Tomorrow is July 1st, and I miss my loved ones even more during the festive season. Staying at home and thinking about every holiday in the past, I will naturally think of my mother who has been away from me for a long time. A kind of helpless melancholy spread and enveloped me,

Tomorrow is July 1st, and I miss my loved ones even more during the festive season. Staying at home and thinking about every holiday in the past, I will naturally think of my mother who has been away from me for a long time. A kind of helpless melancholy spread and enveloped me, as if it enveloped my entire world. Although I have experienced the baptism of time, I have always had a child-like dream. I have always felt that my mother will come back eventually, and we will eventually meet, hug, and enjoy the joy of loving each other.

I have wanted to write about my mother for a long time, but I have always hesitated to start. I know that in everyone’s heart, mother is their favorite. In everyone’s emotional world, the most important position in everyone’s heart must be the memory of their parents. In everyone’s heart, parents are A different kind of dear. But my mother is so different. She unfolds like a long scroll and closes like a big book, which makes me linger in endless longing without daring to write.

Please allow me to take a few pictures of my mother’s legacy to express my love and commemorate the person who loves me most in the world. I know that the nostalgia in my heart belongs to me, and I can sigh about my own spiritual world here, but I also know that the space in Toutiao no longer belongs to me, because of the presence and patronage of friends like you and him. , this place has gradually gained some popularity. I selfishly put my sadness and nostalgia here, lest it dampen your holiday mood. But I am still optimistic that if through my emotions, I can make you feel the true meaning of love, help you understand the need to fulfill your filial piety as early as possible, and make you feel the cherishment of family and friendship. I think my wish has come true.

took part of my mother’s painting album and placed it here. This was a gift from our siblings to our parents on my mother’s 80th birthday in 2003. My mother is not a professional painter. She only started to learn painting after she retired at the age of 60. After twenty years of tireless efforts, in our eyes, my mother's paintings are very skillful, but in her heart, she has never been satisfied. And Deyi, she always feels that she is still a student, and she is always on the way to learning.

In the process of working and studying painting, my mother got to know many social sages and painting elites. Knowing that we were going to publish a short collection for my mother, some members of the Fang family expressed their approval, and several seniors even offered to write a preface. But my mother declined their kindness politely. She felt that her indifferent hobbies should not be contaminated by the hustle and bustle. Therefore, we had no choice but to choose an essay written by my son when he was in elementary school as the preface to his first picture album for his grandma.

According to our original intention, there should be many copies of this picture album. Unexpectedly, God was jealous of beauty and summoned my mother prematurely. From then on, we were separated forever, our plan became an eternal regret, and my mother's works became her legacy to us.

Perhaps her mother had a premonition before she passed away, so she gave most of her paintings to relatives and friends. Every time there was a natural or man-made disaster, my mother would never tire of participating in the charity sale. She would always ask for my opinion before taking out the rolls of paintings. Seeing her doing things that make her happy and make others happy makes us very happy. Although many years have passed, I still clearly remember my mother's joyful look at that time. She is always happy in our memories. She always said she didn't know if anyone wanted it or if she could be of any help.

I remember that my mother sent many works to charity sales to raise funds. My mother never asked about the results, and of course we didn't ask either. I believe that the works she painted with care will still exist in the world. Of course, I think what is more precious is that her love will last forever. At least that kind of love for society and the world infects us children. She makes us understand how to love life, how to give love to the world, and how to cherish love.

It is also for this reason that we have very few of my mother’s paintings, which is a pity.Therefore, I have always had a dream. I imagined that my mother must still be painting a wonderful picture. She is still using her love for the world to write a beautiful new chapter in our hearts. At the back of my mother's picture album, I once wrote a postscript on behalf of the people who loved her. Let me copy it tomorrow so that we can remember her forever.