#真知新ordinate# Grass can be seen everywhere in the cracks between stones inside and outside the house! Big ones, small ones, tall ones, short ones, solitary ones, in piles... I pulled them out over and over again. Every time I felt very happy that I had wiped out several generatio

Sometimes I wonder, since no one is sowing seeds and there is no soil, why do the grasses in the cracks in the rocks keep growing and growing?

On the other hand, we take care of the vegetables grown in the ground with great care. Some of them die prematurely, some are half-dead, and even if there is a slight drought, they will wilt! Why is this?

From this, I think of us humans!

In life, most people are unhappy! Throughout our lives, we have experienced more than eighty-one difficulties! However, some people, when encountering a slight setback, immediately surrender their guns! Lost the courage to cheer up! And I am one of these people, so ashamed!

Why can't we learn from the grass in the cracks of the rocks? Being tenacious and unyielding, despite the wind and rain, is better than taking a leisurely stroll!

I carefully observed the grass growing in various harsh environments. Although some grasses were so heavy that they could not stand straight, they still tried their best to grow as much as they could! Compared to humans, the life of grass is short! However, it uses its short life to perfectly interpret the meaning of life! Don’t care about the external environment at all and let the charm of life bloom to your heart’s content!

Compared with the grass in the cracks of the rocks, I am a complete weakling!

Xiaocao is not inferior or arrogant, she is always optimistic and grateful!

Because although the grass does not have the fragrance of flowers and the height of trees, it still feels happy because it feels that it has the warm embrace of Mother Earth!

So I made a new decision: I no longer have to work hard to clear away the grass in the cracks around the rocks! I want to watch them grow! Because they are my spiritual support!

lovely grass, salute to you!