way of life, and there is no right or wrong. But people always have to work hard at critical moments. If you want to work hard, you might as well find inspiration from such players and learn how they face failure and how to resolve the pain.

Learning is a repetitive process of absorbing information and practicing, correcting mistakes and improving, and then absorbing information again. The most important thing is to have a growth mindset. If you can do this, you can also find what you are best at and like most. The truth is, success is already certain the moment you set out.

There are certain methods to develop this kind of mentality. In the single course "How to Improve Self-Efficacy", teacher Zhang Kai will help you string together a complete thinking framework to "know yourself → integrate yourself → change The logical sequence of "self → transcend yourself".

Through the explanation of eight books, you can understand and master some very useful ways of thinking and practical skills. Starting from your own conditions and inner changes, you will gradually become a mentally strong person who dares and is good at applying knowledge into practice, so as to Become a practitioner who achieves worldly achievements.


Why should you join this course

"All appearances are false. If you see all appearances are not appearances, you will see Tathagata ." People can experience setbacks, but people with high moral principles can avoid the appearance of suffering, so that's why Not bitter. Buddhism is not about lying down and giving up, but about making brave efforts while letting go of attachments. Therefore, all things in the world are not owned by me, but they are all for my use. I wish to be invincible wherever I can.

Improving self-efficacy is a long-term process and a long journey. If you can learn because of love, create because of difficulties, and enjoy the whole process, then I believe you can also complete tasks that usually seem impossible.

When you are confident, perseverant, flexible and smart, your spiritual power will be invisibly transmitted to the people around you. They will define your spiritual energy from your speech, behavior and actions, and they will not know it. I feel attracted to you.

There are always a majority of pessimistic people in this world, but people with a high sense of self-efficacy are always extremely rare. But the world is also driven by these people with high self-efficacy. This courage itself will make the world a better place.

I hope you can find your own strengths, have a strong heart, feel the scarcity of success anytime and anywhere, keep yourself in a state of high light and carry forward bravely towards your goals.