I'm so happy to hear that the whole country has reached the stars, I'm so happy to hear that the whole country has been green coded, I'm in tears. I've been waiting for this day for too long. I've been waiting for this day for so long. I've been waiting so long that the green tem

I am so happy to hear that the whole country has reached the stars.

I am so happy to hear that the whole country has a green code that I am in tears.

I have been waiting for this day for too long.

I have been waiting for this day for a long time.

I have been waiting until my hair has turned to frost and snow.

I have been waiting for this day for a long time. I have waited for the dark clouds to turn into white silk

I have waited for the autumn water to turn into solid ice

I have waited for the Songhai to turn into Cangtian

How is this different from the Hulu being wiped out in ashes

How is this different from the collapse of the great powers

This How is it different from Rong Di's disappearance?

How is this different from the running dogs being captured?

It means that the stranded orchid boat is about to set sail.

It means that the broken-winged swan is about to spread its wings.

It means that the perched phoenix is ​​about to sing.

It means that the lurking giant is about to fly. The dragon is about to soar

means that the forbidden pendulum is about to shine

means that the mute horse is about to neigh

means that the stagnant river is about to gallop

means that the cold plum blossoms after the snow are about to bloom

means that the caged bird is about to be free

means the shallows whale sharks are about to enter the sea

means that the tigers of Pingyang are about to return to the mountains

means that the sunset birds are about to return to the forest

means that the streams of hundreds of rivers are about to return to the sea

means that the bright stars are about to crown the moon

means the silent nine Qu is about to be noisy

means that the clean city is about to be prosperous

means that the lonely frontier is about to be bustling

means that the desolate Guanhe River is about to surge

means that the calm lake is about to be rippled

How can we not be overjoyed when we hear the news about reaching the stars

The whole country is about to be ecstatic How can I not shed tears with a green code?

May China be safe and God bless me. Great China

May the world be safe and God bless me. Haohao Jiuzhou