If one day we accidentally get up early and go to the morning market, maybe we will love life more. Being sharpened by the blade of life for too long will inevitably lead to a tired and numb mentality. In countless repetitive and boring days, we bow our heads to fate and rush on,

If one day we accidentally get up early

and go to the morning market

maybe we will love life more.

Having been sharpened by the blade of life for too long, it will inevitably lead to a tired and numb mentality. In countless repetitive and boring days, we bow our heads to fate and rush on, without seeing the glory and dawn.

No matter what mentality you use to understand life, life is truly open and tolerant. He is not as gloomy as ever, but we have overlooked his beautiful appearance and still interesting soul.

Breakfast is ready. It's still a little early. I'm not in a hurry to eat or go to work. I took the key and went downstairs for a stroll. There was a morning market outside the community. I was going to join in the fun.

People come and go, and everyone’s face is full of joy. When illuminated by the shallow sunshine, their eyes sparkle and their brows smile, especially the aunties, whose smiles have wrinkles all over their faces, like those in a summer river pond. The blooming lotus is beautiful and true.

held more or less one or two bags of ingredients in his hands. With the most practical greetings from ordinary people, "The fruits at the East stall are fresh," the vegetables at the West stall are good, "Buy more cucumbers and pickles," and "The Zhang family's pork ribs are good today."

The morning market in the late summer morning was booming. The scene of wealth. Vegetables, fruits, chickens, ducks, fish, seafood, delicacies, needles and threads are all available. It is so majestic and rich from south to north.

I am not trying to buy anything, but I am walking among the stalls and people. , listening to people chatting and talking, accompanied by hearty laughter, and listening to the messy noise of shouting and selling. Some stalls use small speakers to shout, and the sound is not loud enough to be heard clearly. Shouting, the popularity is overwhelming. The summer fruits are so sweet that they will shock your soul, and the seasonal vegetables are so fresh and green.

Looking around, the breath and sounds of life are coming and going. It is really a pleasure to enjoy the rising fireworks. A colorful and ordinary life, full of vitality and steaming with the summer heat.

This is the most real life, with simplicity and sweetness.
