Among the lingering memories of my hometown, there is nothing better than the scenery of cicadas in summer. In the massive willow forests on both sides of the Yi River embankment, the willow leaves are flying and the cicadas are noisy, showing the lushness of summer. As soon as t

2024/07/0218:32:33 article 1818

Among the lingering memories of my hometown, there is nothing better than the scenery of cicadas in summer. In the massive willow forests on both sides of the Yi River embankment, the willow leaves are flying and the cicadas are noisy, showing the lushness of summer. As soon as t - DayDayNews

Among the lingering images of my hometown, there is nothing better than the scenery of cicadas in summer. In the massive willow forests on both sides of the Yihe embankment, willow leaves are flying, and the cicadas are noisy, showing the lushness of summer.

As soon as the wheat is harvested, especially after a few rains, the sister turtles (which transform into cicadas overnight) chase each other and burst out of the ground. Up and down the embankment, groups of sister turtles form a spectacular formation. scene.

As evening approaches, the Yihe embankment is already crowded with people and bustling with people. Adults and children are everywhere in the willow forest. When it was time to hold the lantern, flashlights, lanterns, and torches were fully activated, and the battle to capture the sisters and turtles began. Some dig on the ground with a shovel, or climb up a tree and knock with a pole. Some tie bamboo poles with glue to stick to the newly transformed cicadas with still tender wings. Although my capture technology is limited, the "results" are not satisfactory.

The sister turtle was caught at night and covered with a bucket. After one night, the sister turtle completed its peeling and shed its skin, and grew delicate wings. This is a cicada. Roasted in the fire, it becomes crispy and fragrant, making people salivate. If you eat it in a particular way, you can pick it with salt and fry it in oil, which will have a better color and fuller taste. Eating sister turtle is almost the most accessible delicacy in the whole summer. The retired cicada shell can be sold as medicinal materials. For students, if they are diligent in one summer, they can earn some income from collecting cicada shells, which can almost cover their tuition fees for a semester.

In the hot summer, the heat wave is rolling. Cicada, spread out its singing voice and sing non-stop. Although the melody is monotonous, the sound is deafening. Day and night, without interruption or relaxation. Although wind, rain, thunder and lightning are devastating, they start immediately and may end in an instant. The noisy cicadas have no end, and the human world seems to be completely obliterated by the cicadas.

On the threshing floor, people and animals are already exhausted from working under high temperature and humidity. At noon, people finally found a shade tree to enjoy the cool air. The sound of cicadas roared in waves, like frequent and intensive battle horns. Helplessly, the short rest was finally interrupted by the chirping of cicadas, and people went into battle again.

Spending summer in remote areas is a unique experience. After a day's work, people's physical strength seems to have returned to some extent as their empty stomachs are soothed by a dinner lacking oil and salt. Put aside the clutter in the wood door, pick up straw mats made of wheat straw , and spread them on the side of the field, on the waterfront, or on the embankment of the river weir. At this time, people think that the noise should stop. The flamboyant family of cicadas is like the warrior character of daytime. The cicadas are of different sizes and spread in all directions with different pitches, forming a symphony orchestra. One cicada leads the way, and thousands of cicadas sing in harmony, bringing people who are looking forward to sleep. , and are brought into the joyful and exciting world of cicada whispers.

The cool breeze is blowing, people's fatigue and hardship are rising again and again, sleepiness is coming, and the sigh of "everything in the world is as numerous as hair" has just begun, and the body and mind are comfortable walking into the dusk wilderness.

Cicada noise, the notes and rhythm of summer.

Tonight, with the symphony of cicadas, I return to my hometown again.

Among the lingering memories of my hometown, there is nothing better than the scenery of cicadas in summer. In the massive willow forests on both sides of the Yi River embankment, the willow leaves are flying and the cicadas are noisy, showing the lushness of summer. As soon as t - DayDayNews

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