The first half of 2022 has passed. In a hurry, the second half of the year begins. The weather is cloudy and sunny, and the mood is good and bad. The days are dull, and time flies by like water. There are more and more people I miss, but they are all drifting away in my memory; t

The first half of 2022 has passed.

In a hurry, the second half of the year begins.

The weather is cloudy and sunny, and the mood is good and bad. The days are dull, and time flies by like water. There are more and more people I miss, but they are all drifting away in my memory; there are fewer and fewer things I care about, like the sand in my hand, the more I hold on to it, the more it passes. It is better to open it up and let it go, maybe leaving some traces. .

The red sun is scorching, the earth is scorching, and everything is burning, looking forward to the breeze; the rain is sudden, the wind is tight, the water is pouring, and the turbid waves are rolling, thinking about the sunny day.

I can't get anything done, I'm tired and trapped.

Or, this is life. Missing, caring, hoping, disappointed, worrying and happy alternately, moving forward all the way.

I walked around nonchalantly, taking a look at the rewards after hard work. Flowers bloom by themselves and wither at will; clouds occasionally gather and disperse at will.

On one's road, see one's world, appreciate one's scenery, and do one's practice.

I really like these words from Mr. Laoshu -

often feel tired, the world is really troublesome.

Instead of getting entangled with people, it is better to be entangled with flowers.

No matter what your mood is, the spring breeze will still blow.

Foolish people are always complaining, but the flowers are still blooming randomly.

Life in this world is full of ups and downs, right and wrong. Smart people do smart things and live smart lives, and are happy and happy.

Only stupid people like me are entangled and anxious and don’t let go of themselves. Look at the mountains, but the mountains are not high; look at the water, but the water is clear; look at the clouds, but the clouds will never return; look at the grass, and the grass will wither...

I am tired of my heart, always complaining, and troubled and anxious, how can I How are you doing today?

The sun is shining, so why bother?

The road ahead is vast, so take care of your feet and have a good day!

Let go of what should be let go, forget what should be forgotten, don’t force it, don’t force it. In my world, my world, watch a flower blooming and a grass green.

The summer is long and green. Amidst the chirping of cicadas, it feels like watching the years fly by and sing.

Don't be confused in your heart, don't be trapped in your emotions. Don't be afraid of the future, don't think about the past, that's it, peace. —— Feng Zikai "Live a Life Without Favor"

Life is short, and the future is not long. I will try to stop being upset, sighing, complaining, and fearing.

Live a self-disciplined life and spend your time laughing. Be a simple person and live a poetic life like fireworks.

Watch the clouds passing over the mountain ridges, watch the rain falling on the pond, watch the flowers swaying in the wind, and watch the Cordyceps chirping under their feet.

Watching time passing by in the blink of an eye, I feel that the old years are passing away...

(Original text and pictures, I look forward to sharing with you, thank you for reading and liking)