People often say that living in the present means having fun in the moment, having wine now and getting drunk now, not thinking about the past and not fearing the future. I used to understand this too, because I often think too much, so I always remind myself to stay alert: don't

2024/07/0217:57:33 article 1401

People often say that living in the present means having fun in the moment, having wine now and getting drunk now, not thinking about the past and not fearing the future. I used to understand this too, because I often think too much, so I always remind myself to stay alert: don't think too much, the most important thing is to live in the present.

In fact, those vigilances are just putting a concept into one's head, without reflecting on whether one is truly living in the present.

has slowly realized recently that although I have been reminding myself to live in the present, in fact, I have never been living in the present, and I have never discovered this problem. It is really a sad state.

’s work and life in the past two years have changed the original model. Later, he took the LP course, which made him pay more attention to the topics of inner growth and spiritual construction, and it truly opened a door to explore life on his own.

pays attention to spiritual growth. After integrating many stones from other mountains, I set a long-term practice plan for myself: smile-reading-exercise-writing-meditation-yoga.

I also specially designed these aspects as mobile phone screensavers so that I can be alert when I see them often.

People often say that living in the present means having fun in the moment, having wine now and getting drunk now, not thinking about the past and not fearing the future. I used to understand this too, because I often think too much, so I always remind myself to stay alert: don't - DayDayNews

My mobile phone screen saver picture

Meditation is something I have never known how to do. I have also read some books dedicated to meditation such as "Ten Minutes Meditation", but I have never been able to understand it. Even I don't know how to do it. I don’t know what meditation is and how to tell if I have entered meditation. This is really a difficult thing.

In the past few days, I picked up the book " The Power of the Moment " again. It seemed that I had a little understanding of meditation and a new understanding of living in the present. Only then did I realize that I had never lived in the present.

past-present-future, this is the most basic way to divide time. I have always understood "the present" as the present or the recent period of time, and have never defined it as the "now". When I realize that the present is just the present, When this happened in a moment, it seemed to suddenly become enlightened.

Meditation is to stop at the present moment. How to verify that you are stopping at the present moment? Meditation often refers to feeling your own breathing and slowly feeling all parts of your body. When you are feeling your breathing and body parts, you should concentrate on it. At this moment, there are no memories of the past or prospects for the future, just staying at this moment, that is, living in the present, this is also the time when the heart is the strongest.

Modern people say that they are under great pressure, and they generally say that great desires lead to great pressure. In fact, high pressure is a way to cause internal division. For example, you are "here" but want to go "there", or you are in the present but want to go to the future, or even want to rewrite the past. In addition to depleting your inner energy, , meaningless.

People often say, "When I have time/money/success/, I will..." Most people live their lives waiting, even if some people wait until they have defined "wait", But he had no consciousness, but was expecting another "wait".

Waiting is a kind of negative and pathological thinking, which means that what you need is the future rather than the present. You don't want what you have at the moment, but think about what you don't have at the moment. Any form of waiting will cause people to unconsciously create an inner conflict at this moment: you don't want this moment, you place your hope in the future, and losing awareness of the present moment will greatly reduce the quality of life. .

realized all this and felt a lot more relaxed instantly, but it seemed to only last for a few seconds. I know that this is the norm. The norm in life for decades is not living in the present, not because of the lack of understanding of a concept. People who are immediately enlightened upon new knowledge can only be considered enlightened to a concept at most.

But it doesn’t matter. When you truly understand the concept of living in the present, you will consciously let yourself live in the present. If you find that you are distracted and your thoughts have wandered, it doesn’t matter. Accept your state and just gently pull yourself back. Just go back to the present moment. Over time, your inner energy will increase greatly.

For example, at this moment, I found that I had an epiphany about this concept and immediately wrote down what I gained and felt at this moment. I was living in the moment, instead of like before, I didn't write down some flashes immediately, always thinking of recording them when I had time.When I have time, I have forgotten how I felt, and I feel that there is no value in recording it. Therefore, perhaps many great discoveries have been nipped in the bud by my own waiting.

So, I say, writing it down means living in the present moment, what do you think? You are welcome to record your feelings after reading this article immediately. We will discuss it together and we may make more new discoveries.

When I have time, I have forgotten how I felt, and I feel that there is no value in recording it. Therefore, perhaps many great discoveries have been nipped in the bud by my own waiting.

So, I say, writing it down means living in the present moment, what do you think? You are welcome to record your feelings after reading this article immediately. We will discuss it together and we may make more new discoveries.

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