American writer Sinclair Lewis once wrote in "Babbitt": "If we want to achieve something in this world, we need to be open-minded and open-minded. I have always advocated being magnanimous and reasonable." "

American writer Sinclair Lewis once wrote in " Babbitt ": "If we want to achieve something in this world, what we need is to be open-minded and broad-minded. I have always advocated being a human being. Be magnanimous and reasonable. "

The deepest and truest beauty of a person is never the external appearance, but the inner, beating heart. When a heart is always tolerant, then all the past events that a person has experienced will leave scars in the heart and then fade away. Eventually, strength and tranquility will grow, and blessings will follow.

In this world, there is a person who can truly understand and respect himself. How lucky he is! We live among all kinds of people every day, and we often cannot understand each other, and misunderstandings are common in life.

This is also reasonable. After all, everyone's way of thinking, living habits, and interests are different, so they naturally have their own ideas. If everyone is the same, there will be no big world, and there will be no colorful human world.

On the other hand, everyone has the right to choose their own life and follow their own path in life. If you cannot understand other people's opinions and choices, just respect others!

Some things cannot be ridiculed or reprimanded because they do not conform to your wishes; let alone use your own standards to evaluate others, use your own knowledge to judge others, or even use morality to threaten others.

Things in the world are complicated. Many things are like shoes. Whether they fit on your feet or not, others can only see the surface.

What we can do is give others enough space without over-investing in ourselves or over-inspiring others. Respect other people's lives and respect other people's decisions!

There is no empathy in this world. If you are not a victim, you will never understand their emotions and situation. There is no need to use too many words to criticize and accuse things that are incomprehensible. Maybe you have the same experience as him, but you may not be better than him.

Mr. Yang Jiang once said: "The most beautiful scenery in life is inner peace and calmness. We once longed for the recognition of others, but in the end, we found that this world only belongs to ourselves and has nothing to do with others."

How you understand your life is your life; as for how others pursue it, that is their business. We don’t need to use too much vision and judgment, nor do we need to force others, nor do we need to intervene.

Maybe others are used to it, but if you are still aggrieved or brooding about this matter, then you will lose more than you gain, and you will waste a good time in vain.

once read a passage: "When getting along with people of different classes, even if they have different opinions, they can respect each other and have differences; but arguing and defending with people of different classes is just a waste of one's time and may even lead to It's a personal attack. "

Yes, life is different. We don't need to understand each other. Sometimes, we just need to accept it with a smile and respect it silently! If it is possible, then the disputes in the world will be reduced a lot, and there will be more happiness and freedom!

There is an old saying: "A hundred times of tempering makes steel, a hundred times of endurance makes you a saint." People who cannot bear loneliness are restless and doomed to fail to seize opportunities; people who can endure loneliness may seem to have nothing, but in fact they are recharging their energy and saving up. Strength will eventually bring relief.

A sharp sword can be hammered into a weapon, and iron can be tempered into steel. If a person wants to become a great person, he must go through hardships and hardships. Beat it hard and carve it carefully. Only in this way can you be indomitable and unyielding. Tempering yourself is an analysis from the outside to the inside, and it is also a transformation of concentration from the inside out.

Those who do great things must have three kinds of strength. The first is determination, the second is wisdom, and the third is endurance. Only by constantly tempering yourself and improving yourself can you maintain your competitiveness at all times.

The power of concentration is that even if Mount Tai collapses in front of you, your color will not change. Yun Fei Du Zi Rong's concentration. This concentration seems to belong to the static category.

In fact, it is the cohesion of transcendental energy and the externalization of comprehensive quality. Concentration demonstrates a kind of insight. Precaution will lead to failure, and failure to preempt will lead to failure. Only by predicting the changes in things can we not panic. chaos.

If you want to be "better than just strolling around in the garden" in the midst of change, you must work hard at ordinary times, practice more courage and courage, strategic strategies, cultivate calmness, composure, and the determination to remain calm in the face of danger and calm in situations. Only by having "sitting on the leakage" "In the boat, under the burning house", only when encountering a rapidly changing situation can we be calm and enterprising and face it calmly.

Concentration, concentration, calm down first, then you can have strength. Listening to the wind is like rain, and you will only be confused. Don't be afraid of the floating clouds first, then you can clear the clouds and see the sun. Clean up your mood, adjust your mentality, inject positive energy into the new normal, and boost your energy and spirit. This is the great spring time.

Wisdom is good at following the trend. Real wisdom is vital, able to transcend the boundaries of time and space, and last forever.

At that time, Mr. Wolong Zhuge Liang, who "divided the three kingdoms into eight formations", was famous for his intelligence. Before Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times, he concentrated on studying, cultivating his abilities, and quietly observing the world situation. Later, Zhuge Liang relied on his ability to assess the situation and his wise insight to help Liu Bei step by step from weak to strong, and finally divided the world with Cao Cao and Sun Quan .

"The Tao Te Ching" says, "The sage knows without doing, understands without seeing, and achieves without doing." The general idea is that the sage knows the world without traveling far, understands things without seeing, is quiet and inactive and achieves something. Through reading, one can know about the past and present, and through thinking, one can distinguish between right and wrong.

Understanding the situation is a kind of wisdom that can achieve success. It can seize the opportunity and win the favor of fate. The true wisdom is not the opportunism for self-interest, but the good at learning, good at observing, and good at following the trend.

Tolerance, only when you can endure humiliation can you maintain glory. Tolerance mainly reflects the ability to resist setbacks. It has dual characteristics of time and physics. Tolerance is often found in the face of pain, disaster, hardship, harsh environments and events. The spirit of willpower embodied in it has the characteristics of being unyielding and unwavering.

Only by enduring humiliation can we maintain glory; only by enduring loneliness can we maintain prosperity. From ancient times to the present, whether they are sages who are famous throughout history or great men who have achieved great achievements, their success is inseparable from one word: patience.

Su Xun once said: "One patience can overcome hundreds of humiliations." I deeply agree. The more humiliation a person can bear, the more achievements he can achieve. Those who achieve great things have a broad mind and a long-term vision. They will endure it for a while, but not forever.

Temporary patience is not cowardice, but strength, because only a strong heart can withstand the experience of wind and rain; patience is a strategy, only by suffering grievance can you seek perfection, and only by enduring humiliation can you bear the burden.

is good at independent thinking and does not follow the crowd. The real king is the should. Standing firm in the storm is the heel. Being able to stand firm in the face of hardships and ups and downs is a strong will.

Looking at those great people who have made extraordinary achievements, the three strengths of concentration, wisdom and endurance are indispensable. Most of them have a broad and selfless mind, are in harmony with the light, are very self-reflective and cautious, and their vision and wisdom are broader, so they go far. farther.

The most important thing is to nourish the mind, and the second is to nourish the body. Comment: The ancients said, "It is better to nourish the body than to nourish the mind, and to regulate the body is not as good as to regulate the mind." Adjust your mentality well, and have a good mood and state of mind, and you will have the foundation for a healthy body. Health is vital.

"The doctor can cure the disease", the best mood is tranquility and a normal heart, which is better than a panacea. Life has a ruler, and society has a measure. A calm mind means the ruler is flat, and a clear mind means the ruler is accurate. When doing things, one can always be measured and measured. The ruler of life is the compass and fixed star of behavior.

If you don't enjoy all the blessings, there will be some leftover virtue. If you don't use your power, you will have room for strength. If you don't use your words, you will have room for others. If you don't do anything, you will have room for others. If your love doesn't disappear, there will be room for you. If you don't use your heart, there will be room for you.

When cooking, add less salt first, and then add more if it is not enough. This is to leave some room. The newly bought trousers are too long to wear. When I went to cut them, I asked the tailor to cut less, so as not to cut them too short and not fit. This is Leave some room; when carving a portrait, leave the tip of the nose a little higher first, and then slowly reduce it if it doesn't look like it. This also leaves some room.

Leaving some room for everything is life experience and wisdom in life. As the saying goes: You can't make all the profits, you can't enjoy all the blessings, and you can't use all the power. Leave some loopholes so that others can also benefit. Only in this way can we achieve win-win cooperation. People don't have to be too shrewd in dealing with others. Only by being confused about trivial matters can the relationship be good. More harmonious.

When interacting with others, it is always easy for us to talk too much and do things too decisively, leaving no room for maneuver. Especially when we face the enemy, cutting off other people's paths puts our own paths in danger. ; If you smash other people's jobs, your own will become fragile.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Yan general Leyi sent troops to attack Qi state . In the end, only Lucheng and Jimo were not captured. Later, Lucheng was lost, and only Jimo was left.

The Qi army was on the verge of death. The famous Qi general Tian Dan raised his arms and shouted, "The country is about to perish. How can we still have a home?" Every soldier was determined to serve the country to the death. As a result, all the lost territory was recovered in the first battle. . If the Yan army had taken the initiative to show weakness and retreat when they reached the gates of Jimo City, how could the Qi army have the pride to regard death as home?

If you don’t make things difficult for others, you also don’t make things difficult for yourself. Leave a way for others so that you won’t fall into a desperate situation. Just like the old Chinese saying: "You can't do everything, and people can't do everything."

Leave some room for those who are weaker than you, and you will turn defeat into victory; leave some room for your neighbors and friends, so that they can benefit from it. Get closer and closer to you, lend a helping hand when you need help; leave yourself some room, so that you can make your life smooth.

There is nothing new under the sun. The things that we think are unique and heartbreaking have happened thousands of times in other people’s lives.

The most important thing is not what happens to us, but how we respond to it. The gap between people is ultimately caused by the different ways of dealing with things...

The ancients said: "If you don't do all the things, if you don't say all the words, you won't enjoy all the blessings. Everything is in the endless place, meaning The longest. "When the water is full, it overflows, and when the moon waxes and wanes, everything has its limits. Only by knowing how to restrain yourself can you be unfavorable. Leaving room for everything is the best cultivation of a person.

Blessings cannot be exhausted. There is a saying: Every time we eat, we think about the difficulty of farming; every time we wear clothes, we think about the hard work of weaving. We often feel that life is unsatisfactory, but for many people, having enough food and clothing is enough. Already very contented.

Blessings are not something you seek, but are hidden in everyone's words and deeds. If you squander it carelessly and don't understand the suffering of others, even a huge fortune will eventually decline.

In life, if you don’t enjoy all the blessings, you can be virtuous and do things without hesitation. As the saying goes: "Be angry for three moments and wait for three days for everything." There are three taboos in doing things: adding insult to injury, pursuing and attacking, bullying the good and fearing the evil, no matter what. Whenever and wherever, don't push people into desperate situations, don't push things to the extreme, only those who can reach the end are the real masters.

The angrier you are, the more you have to endure for three seconds. The more impatient you are, the more you have to calm down. Keep the green hills and don’t be afraid of running out of firewood. As long as things are not desperate, there will always be a way out in the future. The self-discipline of adults is Learn to take a step back and don't let things get out of control and don't let your emotions get out of control.

Don’t talk too much. Whether it’s a relative, a friend or a colleague, you must think about the other person before speaking, so that the relationship can go forward in the long run. "Five Laws of Treating People" says: "You don't have to say everything to know people, otherwise you will have no friends; you don't have to be harsh to blame others, and being harsh will lead to distance." As long as you start to pay attention to your own words, you will be half successful.

Everyone's speaking habits determine his life's destiny. I hope we can all be careful in our words and deeds. "If you don't say anything, you will have room for success; if you don't do anything, you will have room for success; if you don't use power, you will have room for power; if you don't use all your blessings, you will have room for virtue."

Zeng Guofan named his study room "Qiuque Zhai" and encouraged himself to stay humble. Qiuque means seeking for lack. It is too cold to be in a high place. It is taboo to be full in life and seek for lack in everything. For the rest of your life, keep a normal mind. Keep some room in your heart and move forward steadily.

Trees are the foundation of roots, and virtue is the foundation of people. To cultivate a tree, you must first nourish the roots, and to build a person, you must first establish virtue. We will understand that only by growing new branches and leaves can we learn from the tree. , we can grow bigger and more prosperous.

When a tree grows, it does not pursue speed. It pursues strength instead of pursuing bigness. It takes root first and roots deeply enough. — Bamboo took four years to grow only 3 centimeters. Starting from the fifth year, it grew at a rate of 30 centimeters per day. It only took 6 weeks to grow to 15 meters. In fact, in the first 4 years, bamboo will grow The roots extend hundreds of meters in the soil.

To grow a tree, you must first grow your roots, and to build a person, you must first establish your morals. To grow, we need to know how to take root deep enough.

Enterprises must lay down the basic skills and make solid products. Our products can truly help customers. The way of business is to let customers. Use our products to live a good life. Let customers need us, not us.

As long as we polish the product, build the business model, and build the team, we will start to grow. I instantly understood that after studying trees thoroughly, you can find the Tao through trees, because behind every substance is God. This is called all things having spirits. This is the study of things to gain knowledge.

Some people will ask why some people do bad things. There are also people who have a lot of wealth, but some people do good deeds every day, but their fate is not necessarily good.

Good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil consequences. When all disasters are over, there will be prosperity. If you do evil and do not repay your ancestors, there will be some residual virtue. When all virtues are over, there will be disaster.

Accumulating virtue and doing good will change the source of destiny. Why do people need a family to be able to prosper? Because men have no home and no owner, and women have no home and no owner. . A family must have a woman as well as a man. The man is the backbone of the woman, and the woman is the harbor of the man. The man is the root of the family, and the woman is the soul of the family. The family needs two people to sincerely maintain and cherish each other, and two people are of the same mind. Only loess can truly turn into gold.

The ancients said that a house that accumulates good deeds will always be blessed. If it is not a good place, there will be disaster. Destiny? The biggest driving force in life is love. To be virtuous in the world, to be virtuous, to achieve Tao, you must be virtuous before you can achieve Tao. Whatever you do must be worthy of heaven and earth, and be worthy of your conscience. There is no kindness or disgust. The body starts from the heart and illuminates life with love.

When a tree grows, it does not pursue speed or bigness. It pursues strength, so it strives to take root downwards. To grow a tree, you must first grow roots, and to build a person, you must first establish virtue. Roots are the foundation of trees, and virtue is the foundation of people. Book.

When a tree grows, it will encounter dead branches and rotten leaves, but it will not stop growing and only take root downwards, because it knows that only if it is strong enough and only if it keeps taking root will new branches and new leaves grow back.

The truth of this world is that you can never change anyone. The only thing you can change is yourself. If you change, your world will change.

The values ​​​​of each of us are a pair of glasses. What kind of glasses you wear will determine what kind of world you will see. People with dreams can't sleep, and people without dreams can't wake up. People with dreams walk with the wind in their bodies, and they have energy in their bodies. This energy is energy.

dreams of increasing one point of energy and fissioning N times. When a person has energy, his ability will naturally appear. Behind money are things, behind things are people. When people do things well, money will come naturally. Some people use evil tricks to earn money, but the money will also be lost!

Do you know what your mission in life is? Don't be tempted by desires and dedicate your life towards your goals. Only then will your life be meaningful. You are the source of all problems, and everything changes when you change, because the world is a reflection of yourself.

Everyone’s energy is output through these three channels: what they think, what they say, and what they do. “Thoughts” are your thoughts. What you say is your language. “What you do” is what you do. These three channels are like a printer. Whether you have good thoughts or bad thoughts in your mind, they will become reality. This is the law of attraction of the universe.

The Universal Law of Attraction tells us three steps to get everything you want. The first step is to make the right request to the universe. The second step is to believe. Everything starts with belief. Belief in oneself is a kind of ability, and belief is a kind of wisdom. The third step is to accept it with joy, implement it, and take action. Whatever you give, you will get something.

To manage your emotions well is to manage your destiny well. When your temper comes, your blessings will go away. The key to human elegance is to control your emotions. A person who can control bad emotions is better than A man who can capture a city is more powerful.

Life is like tea, tea is a good thing, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, occupying the five elements and eight trigrams, metal, wood, water, fire and earth, white tea, , the five elements return to gold, green tea, the five elements return to wood, black tea, the five elements return to water, black tea, the five elements return to fire, yellow Tea the five elements return to earth. He also suffered in the world, being exposed to wind, sun, rain, and finally being stir-fried in an iron pot and soaked in boiling water, so that his own fragrance could come out.

The best is like water, from Laozi's Tao Te Ching. Water is good for all things without dispute. Water is the softest. Cutting off the water with a knife will make the water flow more. Water is the most powerful and becomes a weapon. Flooded seven armies . The sea is the most vast because it is lower than others. The lower it is. The more inclusive you are, the more inclusive you are and the broader you are.

Take trees as teachers, and enlighten the Tao when you see trees. It takes ten years for a tree to take a hundred years to cultivate people. To grow a tree, you must first grow roots, and to establish a person, you must first establish virtue. Roots are the foundation of trees, and virtue is the foundation of people. One cup to the sky, which is the origin of all things, two cups to the earth, the right place and people, and three cups to the guests, which are as intimate as one. Three cups of toast to brothers, brothers and sisters.

Knowledge changes destiny, learning changes life. Repeating yesterday's things can only get yesterday's results. The right choice is more important than hard work. How to make the right choice and continuous learning. Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Traveling thousands of miles is not as good as reading countless people. Reading people Countless famous teachers are not as good as showing the way, and famous teachers are not as good as following the footsteps of successful people. The purpose of receiving higher education is to help the hometown get rid of poverty, not to get rid of the poverty of the hometown. People who are like ants should have great ambitions, set up their mind for the world, establish their destiny for the people, inherit their unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations. The growth of a tree comes from its roots, and the strength of a person lies in virtue; the root is the foundation of a tree, and virtue is the foundation of a person.

Life is like a vast ocean, and tolerance and magnanimity are like a small boat. Only by boating on the vast ocean can you appreciate the vastness of the sea. Narrowness will only grow dark clouds and turn everything into darkness; broadness will push away the clouds and reveal the sun, making everything beautiful and sunny. People with a wise mind will turn themselves into a beautiful scenery by looking down upon and letting go of choices.

You may be worried about daily necessities, you may be sad because of joys and sorrows, you may be sad because of the ups and downs of life, or you may be angry because of the injustice in the world.

However, no matter whether you are happy or disgusted, you will always walk in the world, enjoy the sunshine, and face the wind and rain angrily. No one will settle down in a corner just because of their dignity.

The valleys are easy to level, but the valleys of desire are difficult to fill. Many surprises in life are not due to material shortages, but mostly from inner greed and entanglement.

People with a turbid mood will naturally have limited knowledge. They will become angry when encountering unpleasant things and become tense when encountering injustices. This consumes both physical strength and mental strain.

Buddha said: "When you are happy, you have to think that this happiness is not eternal; when you are in pain, you have to think that this pain is not eternal, both are caused by the cycle of cause and effect."

The freedom and ease of nature lies in the wind and rain, regardless of whether it is winter or summer, and whether it is dry or prosperous is at ease. Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue. A person's happiness is not because he has more, but because he cares less.

is not demanding of others and does not complain when things happen. Only those who are good at controlling their emotions and mentality can gain peace and feel the taste of happiness. Coming is accidental, leaving is inevitable, intention or unintention is just a gap in smoke and dust.

Instead of standing in the troubles of life and disturbing yourself, it is better to jump out of the barriers of self-disturbing and treat yourself with indifference and wisdom. If you are magnanimous, the world will be broad. So you have to let it be if things stay still and stay still to let it be. Less fussing, more indifference, a magnanimous mind, and beautiful scenery everywhere.

Life is a ship, carrying us constantly forward. When you are happy, it is life; when you are miserable, it is life.

is eager for quick success, and the result will inevitably be to encourage the growth of the seedlings and backfire. People who only talk nice words cannot take charge of work, and people who only make superficial remarks cannot do a good job.

Sometimes, we have to learn from seeds, calm down, and take root deeply. In society, we encounter many injustices. Lots of things going on.

cannot develop in the direction we originally expected. Especially when your sincerity is not accepted and your efforts are not recognized, you will feel very disappointed and even angry sometimes.

At this time, do you choose to roar and release, or choose to keep silent and endure. It seems that no choice is wrong, and no choice seems to be suitable.

To say too much is to make mistakes. As long as a word is not spoken, you are its master; once you spit it out, you become its slave.

Whatever makes you happy now will definitely make you miserable in the future. Let’s digest this sentence slowly. Especially when our emotions are high, most of them cannot be suppressed.

Sometimes our emotions are not even under our control, so being aware of our emotions is very important. To be kind to others is to be kind to yourself. Use praise instead of blame. You can be kind to others as well as yourself.

If you want to control your emotions, the first thing you need to do is to be aware of the ups and downs of your emotions and be aware of your own feelings. If a person's life is not surrounded by flowers and glory, then he should live an upright life and do things in a down-to-earth manner.

Boil the frog in warm water. The ordinary and comfortable life seems to leave us with little fighting spirit. Only when we experience some major things can the potential hidden deep in the body burst out.

Even if a person is talented, the most unethical behavior is to take credit and be arrogant; even if a person makes mistakes, the most rare thing is to feel repentant. So when you encounter difficulties, don't just think about escaping. Try to face it head-on. In fact, you are very powerful and need to be awakened.

A person's talent is like a bright mirror. Only when it is wiped frequently can it be filled with light. We need to polish things, grow through difficulties, and not be afraid.

Cultivate your own character, be as gentle as spring; examine your own shortcomings, be as serious as autumn. Always correct your attitude. Sometimes if your attitude is correct, most of the difficulties will be solved.

The all-round development of people is the highest state of human development and an inevitable trend of career innovation. The more a person can seek truth from facts, the more his thoughts and actions will conform to objective laws, and he will be able to exert his innovative spirit.

Therefore, if you endure the bitterness of the moment, even if it is bitter for a while, you may be rewarded with a lifetime of sweetness in the future. Low-level desires are satisfied by indulgence, high-level desires are satisfied by self-discipline, and top-level desires are satisfied by suffering. Human beings’ higher desires are realized through self-discipline. Behind all the excellence of

is a deadlock. The more ambitious the ambition, the greater the obstacles encountered. Therefore, the most important thing is enthusiasm and perseverance. We must devote ourselves wholeheartedly and persevere.

Everything in the world is a form of transformation. If the mind does not change, everything will not change. If the heart does not change, everything will not change. From a narrow human perspective, everything exists because of human beings; if human beings cease to exist.

Everything in the world will cease to exist, including all living things in nature, including flowers, grass, trees, mountains, rivers and other dead things, and even more, including the good, ugly, evil, good, selfish and other conscious values ​​derived from human beings.

Understand this, and you will be able to see through all the suffering in life. Everything is a mirror image derived from your own consciousness: good things are derived from your consciousness, and bad things are also derived from your consciousness. The vast wealth is the result of the transformation of your consciousness, and the debt is also the result of the transformation of your consciousness.

Just as Mr. Yang Ming said: A flower in the deep mountains does not exist until you come here to see it. No matter how beautiful it blooms, it does not exist. Your Such a beautiful flower does not exist in the world; you yourself have come here.

Only when you see it blooming with your own eyes can you know: Oh, it turns out there is such a beautiful flower here! Then, this flower only exists in your world and belongs to you alone.

If you remember it, it will be immortal; if you forget it, it will be as if it never existed. Therefore, a person's heart is very important, and you must always be careful about what your heart is going to do.

Whatever your heart can experience and what your heart can realize will be revealed in your real life. Over a long period of time, they will be refined from consciousness into matter and become something that actually affects you. !

People who are good at dealing with others will keep their lives in order, but those who do not know how to deal with others will have gaps everywhere in their lives. The wisdom of the ancients is to "make the circle whatever the square is." When the circle should be round, it should be round, and when it should be square, it should be square. On the basis of not losing the principle, you can move forward bravely and be flexible.

Life is uncertain, this is the only thing that can be certain. People will grow old, tea will cool, and the seasons will change. The only constant in this world is change itself. Buddhism uses two words to describe human life: impermanence.

There is a famous song "Hate the Impermanence" in "A Dream of Red Mansions": "It's just the right time to be happy with prosperity, but it's time to hate the impermanence." Even if a person is prosperous and wealthy for a while in this life, he cannot compete with the blessings and misfortunes of the day and night, and the impermanence of life and death.

In the face of impermanence, some people choose to "attack": they no longer remain calm and leisurely, but blindly resist; some people choose to "indulge": we are born to enjoy.

In the face of difficulties, we have enough reasons to be angry; some people choose to "ignore": reconcile with themselves, become insensitive, and do their best to deceive themselves.

Behind every mentality is our fear of impermanence. Pema Chodro said in "Living with Impermanence": "Instead of falling into fear, it is better to take a step forward and live in painful emotions."

In fact, impermanence is normal. In the face of pain, if we accept it calmly, If we face difficulties and have hope, we will find a way to happiness.

When you are happy, you have to think that this happiness is not eternal;
When you are in pain, you have to think that this pain is not eternal either. You have to believe that everything in this world is impermanent, everything is normal, and everything is the best arrangement.

When you understand impermanence, you will not be arrogant. When you understand impermanence, you will not be sad. When you understand impermanence, your mind will relax and will not be bound by external realms. If you understand impermanence, you will cherish your current life, be kind to yourself, and be compassionate to others.

Because of impermanence, life has more possibilities, more vastness, and more vitality. Really powerful people know how to live normally in the midst of impermanence and live out the inner light of life.

It is better to accept it calmly than to respond passively. People have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes. Stable one second, it jumps out the next.

A child who sleeps soundly will suddenly burst into tears. As soon as they agreed to cooperate, they signed a contract with a competitor. I came back to buy groceries in a community that had just been unblocked, but I couldn’t get in again.

Although we want to be emotionally stable every day, it is still difficult for us to keep smiling in the face of various emergencies.

We have to admit that some roads are originally chosen by ourselves. As the saying goes: You have to go on the road you choose even if you cry. In the forest, a man was chased by a tiger and fell off a cliff. Fortunately, he caught a vine on the mountain during the process.

He looked down and saw Brother Hu waiting for delicious food at the bottom of the mountain. Looking up, I see Brother Tiger looking at him with eager eyes. In a dilemma, he thought it would be better to take it slow, but he found a mouse gnawing on the vine he was holding on to.

In despair, he saw a cluster of strawberries next to him. He looked above, below, and then at the mouse, then picked off a wild strawberry, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it happily. This is very similar to our real situation. Surviving in the cracks is still full of variables.

Disgusted, numb, and sulky, we can be afraid of the situation in front of us, but we can also learn to accept it calmly and live with it. We can regard it as the most worth savoring moment in life, even if this strawberry may be the only strawberry we can eat. There is a proverb: "The beggar's happiness is never having to worry about going bankrupt."

When facing difficulties, our opportunity comes: live in the pain, use disappointment, shame, anxiety, jealousy and fear as a reminder, and slowly go away Understand them deeply and see how they "trick" our emotions and make us feel depressed.

If we have accepted the worst outcome, we have nothing to lose. In this way, we learn to recognize reality and learn to calm down in chaotic situations.

Helen Keller was deaf and blind, but through her own efforts, she became the first woman in the United States to obtain a bachelor's degree in ; Beethoven had a rough fate, but he was still able to compose world-famous songs after becoming deaf. " Symphony of Destiny " Gaudí was unable to get along with his friends due to illness, but he calmed down and cultivated his love for nature, thus building the Sagrada Familia Cathedral and Park Guell.

They live in impermanence, allow illness to exist, transform emotions into motivation, and ultimately create a better future. It is better to face difficulties than to complain about hardships.

A few days after a young eagle is born, it will learn to fly. The mother eagle will take the young eagle to the edge of the cliff and push the young eagle down to practice flying at high altitudes.

Many young eagles died as a result. The surviving young eagles continue to practice, otherwise their mother will cruelly break their wings and push them off the cliff. If

cannot fly, it is a dead end. The young eagles fell down one after another during the attempt, but the mother eagle ignored it and continued the cruel training. Because the laws of nature make it well aware that the outside world is more bloody, and only the strong can adapt.

The same is true for humans. From birth, every baby must learn how to adjust his basic behaviors to deal with the initial situation he is in: rolling over for the first time, crawling for the first time, walking for the first time. Which one is not practiced over and over again?

When facing difficulties, we first need to recognize ourselves and stop the habit of resistance; secondly, open our minds, accept various emotions, tolerate them, and let them go; then, slowly start to change, day after day, year after year. Practice;

Finally, until we break the fear barrier and reinvent ourselves. Exercise again and again and grow again and again. This is the nature of reincarnation. Beethoven said: "Suffering is the teacher of life. Through suffering, you can move towards joy."

Suffering and happiness go hand in hand, and they are the only way to go in life. When we stop resisting the unacceptable suffering and try to breathe it into ourselves, our minds expand.

Gradually, we understand more and more how to bring ourselves happiness and how to muster the courage to resist difficulties. Waiting for the opportunity, it is better to create a miracle. Anthony Ray Hinton, a black man, was on death row for nearly 30 years because he was falsely accused of killing others.

html In the middle of 030 years, he watched more than fifty inmates walk to the execution chamber and be shot. Hinton was ready to resist: even if he died, he would die free.

After that, he argued hard and actively proved his innocence. After numerous lawsuits, he finally received the final verdict from the U.S. Supreme Court: he was acquitted.

At this time, Hinton was 59 years old. For him, these experiences were a challenge of faith; for the entire society, they were a torture and refutation of legal procedures.

For 30 years, he has been fighting injustice. After being released from prison, he immediately devoted himself to publicizing judicial reform and using his experience to help people in trouble.

His story is nothing short of miraculous. What made him carry it? The answer is the belief that you can help more people. Only with the belief of transcending himself and helping others did he gain hope and go on bravely.

Pema said: "I'm unfortunate, I'm frustrated. No problem, let me experience it fully so that other people don't have to receive it and other people can be free from it."

ended, It means a new beginning.The worst situation indicates the hope of life. As long as you keep going, you will get better. Encourage yourself, open your mind, and face it positively no matter how difficult things become.

equip yourself with the ability to solve problems, the courage to face difficulties, and a responsible attitude towards life. By turning suffering into strength and making good use of our own suffering to help others, we can bring greater miracles.

Only in this way can we live an optimistic attitude no matter what situation we are in. We can live a happy life with constant warmth and full of hope.

Therefore, there is no need to be proud for those who are floating on the top; there is no need to be pessimistic for those who are sinking below. When facing difficulties, it is better to accept them calmly; when encountering tribulations, it is better to face them; to wait for the opportunity, it is better to create miracles.

Jamieson, the author of "The Manic Depressive Heart" wrote in the book: Because I cry more, I laugh more; because I have experienced all the winters, I can appreciate spring better.

Because death is like a straitjacket, I understand the meaning of life better; because I see the most kind and ugly parts of human nature, I slowly understand the value of care, loyalty and open-mindedness.

Although we know nothing about the future, because we have light in our hearts and God in our eyes, we will eventually experience abundance and enjoy abundance while living with impermanence.

Life is impermanent, impermanence is permanent, permanent is impermanent, there is permanence in nothing, and there is nothing in permanence. Be grateful, live well in the moment, and get more wisdom about subtraction life. Welcome to subscribe to my popular column "The Way of Subtraction" to resonate with the same frequency and realize the moment.

The greatest courage of human beings is humility and courtesy. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. If you are too proud, you will often run into obstacles and destroy yourself in your pride. In real life, when interacting with others, we will inevitably encounter some arguments, which often make us very embarrassed.

If we can laugh at ourselves at this time, it will ease the atmosphere and leave a good impression on others. Self-deprecation is not humility, but open-mindedness, understanding and tolerance, and a sign of humility. When we have an open mind, we will gain mentors and helpful friends in life.

How big your heart is, how wide your road will be, how wide your friends will be, and the road of life will only get smoother and smoother. On the contrary, if you always carry others with you, even trivial matters that are insignificant have left a bad impression on others, and you have lost a friend.

You must abide by the rules when doing things, and be aware of what you should and should not do. We need to be tactful in life, but we cannot be all-rounded. Playing both sides without principles is the behavior of a "villain". Smoothness is like the art of language, but the principle cannot be changed.

For example, if you order a plate of beef, but there is white meat in it, if we directly ask the boss how do you serve pork to me? He will definitely argue with you, because with so many customers, if he admits to cheating, it will affect the customer base.

If you ask the boss what kind of meat this is, it’s the same question, but the latter always has the initiative in his own hands, and the boss doesn’t dare to make an unintended decision. Has he said that in the future, the latter method will be better? Therefore, tact does not mean being ambiguous and hesitant in doing things. If this is the case, it will be difficult for us to achieve anything in society.

To be a stable person, you should be quiet. Don't get into a fuss whenever something happens and make the surroundings full of noise. This is not good. It was a small thing. But if it is handled in a hurry, the ending may not be so satisfying.

Of course, don’t get too entangled emotionally. No matter whether things are right or wrong, they have passed. Being entangled will only make you irritated. The more entangled you are, the deeper you will get. Negative emotions will give you It brings many disadvantages to itself.

Therefore, it is necessary for us to meditate and cultivate our nature. Also, don’t speak too fullly and leave yourself some room. The most fickle things in this world are fickle! It may seem like a simple thing, but you don’t know if it will still be handled tomorrow. Of course, talking too much will also leave an “unreliable” impression on others.

Life in this world is all about communication, the measure of how to interact with others, and the measure of how to do things for others. Only by accumulating over time can we find the height of life in a small space.Only with the flexible application of the "Tao of Square and Circle" can we be calm and invincible!

encourage each other!

author; Qingmiao