Half is the past, half is the continuation. At this moment, all the bad luck and unhappiness in the first half of the year have been exhausted. May each of us become better. Remember the revolutionary martyrs and draw strength for progress.

June is coming to an end, July is approaching

Half of the year has passed

Half is the past, half is continuing

At this moment, the bad luck and unhappiness in the first half of the year have been exhausted

May all the regrets in the first half of the year

be the second half of the year The foreshadowing of surprises

Goodbye June, hello July

May each of us become better

Hello July, midsummer is coming

Blue sky and white clouds, strong winds and heavy rain

Luxury foliage, shaded by green trees

Lotus blossoms, frogs croaking and cicadas

everything is green and growing enthusiastically

And what reason do we have not to love it?

Don’t you want to experience all the wonderful things in this world?


There are many days worth remembering

July 1st, the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party

A long road from 1921 to 2022

Remember the revolutionary martyrs and draw strength for progress

Interrogating the past

Just to cherish the present and cherish the future

July 7, Xiaoshu

Suddenly the warm breeze comes, and the lotus breeze comes along with the light summer heat.

The lotus breeze brings fragrance, and the bamboo dew drops are clear.

In the little summer season, you might as well try to return to nature and find a pure place.

Live with a heart that is indifferent to fame and fortune, and live in peace and happiness every day. On the 16th of the month, the red sun filled the sky and the earth was full of fire, and the mountains were filled with fire clouds. Search

Great summer and autumn are approaching,Lin ZhongNine summers are moving

In the hottest season

Sitting quietly and listening to the rain, lying down and listening to the chirping of cicadas,The wind brings a cool summer

On July 26, there is no heat in the middle of the day

There is no heat in the middle of the day, and the sun is not setting. That is to say, when I was sleeping in junior high school, the sultry and scorching air was rising.

We all went to the boat in the lake to enjoy the coolness and escape the heat.

Peace of mind and coolness.

The drizzle falls in front of the bell

The breeze grows in the trees

Lotus scented clear dew falls

Willows are moving and good wind

Lotus leaves hide fish boats

Vine flowers and guest hairpins

All things are in this pottery

Why do people complain about the heat

Lian Xiaohongyi is wet

Guangan Jasper is cool

The condition is full of lotus energy

I can hear the faint sound of rain

The cicadas are singing, the grass and trees are quiet in the middle of the mountain

The falling pines and clouds are fragrant, the flowers are fragrant

The wind is blowing to drive away the heat

The heavy rain is emptying and the evening is cool

I hope all the efforts in the second half of the year will bear fruit

See you in June , Hello July!

Let us become a better version of ourselves together!