​​​​​I don’t know when the pipe fell off the wall, and it was hung on the wall without soil or companion. Who will laugh at you if you take advantage of the situation? At most, a sigh elicits pity. The human race has been squandering for a long time, and only three months is just

I don’t know when the pipe fell off the wall, hanging on the wall without soil or companion.

took advantage of the situation and fell flat. Who would laugh at it? At most, a sigh elicits pity.

The human race has been squandering for a long time, and only three months is just a snap of the fingers.

Life is short but time is precious, and a hundred days of hard work prove the extraordinary.

Face the reality calmly and face all difficulties quietly.

The bare roots without soil absorb the water from the sky, and the strength of one's ambition is sharpened without companions.

But leave a breath and hold your head high, dare to give sunshine and the leaves will become more abundant. It doesn’t matter if

is a grassroots person, I can’t control my fate!

A brief introduction to the author's first half of his life:

's ancestral home is Taihang , and he was promoted to the southeast. His family was poor since he was a child, and his parents tortured him.

When you are young, you will never change your work, and you will learn but not persist. Go with the flow, drifting further and further away.

is fortunate to have a good mother and overcome all difficulties. I spoke sincerely and repeatedly.

Despite the ups and downs, his studies continue. Stumbling and stumbling, trying to get ahead.

Halfway through the journey, I look back and hide my face. As small as grass and mustard, with little sound and little flame.

is wandering in the rivers and lakes, and the years pass in a blink of an eye. Wandering around the world, there is no golden bowl.

Follow your thoughts, and your planning is chaotic. Blindly tossing and spinning in circles.

Looking up and down, I lack courage when the opportunity arises. Youth is gone, and it’s too late to wake up.

has been slow to this point and is exhausted. Thinking about it, there is no regret.

God gave me birth, so I am blessed with good fortune. Although the past is ordinary, it is either grinding or training.

How long does it take to carve jade into a tool? The palace is taking shape and the construction period is long.

Even if it is carved with fine details, it can be passed on for a long time. Moss flower Although small, it blooms more than peonies.

Although I am mediocre, it is difficult for me to catch up with my predecessors. You should never give up and move forward.

thought carefully and survived the latter part. God will be kind to you, and your mind will be healthy.

Don’t regret the past, look forward to the coming year with a smile. Redo the procedures and fight again with courage.

This life is not in vain, and I am worthy of my ancestors. Until death, leave without regrets.

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