A planned life may not be able to keep up with the rhythm. Everything is changing all the time. The pride you feel at this moment may not be the same the next moment. If you grasp too much, you may lose more. If you rely too much, you may miss out. There will be a lot, and after

A planned life may not be able to keep up with the rhythm. Everything is changing all the time. The pride you feel at this moment may not be the same the next moment. If you grasp too much, you may lose more. If you rely too much, you will miss out. There will be a lot, and after experiencing too much, I believe in the old saying, there is a time in life, it must be there, there is no time in life, don’t force it, let everything take its course, here I believe in fate even more, every experience, every moment of encounter , every opportunity, when fate comes, you can't run away, when fate doesn't come, you can't catch it.

In the past few years of my career, I have always taken a clear conscience as the criterion, and strived to be in my hands, and I will devote myself wholeheartedly. If you try to catch and slip away, it means that we are destined but not destined, so all this time, I have not been able to do anything. I don't care about anything at all, and I don't pay any attention to other people's evaluations, because when you don't have the absolute right to speak, you can only believe in fate. When fate comes, things belong to you. If it doesn't, it means we don't have fate, so let go when it's time. Persistence, when you should seize it, don’t be humble and give in. Everything in life has a cycle of cause and effect, and there must be a cause and effect. For the better, we should be kind to everyone, things, and things around us. We must believe that if we work hard, one day Changes will happen. Don't hesitate because of other people's opinions. Be decisive when you need to be decisive.

In my ten-year career, the skills I learned can make life better, but I didn't pursue and develop a better way. Every day I always complain about unfairness, every day, and get nothing every year. After the age of thirty, as I continued to grow, I calmed down and thought about my life at this time, and suddenly I developed that I was too persistent, always placing my hopes on others, thinking that If you work hard, you will definitely get good results. Maybe it is because you lack the method to deal with people. The results are puzzling. Now after experiencing it, I firmly believe that everything depends on fate. When fate arrives, everything goes with the flow. When fate has not arrived, grasp it in disguise. It doesn’t necessarily belong to me. In the process I have gone through, I have been gentle with others. Judging from the rewards, there are many things we are not destined to do, but many things are logical. Friends, on the road of life, what are you? Feeling, do you believe in fate?