Song 1 (Friend): Friend, friend, have you ever remembered me? If you are enjoying happiness, please forget me. Friend, friend, have you ever remembered me? If you are suffering from misfortune, please tell me...end listening I burst into tears during the song. Ever since I got ma

a song (friend): Friend, friend, have you ever remembered me

If you are enjoying happiness, please forget me

Friend, friend, have you ever remembered me

If you are suffering from misfortune, please tell me I...

After listening to the song, I

burst into tears. Since getting married and having children, I have been running around for life. Since I didn’t have a high degree of education, I couldn’t find a good job near home, so I followed my husband all over the country. I had to move around for a few taels of money, and I only had phone calls with my friends.

When something happened, I could only provide money but couldn’t help. As time went by, I don’t keep in touch much, and occasionally I don’t know what to say when I call.

Gradually, I have fewer friends. If I don’t take the initiative, not many people will contact me. The most ridiculous thing is that when a friend asked me to lend her money when she wanted to buy a house, I lent it to her. Later, she also lent her money to buy a car. Finally, she asked me to lend her money to buy a second house. I refused, and then I felt like I had lost all my friends. Sure enough, friends should not talk about money. Talking about money hurts feelings!

When my daughter was a few months old, she was left with her grandparents in her hometown because the conditions where she worked at that time were relatively poor and the construction site was too far from the county hospital. Until she was three years old, we transferred her from a construction site in Yunnan to We took her to a construction site in Guizhou, where conditions were better, and there was a kindergarten nearby. We stayed at this construction site for three years.

My daughter went home to school when she was in the first grade. Then I went through many twists and turns in order to have a younger brother. Due to various reasons, I finally got one through in vitro fertilization. During this period, my friends knew that they would be happy for me. Although they usually only contacted me on the phone, when they heard that I gave birth to my son safely, they rushed to visit me. Some friends don’t keep in touch at ordinary times, but they will never look back if something happens. A true friend wants you to be really happy!

I hope true friends can share joys and sorrows and do what they can within their means when it comes to money.

Finally, I want to ask, my friend, do you ever think of me occasionally?