1. The four major tragedies in life: ability is not worthy of dreams, income is not worthy of enjoyment, appearance is not worthy of pretentiousness, and knowledge is not worthy of age. Good morning! 2. Life is always like this. What you want always comes late when you no longer

1. The four major tragedies of life: ability is not worthy of dreams, income is not worthy of enjoyment, appearance is not worthy of pretentiousness, and knowledge is not worthy of age. Good morning!

2. Life is always like this. What you want always comes late when you no longer expect it. So don't rush, you have to wait. Good morning!

3. There are only so many places around a person, and you can only give so much. In this small circle, some people want to come in, and some people have to leave. Good morning!

Fourth, you must be excellent in order to block the crowd.

5. There is nothing to be afraid of. The only thing you need to worry about is that you are not worthy of your ambitions and that you are not worthy of the suffering you have experienced. Good morning!

6. Being able to go to bed clean and exhausted every night with peace of mind, and waking up refreshed and refreshed every day with peace of mind and energy, is the best life. Good morning!

7. From today on, be a happy person, soft and tough, hardworking and contented, and live the way you want. Good morning!

8. Don’t expect, don’t imagine, don’t force, just obey nature. If it is destined, it will definitely happen. Peace of mind is the best state of life. Good morning!

9. Life will not go the way you want. It will give you a period of time, making you lonely and confused. When you get over the low point, those alone times will definitely light your way. Good morning!

10. I don’t believe in those nonsense, that there is no time in life to force anything. I only know that if you don’t fight for it, you will have nothing.

11. No one cares what you have been through or how chaotic your journey has been. What outsiders see is only the result. Empathy is false. It’s okay to understand some things in your heart. Good morning!

12. No matter how difficult things are, don’t forget to be open-minded and gentle. Don’t be angry or frown. Life will get better day by day when you are smiling. Good morning!

13. I don’t dare to expect koi-like luck, but I hope everything goes well. Don’t forget your original intention and keep moving forward. The road is long and the future is promising. Good morning!

14. The reason why you are blaming yourself and being content with the status quo is because you haven't reached the point of nowhere. The real choice is to have no choice.

15. Positive energy is not heartless, it is not forcing a smile, it is not dirtying others to appear clean, but the kindness of hugging with tears, the faith of moving forward alone, and the courage to rebuild after being broken. Good morning!

16. Everyone dreams about various wonderful futures, but not everyone will take action on them. This is probably the difference between you and these people! Good morning!

17. If you insist on doing something, don’t ask whether it’s worth it. Only when you are willing will it be taken for granted, and only when you are willing will you never look back.

18. I hope you are very superficial in terms of happiness. You can be happy when you eat delicious food, you can be happy when you buy the shoes you like, you can be happy even if the weather is good today, and you can't be held back by deep troubles, which happen every day. Many smiles are waiting for you ahead.

19. It doesn’t matter if you have a simple meal, it doesn’t matter if your friends are gone, it doesn’t matter if the war is chaotic, as long as you have a steaming soul, life will not be bad.

20. Just understand what kind of person you are; just enjoy or bear the responsibility for the kind of life you live. It is not necessary for everyone to understand and understand the hard times and the enjoyment of good times.

21. It’s really ugly when you refuse to let go. You don’t want to give up, which makes you humiliated and hurt again and again. If you don’t give up anything, you will get nothing. Don't go to bed late and don't disturb yourself. When love becomes torture, when someone doesn't love you, you have to love yourself more.