The surging voyage of the Hong Kong River is full of youthful scenery. Thousands of mountains and thousands of rivers share the same origin. It is you who guides the way, your sunny smile. The colorful Oriental Pearl, letting history flow like songs, the bauhinia flowers are in f

The surging voyage of the Hong Kong River,

glowing with youthful scenery,

Thousands of mountains and thousands of rivers come from the same source,

it is you who guides the way,

your sunny smile.

The colorful Oriental Pearl Tower,

let history flow like a song,

Bauhinia flowers are in full bloom!

Baptism and inheritance of wind and rain,

romantic style under the blue sky and white clouds,

still like the dawn of blooming flowers!

One after another severe test,

one risk challenge after another,

inspired the sincerity that the world cares about,

focuses on the glory of the same dream!

The years have been turbulent,

has turned crises into opportunities time and time again,

has ambition and pride in its steps forward, and

has a firm belief in which the pearl shines brightly.

The hope is as vigorous as the fire!

is firm in the dream of struggle,

has the unique charm of Hong Kong, China, and

shows its true feelings of innovating the future!

25's tenacity is demonstrated in the endeavor,

the profound determination of one country, two systems,

patriots' governance of Hong Kong is fully and accurately implemented,

unwavering, unshapely, undeformed,

only for the dazzling East China Sea pearl,

only In order to move towards a new era and a new journey,

is the Bauhinia of beautiful China fragrant world!

Wind and rain, sunshine, spring and autumn,

share the same root and blood,

the feelings of family and country are always in the heart,

embraces the heroic self-confidence,

is high-spirited and high-spirited,

composes the grand blueprint for 25 years,

sets sail in the wind and waves,

sings the symphony of lights to Hong Kong ,

Bauhinia China Red!

Colorful and dynamic celebration!

Green mountains, green water, blue sky and white clouds,

What will never change is the red flag of China!

Chinese love is the root, and

only when the root is deep can the leaves flourish.

The Chinese Dream is the foundation, and

only the foundation can lead to prosperity!

I have earnestly asked you many times,

I have yearned for you many times,

I have a common expectation,

let the voice of the Chinese people

turn into the firmness of ideals and beliefs,

turn into far-sighted care,

only for China’s fragrant Bauhinia!

Look at the introduction of the National Security Law,

One law will stabilize Hong Kong,

Like the power of thunder,

Like warm sunshine,

Good governance and good governance demonstrate the power of China!

Listening to the innovative footsteps of the dream chasers,

is moving forward step by step, forging ahead,

is seeing a sea of ​​red in front of us!

Chinese people who have been through thick and thin!

is blooming in its responsibilities!

sincerely unite and provide civilized services,

love the country and love Hong Kong and govern Hong Kong in accordance with the law,

beautiful China and a prosperous and bright future!

Who writes the prosperity of Hong Kong?

Who is telling the historical pulse of Zijin?

continues to work hard, and the future is promising.

will always remain firm in its original aspiration and mission, and

will always strive in the new era and new journey!

Let the hearts that let their dreams fly,

be shocked together!

The boiling scene writes the magnificence of Hong Kong's history, and

the bright Oriental Pearl shines with the glory of China!

Let the pulse of youth,

sing together!

Singing the prosperity of the motherland's youth,

working hard for a new era,

bravely standing at the forefront of the trend and working together,

the whole city is awash with Chinese red!

flags are flying in song,

Oriental lion dances are celebrating,

the five-star red flag is in the world,

the passion of the Chinese people is rippling,

only for this common Chinese dream!

inherits Chinese civilization,

is committed to national rejuvenation,

shares prosperity and stability,

will be a wisp of family and country sentiments,

sails into the new era with good winds, and

forges ahead on a new journey!

is riding the wind and waves on the sunny road,

is full of passion and pride!

In the new development pattern after China's return in 2025,

the beautiful Bauhinia flowers are in full bloom!

The sky is as blue as the sea,

The unchanging agreement between youth and Hong Kong!