All loss of happiness is essentially the loss of freshness. The reason for being unhappy is that you cannot create freshness in your life. All flow activities have a common feature: it brings a new discovery, a sense of creativity, and brings the person involved into a new realit

All the loss of happiness is essentially the loss of freshness. The reason for being unhappy is that you cannot create freshness in your life.

All flow activities have a common feature: it brings a new discovery, a sense of creativity, and brings the person involved into a new reality;

The essence of unhappiness is that it is difficult to produce flow ;

This is not What can be achieved by simple physical movements must be achieved with the power of the mind.

People who love sports and fitness do so through hobbies at first, but as they continue to repeat, their body and mind become tired; if they want to continue, they must either change the scene or change their state of mind;

For example, add breathing techniques and a sense of rhythm, Music, reasonable speed planning, physical distribution, etc., bring you new experiences and keep yourself fresh;

If you want to do something for a long time, you must keep yourself driven for a long time; a goal or a reason is most important Time can't support you to walk a long way.

All boringness comes from repetition and step-by-step;

persistence does not rely on willpower, but uses different ways to keep yourself fresh.

Freshness is the source of happiness, because freshness must be more or less interesting.

When we say something is boring, we are essentially saying that it is meaningless. This strong sense of meaninglessness will put people in a state of mental consumption;

When you can't find the meaning of doing exercise and reading books, you will fall into doing it. It’s a state of emptiness whether you can do it or not. At this time, if you lift the barbell one more time or do one more push-up, you will feel a huge sense of consumption and sacrifice in your heart.

Once you feel this way, your heart will be filled with tremendous pain.

There is a phenomenon in social pathology called: alienation

When the boundaries between what is possible and what is not are blurred, behavioral motivation will be lost;

Having no motivation is equivalent to losing the goal, like water without a source, a tree without roots, giving up It's just a matter of time.

Once the motivation for something that has been persisted for a long time is lost, it will feel like a routine, and there will be no motivation to do it, which is just the same as chewing wax;

Teacher Zhou Ling wrote in "Cognitive Drive"; A woman who insists on getting up at five o'clock every morning, in One day three years later, she suddenly didn't want to get up early. The reason was that she didn't know what getting up early meant to herself, and all the benefits were just heard;

When you have no goals, you will have a strong sense of passive participation and be forced to A sense of business; if doing something is just an obligation, there is no fun at all.

Although you know that going to bed early and getting up early has many benefits, even if you follow it, you still can't experience it personally. All persistence is just a disguised force on yourself.

If you are not willing from the heart, even if it is a pie in the sky, you will feel that it is a hard job;

Carnegie said: The only way to make a person willing to do something is to give him what he wants;

The essence of happiness is to find interesting reasons to start.

If you want to live happily, you need to find your own reasons to start.

When your heart is full of boredom, you will not be able to make rational analysis and logical thinking about things;

it is even less likely to feel the fun of things and have flow.

But reality does not allow us to keep changing things to keep them fresh. What we can do is to find fun in the depth of things;

In relationships, some people keep their freshness in different ways. People do the same thing, but true love is when you do different things with the same person.

The former eats the fast food of feeling, while the latter enjoys the delicious taste of love.

The real fun is investing more mental energy.

Those who can do this for decades, in addition to perseverance, also have the motivation to delve deeply; every punch they throw means a more powerful counterattack, and every shot they take will get deeper feedback.

Some people will say that this is still step by step? But the truth is always spiraling, not spinning in place;

is also circling, the eagle is looking for prey, top can only consume its own power in vain;

is also passing a day, some people are confused, and some are full of vitality, creativity.


There is essentially no difference between mechanically changing different things to keep things fresh and mechanically repeating one thing. Doing so is just escaping the emptiness of doing nothing and can never make the unhappy feeling completely disappear;

All life All the unhappiness in life comes from not being present;

A young man from an official family spends his days eating and drinking, accompanied by beautiful women, and is even willing to donate generously to a beggar he meets on the roadside;

But when he really When he became a beggar, he told another beggar that he just wanted to be a human being.

The beggar asked him: Why do you think you are not a human being?

He replied: It has never been the case;

Happiness has nothing to do with who you are or how much wealth and status you have;

Some people still live a miserable life even though they are high officials and well-paid, while some people can just sit on a rocking chair and enjoy the sunset with a simple diet. sunset.

"Flow" said: The fun lies not in "what" you do, but in "how you do it"