As the saying goes, when you trust someone, don’t trust your mouth, but when you make a relationship, trust your heart. In this life, many people come and go, but not everyone can be a good friend. Sometimes, your joy is only met with scorn from others, without even the most basi

As the saying goes, trust people, don’t trust their words, and make friends with your heart.

In this life, many people come and go, but not everyone can become a good friend.

Sometimes, your joy is only met with scorn from others, not even the most basic respect from others.

As everyone knows, any relationship that requires effort to please is not worth having a deep relationship with.

If someone replies to you on WeChat like this, they simply look down on you and don’t care about you. There is no need to have any further friendship!

1. People who never take the initiative to look for you.

once saw this sentence on Weibo: Is it necessary to continue chatting with people who never take the initiative to find you?

However, there is an answer in the comment area that is too heartbreaking:

In this era of eating well, sleeping well, and never leaving your mobile phone, does not take the initiative to contact you because you are not that important in the other person's heart.

"Yes, not taking the initiative is the answer, and not responding is rejection."

I once treated a friend sincerely.

I remember her birthday and all his hobbies. I would take the initiative to greet her during holidays, I would take the initiative to share happy things with her, and I would tell her when I was sad.

I was busy with work for a while, so I didn’t contact her, but I never expected that she never once took the initiative to send me a message, whether it was by phone, WeChat or even text message.

Thinking about it now, in the years I have been familiar with him, it seems that I have always been the one taking the initiative, and she may have never regarded me as a friend.

People's hearts are better than people's hearts, a few taels are exchanged for half a catty.

Many people think that a true friend is someone who feels like an old friend even if they don’t contact each other often.

But I have never thought that can a truly good friend really go without contact for ten or eight years?

In the final analysis, relationships will fade away until they are gone without contact. This is true whether it is friendship or love.

People who are willing to take the initiative to contact you do not want to contact you because they are too busy to spend time with you, or how different you are, but because they put you in a very important position and care about you.

There is a saying that goes like this, "Don't bother people who never contact you, don't dig your heart into someone who doesn't care about you.".

We only have this life, so why waste your precious time on people who are not worth it?

" I originally wanted to see the bright moon , but the bright moon shines on the ditch."

If you never take the initiative to contact you, don't contact them again.

Any relationship is about going in both directions, not your own wishful thinking.

Sometimes, if you can’t squeeze into the world, don’t squeeze in anymore. Why bother to embarrass others and hurt yourself!

2. Use busyness as an excuse

In this life, there are 720,000 hours, 43.2 million minutes, and 2.592 billion seconds.

If you eat four meals a day, each meal takes half an hour, two hours will be gone; if you sleep regularly every day, eight hours will be gone.

Excluding these necessary chores, there are still fourteen hours left in the day.

In these 14 hours, are they all busy at work? Not really.

Living in this world, everyone is busy with life and work, too busy to take care of themselves.

But being busy is just an excuse, and not caring is the reason.

It’s understandable that I’ve been busy for a day or two and didn’t have time to contact you, but if I’ve been busy for ten days and a half and haven’t had any news, that’s just perfunctory.

In a good relationship, people who care about you will find time to send you messages no matter how busy they are, for fear of neglecting you People who don't care about you will disappear while they are busy.

is endlessly indifferent to you. The WeChat messages you sent out will all come to nothing in all likelihood. The most common reason cited by them is busyness.

In relationships, the most heartbreaking thing is when someone takes advantage of your care and compromise to trample on your dignity and even find excuses with an innocent face.

There is a joke on the Internet that goes like this:

People who don’t care about you, take a bath all night, eat all day long, wake up at three o’clock in the afternoon, and say good night at eight o’clock in the evening .

It is true that only those who really care about you will leave a little leisure for you in their busy life.

Those who don’t love you are too lazy to reply to you even for a moment.

Remember, people who want to take you home will stop by in the southeast, northwest and northwest; people who want to see you will be available 24 hours a day; people who don’t want to see you will go around the road.

So, stop deceiving yourself. If others don’t take you seriously, why should you worry about others?

"Those who love me, cherish them; those who dislike me, abandon them."

Find someone who really takes you to heart. At that time, you will be the reason for him to be busy.

3. People who ignore your information.

Have you ever had such an experience?

You are waiting for the other person to reply to your message, but he goes to Moments and likes mutual friends, but does not reply to you.

You can't bear to make him wait, but he makes you feel heartbroken.

You even think of many excuses for the other person, and try to deceive yourself by piecing together some small details to prove that he cares about you.

However, in this era where mobile phones are always in hand, who would have no time to look at their mobile phones 24 hours a day, and who would be so busy that they would not reply to your messages all day long?

It just so happened that one day I got together with my colleagues to chat and drink milk tea. My colleague received multiple messages on his phone. He picked up his phone and took a look, but he didn’t reply.

I asked in surprise, why don’t you reply to him?

But my colleague said

"It's not an important person. Come back when you have time."

I chatted with him and didn't say anything more.

The person waiting for a reply may not know that he is not worth mentioning in the eyes of others.

In a relationship like this, why should we still be full of expectations?

Therefore, don’t expect to influence anyone with your sincerity, and don’t comfort yourself with self-deception.

In today's society, it is really worthless.

If he doesn't care enough, he won't take you seriously. To him, you are "dispensable".

We all hope to meet a reliable person who has everything explained, everything is settled, and everything is answered.

But the fact is that people who look down on you will not block their enthusiasm at all. No matter how nice you are to him, he will be indifferent.

You can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, because they are in a light sleep 24 hours a day;

You can't move someone who doesn't love you, because in the end the only one who is moved is yourself..

You have to understand that any feelings are mutual, no one's goodness is taken for granted, only cherish it will last forever.

If you treat me kindly, I will treat you kindly in return.

You don’t care about me, at worst, let everything return to zero.

Those who don’t respond to WeChat messages but have lively chats with others should stop contacting them. Why bother to betray your sincerity?

"There are times in your life that you must have, but there are times in your life that you must not force."

Life is short, leave your best to those who can respond to you

4. People who ridicule and dislike you.

As the saying goes: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." In fact, this sentence is suitable for any relationship.

Whether a relationship is good or not can actually be glimpsed as early as in daily chats.

A netizen talked about his experience:

I am fat, which is well known, but I don’t feel inferior.

But there is an old classmate who likes to make fun of me.

Every time I ask him to come out to eat, he will laugh at me: How dare you go out to meet people with your size? Do you still dare to eat?

I didn’t care much about it, just took it as a joke.

Later on, he may have thought that I didn’t care, so he unscrupulously always used my fatness as an excuse.

I don’t care, but that doesn’t mean I can let others make fun of me.

After I explained it to him solemnly, he said, aren’t fat people all “loose-minded and fat-bodied”? Why bother so much?

I think of this sentence in "The Catcher in the Rye":

"No matter how optimistic and informal a person is, he will still feel lost when he touches his weak point."

In the opinion of the person who said it, this sentence It's okay to joke casually, but this joke will stick in someone's throat like a sharp fish bone.

I can’t spit it out and I can’t swallow it.

People can be easy-going and have no temper, but they cannot have a bottom line, otherwise some people will push their limits.

I dare not say what kind of friends are true friends, but those who make fun of each other's flaws and completely ignore the other person's self-esteem often do not regard you as a friend.

You must know that a person who cherishes you will see even your shortcomings as strengths. He will only become more tolerant of you and give you more understanding and respect.

If you don’t care about a person, you only see the other person’s shortcomings in your heart!

Mountains and waters can face each other, the sun and the moon can have nothing to do with each other, and people can not seek each other.

Love should have dignity, and love should have a bottom line. Some people are only suitable for viewing from a distance, not for touching.

In the real society, the most incomprehensible thing about the human heart is that others will treat you not how you treat others.

Life is not easy. You must know how to love yourself well and be kind to yourself. Don’t bother someone who doesn’t care about you. Don’t compromise in front of someone who doesn’t love you.

Because they don’t have you in their hearts.

For people who have you in their hearts, disturbing them is a kind of happiness; for people who do not have you in their hearts, disturbing them is a kind of upset.

For the rest of your life, cherish those who are willing to chat with you. Don’t bother with those who dislike you and neglect you. Don’t bother those who don’t care about you.