01. If you care too much about other people’s opinions, your life will become a piece of underpants. You have to catch up on whatever other people fart. 02. When you have a big event like birth, old age, illness and death in your life, you will realize that the things you were wo

01. If you care too much about other people's opinions, your life will become a piece of pants. You have to catch up on whatever other people fart.

02. Only when you have major events like birth, old age, illness and death in your life will you realize that the things you were worried about in the middle of the night were all trivial matters.

03. Those who tell you behind your back and fabricate stories have three reasons: they are not at your level; they don’t have what you have; and they are trying to imitate your lifestyle.

04. Sometimes you will never know how much potential you have if you don’t push yourself. In addition to perseverance, be strong!

05. You are unhappy because: you can be as lazy as a pig, but you cannot be as lazy as a pig and feel at ease.

06. Trust, even if one day you pointed a gun at me and the gun finally went off, I would believe that the gun went off.

07. Why bother to expose someone if you see them clearly? Why bother to fall out with someone if you hate them? In life, there are always people who can't stand us, just like others can't stand us.

08. The pain that has been spoken has healed, but the pain that has never been mentioned touches the bottom of my heart.

09. If you feed a dog for three days, it will remember you for three years. If you treat people well for three years, it will forget you in three days. In many cases, some people are not as good as dogs.

10. Don’t envy how good others are living, or complain about how bad your life is, because you never know how many tears are hidden behind others, and everyone has a story.

11. People have to be thick-skinned when they are alive. This is embarrassing, and that is embarrassing. Then why are you embarrassed to live? If you make a mistake and make a fool of yourself, just laugh it off, what is there to be afraid of? When you are kind to the world, your growth will increase day by day.

12. Only when your determination is firm enough will you remain calm. Every high-profile oath and endless emphasis is just a bluff.

13. Things in this world are often like this. It hurts to mention it at the time, but a few years later, it is just a memory.

14. Don’t use past memories to torture yourself now. Many people come into your life just to teach you a lesson and then turn around and leave.

15. No matter how big our house is, how luxurious our car is, or how rich our bank account is, our graves are all the same size. So, please stay humble.

16. If you don’t have the eyes to discover beauty and travel around the world, you will only be tired of your feet, but your heart will not be happy at all.

17. Kindness must have a bottom line, and generosity must have principles. If you are indiscriminate and only know how to be kind to others, you will let down your own good intentions.

18. Everyone is a mud bodhisattva who can’t take care of themselves. Don’t expect anyone to help you cross the river of reality.

19. No one will remember the hardships and efforts you put in for your struggle. All people can remember is the charming halo effect on your head.

20. You can love the wrong three or five scumbags, but you cannot love the same scumbag three or five times. Taking the wrong path may be due to bad luck, but always jumping into a pit is mentally retarded.

21. Only when you live too leisurely will you have Only when you spend time clinging to meaningless things will you have time to moan about the so-called pain. You see those busy people, their time is spent in hard work.

22. The reason why you live a tired life is because you have extra things in your heart, which is the same as being full.

23. Life is very real. When you are nothing, you can only keep your head down and let others have the final say. And when you reach a certain level of strength, you will have the chance to have the final say.

24. None of us can do anything to live in a way that everyone is satisfied with. Many things are like eating. Sixty-seven percent full is enough, don’t hold on to it.

25. Today you waste is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday hope for. The present that you hate is the past that you cannot go back to in the future. Time is cruel, life is short, cherish the people in front of you.

26. The so-called "don't let your children lose at the starting line" is meaningless, because you are the starting line, and your children have already lost.

27. Sometimes you are angry, angry, and sad, but it is actually just because the results you get are too far away from "you think", and you are always competing with yourself.

28. The so-called threshold, sufficient ability is the door, and insufficient ability is the threshold. The ups and downs in life are mostly caused by lack of ability.

29. Just think about how to get rich when you have nothing to do. Don’t always be sad in the emotional world. The money in the palm of your hand will always be more secure than the heart that cannot be grasped.

30. There is no such thing as "not knowing" in this world. When you lose everything to rely on, you will naturally know everything. ——Nick Vujicic

31. No matter how hard you try, someone will leave you because of your shortcomings. You don't have to blame others for being too utilitarian, you can only blame yourself for not being good enough for people to ignore these shortcomings. Companionship is priceless, leaving is reasonable.

32. If you feel that you are as tired as a dog all day long. You really misunderstood. No dog is as tired as you.

33. Life is not just about the things you have in front of you, but there are also poems you can’t understand and distant places you can’t go to.

34. Never regret anything, because it was once what you wanted. There is no use regretting it, either forget it or work hard.

35. The same bottle of drink costs 2 yuan in a convenience store and 60 yuan in a five-star hotel. In many cases, a person's value depends on his location.

36. Rice is still the same rice, but it can be made into rice, baked into cakes, and brewed into wine. You are still the same person and what you want to be is entirely up to you.

37. The biggest advantage of hard work is that you can choose the life you want, instead of being forced to just live with the situation.

38. Don’t be too entangled in the present, and don’t worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before. —— Haruki Murakami "1Q84"

39. There are things you can't do, and it's really not because of laziness. Laziness can be overcome, but there is really no cure for stupidity.

40. No matter how uncomfortable it is, life must go on. The reality is like this. There is no mercy. If you don’t fight, you will lose.

41. Except for yourself, no one will understand how much happiness or sadness there is in your story, because after all, it is only your feeling.

27. Sometimes you are angry, angry, and sad, but it is actually just because the results you get are too far away from "you think", and you are always competing with yourself.

28. The so-called threshold, sufficient ability is the door, and insufficient ability is the threshold. The ups and downs in life are mostly caused by lack of ability.

29. Just think about how to get rich when you have nothing to do. Don’t always be sad in the emotional world. The money in the palm of your hand will always be more secure than the heart that cannot be grasped.

30. There is no such thing as "not knowing" in this world. When you lose everything to rely on, you will naturally know everything. ——Nick Vujicic

31. No matter how hard you try, someone will leave you because of your shortcomings. You don't have to blame others for being too utilitarian, you can only blame yourself for not being good enough for people to ignore these shortcomings. Companionship is priceless, leaving is reasonable.

32. If you feel that you are as tired as a dog all day long. You really misunderstood. No dog is as tired as you.

33. Life is not just about the things you have in front of you, but there are also poems you can’t understand and distant places you can’t go to.

34. Never regret anything, because it was once what you wanted. There is no use regretting it, either forget it or work hard.

35. The same bottle of drink costs 2 yuan in a convenience store and 60 yuan in a five-star hotel. In many cases, a person's value depends on his location.

36. Rice is still the same rice, but it can be made into rice, baked into cakes, and brewed into wine. You are still the same person and what you want to be is entirely up to you.

37. The biggest advantage of hard work is that you can choose the life you want, instead of being forced to just live with the situation.

38. Don’t be too entangled in the present, and don’t worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before. —— Haruki Murakami "1Q84"

39. There are things you can't do, and it's really not because of laziness. Laziness can be overcome, but there is really no cure for stupidity.

40. No matter how uncomfortable it is, life must go on. The reality is like this. There is no mercy. If you don’t fight, you will lose.

41. Except for yourself, no one will understand how much happiness or sadness there is in your story, because after all, it is only your feeling.